Easter Sunday or Ressurection Day, WHICH??????

Originally posted by Edistodaniel

These talks are actually interesting to read from a non-churchy person. GC and i disagree on about 90% of things, but I have to respect his scholarly knowledge of the Bible.

I think that even for a "non-churchy" person, the Bible can still be thought of as a fascinating read. The oldest book in the Bible is understood to be about 4000 years old, with the new testament starting obviously just after the time of Jesus. What an incredible glimpse in the past that is!!! 4000 years!!! Sure, some of the genealogies and stuff can bog you down, but while recently going through the OT, it's amazing the number of references to kings that you can now Google: Hezekiah, Solomon, Xerxes, Artaxerxes, Ahab, etc. There are artifacts of these people found, so it becomes pretty clear that the Bible is a historical reference as much as it is a spiritual reference.

I think what is also fascinating is how Islam ties in. The Bible (which was completed about 500 years before Mohammed lived - and the Koran was written) speaks about false prophets, and those people who would pervert the contents of the Bible for their own gain. Then comes a new “religion” some 500 years later that borrows a LOT of the Old Testament (and twists it) oh, and was basically dictated by ONE mortal person. I didn’t even realize until a few months ago that Islam actually teaches that Jesus is a prophet. That’s right. Even Muslims believe that Jesus was real and acknowledge that he performed miracles. But their message is that he was NOT the son of God. They even went to the point of building a mosque on top of the ruins of the original Temple of God in Jerusalem (“Dome of the Rock”) with the inscription that basically denies Jesus as the Son of God. Of all the inscriptions they could have written, why wa

Skinneej, edistodaniel was talking about THIS read, not the word of God.

I do appreciate your reply giving the ‘authenticity’ of the word though.

SurfFishlife is the person who is giving the word most predominantly, other than myself at the moment, so, I do want to elaborate on his point of giving the word of iignordJesus in one verse as ‘ENOUGH’.

IF that were the case, we would not have Revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel, and the other prophets and prophecies for teaching and learning purposes.

The verse he quoted is Matthew 24:14; the very NEXT verse says "when ye therefore shall :-)see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by DANIEL THE PROPHET, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand)

This also refers to 2 THessalonians 2:4, quoted on page 4 of this thread, so you see how the picture has MANY parts to be assembled to be complete.

THUS, more information needs to be gained to get the picture fully, and to be warned,in order to be a good servant as described in the same chapter verse 32, Jesus commanded the Disciples to LEARN the parable of the fig tree: When his branch is yet tender, and putteth foorth leaves, ye KNOW that summer is nigh: So, likewise ye, when ye shall see ALL these things, KNOW that it is near, EVEN AT THE DOOR S. 34: Verily I say unto you, THIS GENERATION shall not pass, until ALL these things be fulfilled.

POINT, many verses together give much more information and understanding than one or a few.

A generation is 70 years ; after the flood, covenant was reestablished changing the time of a generation. That continued into the NT, and still in effect today.

Thus, you have a 70 year span there, and many other places in the word we have time frames established, in order to take us from the dark into the light, and as Jesus told His disciples, “It is for you to KNOW the mysteries of the kingdom”.

SO, we either can study to get the truth as commanded by God and Jesus, or stay in the dark by letting others do our STUDYING for us, and chew the word s

Originally posted by mac daddy

Skinneej, edistodaniel was talking about THIS read, not the word of God.

Thanks for clearing that up for everyone

Being a “non-church” man, easy to read your intention.

Interesting to know your affiliation, basically, that is mine too, surprisingly to most people.

You probably read between the lines, and saw that, with so many references to false teachers and being taught to be a “one verse Charlie”, as my Bible mentor calls them.

I MUCH PREFER someone like yourself to those who claim to be very astute, and “can’t see the forest for the trees.”

