EBT Cards

You have been a 100k+ a year guy for a lot of years. Your company has been sold and you’re going to be out of a job, but probably not for long. Maybe 3 months. It’s almost like a non payed vacation. Since you’ve been “fired” you’re eligible for unemployment and EBT (food stamps). Money is really the last of your worries but you’ve paid into the system all your life. I say get the unemployment and food stamps. I’d look at the food stamps as a treat and get a few nice things every month until work started back. What do you think?

Joking right?

Nope, not even jacking a round a little

Take the money and run! You’ve earned it. It’s not like you’ve sat on your azz, like so many do!


There are two kinds on welfare… dont be the guy with a suburban with 24’s outside his mobile home…

-Albemarle 248xf “Chella”
-Dolphin 18BC Pro
-Miscellaneous boats

No, more like the pretty Mt Pleasant professional 40 something with her 5 series, 2 car garage, lawn service, in the nice neighborhood. She told me she hadn’t even though about it but the HR Director of her company put information, eligibility, rights, and contact info about it in one of her exit packages. She was asking my thoughts and I said heck yes.

So, if you have put money into a savings account and then need the money, wouldn’t you use that money? These system were put in place for exactly that reason, just because so many others abuse the systems does not mean you shouldn’t when you need it. It would take years of playing the system for someone that has been successful to ever get out of it more that they put in.

Well put and I agree exactly! Sometimes it’s like there is a stigma to use social services only if you need them, and not so much that you have paid for it and own some, so use it.

I’d sign up for unemployment, but not EBT. That’s just me though. I’ve set aside an emergency fund of about 6 months of expenses just in case I ever need it.

Boat drinks, Waitress I need 2 more boat drinks!

Pics of this MP pretty?

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

Too Busy why not the EBT?
Capt Fritz You’re probably FB friends with her. She’s in the medical supplies arena

Pretty simple, my family was on food stamps while my Dad died from cancer. We were the family that got the box of canned goods at Christmas from the drive at school.
That’s what government assistance is for, not a yuppy who’s temporarily between 6 figure jobs.

People like that are what’s ****ed up about this country.

Boat drinks, Waitress I need 2 more boat drinks!

I disagree on that, but respect your point(s). I think if you’ve put that money into a savings account and have a legal right to use it, so be it. Yuppy, wasp, soccer milf, or whatever, no stigma attached in my opinion.

In theory - that is what the system is for. A safety net for honest, hard working people that fall on hard times…

EBT is not a personal savings account. That’s what my emergency fund is.
I’m one of the old guys who knows stuff happens and plans / budgets to turn emergencies into simple inconveniences.

5 series + lawn service + food stamps = f’ d up

Boat drinks, Waitress I need 2 more boat drinks!

Originally posted by Too Busy

EBT is not a personal savings account. That’s what my emergency fund is.
I’m one of the old guys who knows stuff happens and plans / budgets to turn emergencies into simple inconveniences.

5 series + lawn service + food stamps = f’ d up

Boat drinks, Waitress I need 2 more boat drinks!

Take this from personal experience - with todays heathcare mess, 6 months of savings can be wiped out by 9 hours in a hospital ER… even with insurance. If a job loss happened at the same timeframe - even well prepared people can find themselves in a mess…

Obviosly, but savings account was an analogy. Perhaps taxes, or funding is a better term. You’re a single professional person making good money then you’ve paid a gaggle of taxes over your life. I say if you have a legal opportunity to spend some of your tax money, so be it.

On the same note. Do you think its ok or not to collect your social security when you’re eligible, even if you don’t need it to supplement your retirement?

Social Security is a yes without a doubt for the exact same reason as I said yes to unemployment compensation.
As a worker you pay a defined portion of every cent you earn into both of these plans. These plans are not entitlements and they aren’t welfare.
Given a choice I would rather not have paid a penny into the Social Security system and had the extra money flowing into my retirement account. That wasn’t a choice, so I will collect that EARNED BENEFIT when I retire. That’ll be drinking money, my savings and investments will fund my lifestyle.

jughed, I hear you loud and clear. 3 times so far I’ve spent some time in the ER and a couple of nights in the hospital. A couple of those were heart related and I thought I would have a heart attack when I saw the bills. The single biggest risk to my long term planning is medical expense.

Boat drinks, Waitress I need 2 more boat drinks!

Originally posted by Jerk Bait

I disagree on that, but respect your point(s). I think if you’ve put that money into a savings account and have a legal right to use it, so be it. Yuppy, wasp, soccer milf, or whatever, no stigma attached in my opinion.

So there shows the definition of TooBusy’s character and your’s.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire
