Economic News

We sure have learned how to make the trouble maker hide! High 5 mixed!

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Shut up Bob!

Don’t worry Bob. I flagged him slready

Want to make me?

Huckle Bearer is the original connotation. Mixed Nutz is being very generous. Most folks would probably have some difficulty in throwing you a lifeline while you’re struggling in deep water. Our local crab population needs sustenance no matter how foul it may be.

So Bob. You believe the book of Timothy? Please read 1 Timothy chapter 1. Verses 1-10 and tell me that you think queers and perverts in our governance is ok

Still got it on your mind, I see. You should go ahead and try you one, so you can move on.

You either believe the whole Bible as Gods Holy word or you don’t.

You’re the one thats going to have a problem with only John 3.16 to protect you.

I made it very clear to you Bob. John 3-16 is the start but you gotta live it. I have told you this many times.

All Dem perverts

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Well, I’m not the one that professes to be a big Christian. I have not seen one thing in any of your posts ever that would even be close to being Christian. Sorry man, but if I can see it. You in a world of ■■■■.

We all have sins. And I know I do. But I do believe the entire Bible as Gods Holy word.

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What a bozo. I can’t believe any Dems are proud

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Wait there’s more

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Maybe @Bolbie will spread some pixie dust if his daddy buys him some

Biden’s economy is failing faster than Bolbie’s credibility

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Hey. It’s been a pretty calm eve with some nice reads. Perhaps we are getting somewhere with making things trouble maker unfriendly!

Merry Christmas to all

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It is kinda nice. I thought earlier that I may have missed the peak hours for misbehavior and mayhem from the anarchists.