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

There is more than one verse that deals with the end times. Matthew 24:14 is the one I typically quote, since it is a direct quote from Jesus. And like I mentioned earlier, He predicted his own death and resurrection accurately, so I’m listening very closely to his words on this. That being said, all 66 books of the Bible are important and should be studied. I honestly don’t spend that much time thinking or worrying about the end times, for a couple of reasons:

  1. No one but God knows when Jesus will return.
  2. As a follower of Christ, there isn’t a different set of “rules” to follow in the last days. I should live every day following Christ whether it’s thousands of years or a few seconds before Jesus returns.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

EXCELLENT REPORT SurfFishlife, VERY accurate according to the word and teachings of God. Also very accurate according to the teaching of churches today.

However, I believe the word says differently. I will start anew thread soon on this subject to get away from the Easter subject.

Your reply “I don’t spend much time thinking or worrying about the end Times” does not agree with what Jesus said in Matthew 24, “TAKE HEED, let NO man deceive you”, those are words He never used elsewhere, except for the end time. SO, we do have a different set of “rules” for the end time.

Yes, we SHOULD live every day like it is the end, but we don’t, meaning, if we knew for FACT today was IT, we would all be a different person. In addition, I assume you have a ministry, if you do, you would NOT go to work or do ANY of the normal a activities today.

Jesus also said in that chapter that “If possible the ‘very elect’ would be deceived.” Therefore, that time requires ‘special’ teaching and anointing for His servants, AGREED???

Your comment “no one but God knows” says we don’t know the ‘day or hour’ ONLY, we are given the season and if we do think of the end time enough we will study and find out we indeed can come VERY close to the day and hour.

That is the beginning of chapter 24, Jesus prophecying the end destruction of the Temple of Islam now sitting on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. The teaching there is EXCLUSIVELY the end time for a whole chapter. Jesus RARELY ever spent a whole chapter on any subject; enough reason to ‘think’, NOT worry about the end time, and study, study, study!!!##!!!

Again, THANKS for the reply and I’m trying not to offend anyone here, just be helpful in preparation for the end time prophecies, and OUR end time ministry.

VERY SOON people who have never learned this teaching in churches will be VERY interested in hearing about the end time, and WE will have the WHOLE TRUTH about that subject for those who are born again, but are saying "I don’t think or worry about the end time

I talk to a lot of people about the end times and in my experience, Revelations is the book of the Bible that a lot of people either don’t read or shy away from if you will. I have even met some that say they don’t believe Revelations, but believe the rest of the Bible. I don’t know how one comes to that conclusion, but did y’all know that Revelations is the only book in the Bible that actually says that those who read it and hear it and take to heart the matters in it are blessed? The only book. I found that very interesting. I spend a lot of time reading and studying the end time scriptures because it interests me or I am being called to do so. There is a 30 minute show called End of the Age by Irwin Baxter I think that is shown on one of the religious channels. He has studied the end times as a career and gives his insight on all of the scriptures and prophecy and how they all tie into one another. He also tries to give, what he thinks, are real world examples of some of the prophecy. I like the scripture part and find the real world examples interesting if anything else. It is an information packed 30 minutes as the guy doesn’t stop talking the whole time and there are no advertisements. As with any teachings, I always try to look the information up myself and pray to God about it for discernment.

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Edistodaniel

These talks are actually interesting to read from a non-churchy person. GC and i disagree on about 90% of things, but I have to respect his scholarly knowledge of the Bible.

I think that even for a "non-churchy" person, the Bible can still be thought of as a fascinating read. The oldest book in the Bible is understood to be about 4000 years old, with the new testament starting obviously just after the time of Jesus. What an incredible glimpse in the past that is!!! 4000 years!!! Sure, some of the genealogies and stuff can bog you down, but while recently going through the OT, it's amazing the number of references to kings that you can now Google: Hezekiah, Solomon, Xerxes, Artaxerxes, Ahab, etc. There are artifacts of these people found, so it becomes pretty clear that the Bible is a historical reference as much as it is a spiritual reference.

