EBT Cards

Originally posted by Jerk Bait

2) Do you have to lie or hide anything to qualify? No

How do you know this? Has she already applied? How do you know what they will ask you until you apply? If you don't know what they will ask you, how do you know that you won't have to hide anything? What if they ask you, "Do you NEED this money to make ends meet?"

Also, there is a SCMAPP calculator on the web… Just for giggles, I put in some fictitious information. It does ask about “resources”, but doesn’t give much detail. They will ask about the “5 series” though. You can count on that. It also asks about rent, utilities, child care, etc. And it basically says in the end that it will be subject to the discretion of the administrator (forgot the word they used).

Anyway, I would think that a severance package is considered income. The whole point of it is to provide you with income until you find your new job.

I could be wrong, but again, I am so confident in this that I would be willing to be an entire $1 bill…

Food for thought…My job will end Jan 31st after 29 years with the company. Maybe sooner than that if they think they have everything they need out of my head. Right now I’m considered a transitional employee. Haven’t decided whether or not to try to find a company that wants to hire an OLD programmer with Mainframe Assembler, PC Assembler, and VB experience. Maybe I’ll take the severance package and retire !

2013 Tidewater 180CC
115 Yamaha

Take the severance and sit back…I did, of course the wife was still working and had some cash flow.


Edited for political correctness.

That’s terrible

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire


Ricky Smiley didn’t think so, so I went with it.

Besides, aren’t ya’ll talkin about takin advantage of the system?

I’m going for 3

I don’t care who does what, but you can’t take part in collecting food stamps, take what you don’t really need, and justify it as something you’ve earned. You can’t earn welfare and food stamps. Because they are at a level that you can’t earn your way to, someone who doesn’t really need them can only fall back to their level. That’s an individual choice.
Look at the positive side though. If you collect food stamps that you don’t really need, you’ll never have to worry about getting upset about the millions of others that are already doing it. You’ll be in that same category…forever.

I was always raised to be part of the solution, not the problem. The services are there so that if through extraordinary circumstances you come to need them, they can temporarily help you stay above water, not because they are convenient or available. The fact that she is considering taking the benefits and you are advising her to do so speaks volumes about where our society is today. Pitiful.

You will never qualify… trust me I know. I was on the full program at one time for a very good reason.

-Albemarle 248xf “Chella”
-Dolphin 18BC Pro
-Miscellaneous boats

I started collecting Social Security 2 months ago and it doesn’t make me feel guilty at all. I’m sure I’ve paid in more than I’ll ever get back. Never drawn unemployment and never been unable to feed the family, but that is up to the grace of God. If you need the help, use it. If you don’t, don’t just because you can.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

So, I guess you have to impoverish yourself and family before you use the resource? That’s if you want to remain moral, is that it?

I will present a compelling topic for those that receive SS. Would you be willing to only collect 1/2 as that was the portion the EE contributes? In reality, that is the entitlement portion. If you have been an independent contractor (IC) all along, then you would receive full payout as you have contributed as much. The salient question is; would you be willing to stop taking the other portion of SS which was contributed by the ER? That portion was eroding shareholder profit and really belongs back to them…

FUI and SUI are funded by employers (ER) only. Therefore, only certain circumstances allow for ICs to collect UIB since there was no contribution to the State’s unemployment insurance plan by them.


I don’t see how SS is comparable. It’s basically a government sponsored retirement plan. You even get a statement every year. You pay into it with the understanding that it will be paid back to you in retirement. I would be more than happy to forgo my SS if the governmet let’s me put that money in an IRA instead.

Originally posted by skinneej

I don’t see how SS is comparable. It’s basically a government sponsored retirement plan. You even get a statement every year. You pay into it with the understanding that it will be paid back to you in retirement. I would be more than happy to forgo my SS if the governmet let’s me put that money in an IRA instead.

Sounds great. ER reduces the payroll cost by 6.2%…EE never earned it anyway, so no right to it…


Isn’t there a river named after Juan Doe?

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

A 5 series isn’t that nice of a car either.

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

I may be collecting my Social Security in a few months. I had hoped to wait until I was 66 but I may be 16 months short of that. Time flies don’t it ?

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

I started collecting Social Security 2 months ago and it doesn’t make me feel guilty at all. I’m sure I’ve paid in more than I’ll ever get back. Never drawn unemployment and never been unable to feed the family, but that is up to the grace of God. If you need the help, use it. If you don’t, don’t just because you can.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

2013 Tidewater 180CC
115 Yamaha

Originally posted by skinneej

I don’t see how SS is comparable. It’s basically a government sponsored retirement plan. You even get a statement every year. You pay into it with the understanding that it will be paid back to you in retirement. I would be more than happy to forgo my SS if the governmet let’s me put that money in an IRA instead.

Could you imagine!!! Not sure your age, but I’d say we are close. All the money we put into SS over our life straight into an IRA! Think they’ll fix it and we’ll still get some when we retire? Or will the democrats go ahead and finish paying for the free ice cream with it and give amnesty to all the illegals here and give them the rest of our SS retirement?

Originally posted by Too Busy

Pretty simple, my family was on food stamps while my Dad died from cancer. We were the family that got the box of canned goods at Christmas from the drive at school.
That’s what government assistance is for, not a yuppy who’s temporarily between 6 figure jobs.

People like that are what’s ****ed up about this country.

Boat drinks, Waitress I need 2 more boat drinks!


Just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should do that thing…

In my opinion, for this particular person to take government assistance is completely selfish and in direct opposition to the intent for which these programs were established. If she had a legitimate need, then she’d be completely justified; If she receives the benefits simply because she can, she’s the EXACT SAME person as the guy with the Mercedes living in public housing. It’s the abuse of these programs and the entitlement mentality that have our country a trillion dollars in debt. Why work when I can just take it from you instead?..[:0]:face_with_head_bandage:

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”