I think what is also fascinating is how Islam ties in. The Bible (which was completed about 500 years before Mohammed lived - and the Koran was written) speaks about false prophets, and those people who would pervert the contents of the Bible for their own gain. Then comes a new “religion” some 500 years later that borrows a LOT of the Old Testament (and twists it) oh, and was basically dictated by ONE mortal person. I didn’t even realize until a few months ago that Islam actually teaches that Jesus is a prophet. That’s right. Even Muslims believe that Jesus was real and acknowledge that he performed miracles. But their message is that he was NOT the son of God. They even went to the point of building a mosque on top of the ruins of the original Temple


You astutely mentioned Abraham and Sarah, their ‘illegitimate’ son Ishmael is where we can see the beginning of Islam, and the Arab nations being ‘against’ God and Jerusalem(Judah also). It was VERY apparent that the Abomination subject was referring to Arabs primarily, OTHER THAN of course Israel.

Bible teachers and Pastors SHOULD have been teaching that word since the beginning, some have insisted on the connection, ONLY to be called RACIST or prejudiced by unbelievers and liberals;ALSO by weak Christians who DO NOT know the word, but only go by what they have been taught by man’s opinions.

Now to answer your general reply addressed to “ya’ll”, I am a country boy myself.

First: “I talk to a lot of people about end times, Revelation is the book they don’t read or shy away from.”

WHY is that the case??? Because MANY Pastors and teachers recommend they shy away from the end time prophecies and Revelation especially. As you stated, it is the ONLY book in the Bible that promises specific blessings just for reading and taking to heart it’s message, there was a reason God gave that blessing, just as there is a reason the Islamic people are involved in the end time prophecies.

REALLY SAD for them to say "I believe the word EXCEPT FOR Revelation.

You stated the end time prophecies and teachings interest you or you are CALLED to study them. I believe BOTH is your answer, as I know MANY Christians who are led in the same direction recently. THAT, of course, is NOT a coincidence, EXACTLY what this thread and ALL my teaching and ministry is aimed at, directed by God and His purpose in this DESPERATE end time…

Keep up the posts, and the end time subject please…

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Any other comments on the Islamic connection in the word of God??? Especially concerning prophecies.

Any comments about a different ‘set of rules’ for Christians in the end time as compared to every day.

How about what should be taught in the end time, Revival or learning???

Should we have been teaching salvation messages more than any other messages by a landslide difference in the past 2,000 years???

How does the OT prophets books compare to REVELATION???

Some of these questions are in my weekly Bible study now, and I need some opinions please.


“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

No interest in these questions is unbelievable, but we will see some later on a different thread…

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Don’t confuse no time with no interest. I am sure many of us are pretty busy at times and don’t have the time to be on here as much as we would like.

That being said, I watched a pretty interesting video of a pastor explaining how Islam was pretty much the mirror image of Christianity, especially with the major figures in the end times. I will see if I can find a link to it and post it when I get a chance.

Here is a link to one of the sermons by John Macauthur. I don’t listen to him a lot, but was sent this link to listen to about Islam. I am still studying this topic, so I don’t profess that this is the truth, but I did think it was very interesting. Would love to hear what others think about it or him for that matter, as I don’t know much about him.

Link: https://youtu.be/2sci_WFp8ec

VERY INTERESTING RWL, Jesus will be buried next to Mohammed???

Jesus is in Heaven with Elijah, ONLY Jesus, God, and the Angels are in Heaven now, other than satan who is being held by Michael, the arch Angel.

Revelation 6:2 John MacArthur believes is satan coming on a white horse BEFORE

Jesus comes on a white horse (ala Antichrist means ‘instead’ of Christ in Greek).

VERY GOOD POINTS, NOT many people believe the Revelation 6:2 rider is Antichrist, but I do too.

SO,JOHN MacArthur is a good teacher imo, EXCEPT he believes the RAPTURE will be before the Great Tribulation, I don’t believe that.

Not surprising that Islam is close to Christianity in doctrine, so is Catholicism. There must be a lot of similarity to get Christians to be deceived into believing the Antichrist IS Christ. He will be Assyrian, so Islam in faith, THUS, the beheading spoken of in Revelation in reference to ‘the mark’ of the BEAST, NOT the mark of Antichrist. The BEAST will be the ‘one world system’ spoken of by George Bush, Jr., and many American leaders. Thus, that system WILL be Islamic by faith, with a ‘False Prophet’ to ‘deceive’ all but the VERY Elect, according to Matthew chapter 24, and Mark chapter 13…

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Yes, I find all of this very interesting and important. But I hate typing and I like talking to people in person. I will say this: Be very careful to separate Islam from Muslims. It is fine to hate Islam or any other false teaching. It’s not OK to hate Muslims. They are deceived, they need Jesus, and it doesn’t take one iota more of God’s grace to save a Muslim than it did you, me, or Billy Graham.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Well Surf, I quit “hating” a long time ago, even satan, because God created everything for His purpose, so I will go with it.

One thing I had to quit hating is the SALVATION ONLY teaching by most churches, as you referenced the SALVATION of Muslims.

The Apostle Paul was the last prominently known pastor or preacher to teach Christians how to live AFTER they had salvation.

Many Christians have been born again for 50 years and are still being taught how to be born again, but not how to prepare for the tribulation. They are taught they will be raptured out of here so don’t worry about all that.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

I understand what you are saying. I don’t disagree. I’ve heard that called “cheap grace”. Salvation is an important step, and discipleship is a never-ending road of growth. I think you would agree with this: “In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God?s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.” Hebrews 5:12-14

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

VERY GOOD, and agreed. However, that was an encouragement to REACH higher, and an indictment against their traditions of men teaching milk.

The point was they SHOULD be on meat, not milk; EXACTLY why my ministry is totteach meat to believers, and milk to beginners.

That is exactly why I continue to reference poor teaching, to get people awakened to the TRUTH(meat), and away from the milk. It IS the milk only teaching that has Christians weak and falling away.

Jesus warned in 2 THessalonians chapter 2, there will be a GREAT falling away. Right now there is a stat that says 50,000 church members are leaving American churches EVERY WEEK.

I believe that figure is FAR more important to God than the millions of lost souls. Jesus said “when 1 sheep(believer) is lost, the GOOD shepherd will leave the ninety and nine to FIND THE ONE.” That verse is referring to born again sheep who are lost. It is erroneously taught to mean lost sinners, sinners are NOT referred to as sheep in the word. THAT is the end time ministry we need, to check and correct “False Teachers”, even in churches, according to Matthew chapter 24.

Also, the term “wolf in SHEEP’S clothing” is being ignored, because our churches are ‘polluted’ with these men teaching milk and not meat, THUS, the "great falling away is NOT coming, it is here, but being ignored.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

Well Surf, I quit “hating” a long time ago, even satan, because God created everything for His purpose, so I will go with it.

One thing I had to quit hating is the SALVATION ONLY teaching by most churches, as you referenced the SALVATION of Muslims.

The Apostle Paul was the last prominently known pastor or preacher to teach Christians how to live AFTER they had salvation.

Many Christians have been born again for 50 years and are still being taught how to be born again, but not how to prepare for the tribulation. They are taught they will be raptured out of here so don’t worry about all that.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Charles Stanley does a pretty good job of teaching how a Christian is to live after Salvation.

Yes he does, but ‘pretty good’ is not good enough RWL.

I’m glad you brought up Charles, he is an OUTSTANDING example of what is happening in the church today. God is “pouring out His Spirit” as promised, as He did for Charles approximately 10 years ago, by the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, on which Charles taught to his VAST audiences, and wrote books on the subject.

His wife left him, and his Baptist church threatened him; thus, he ‘abandoned’ his intensive training of how to receive, rather than leave the Baptist church as I did when faced with the COMPROMISING decision.

I will not judge Charles for his decision, between him and God. Don’t take as an endorsement for the “judge not” teaching that is so prevalent in churches.

We are commanded to “judge with righteous judgment” by Jesus.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”