Economic News

No, you quoted man’s word, inspired by Jesus, that was translated from the original Hebrew books that were translated into the KJV 1611 bible that has been changed 75,000 times…

Do we have a 1611 King James Bible Today? - Calvary Independent Baptist Church of Post Falls, Idaho (

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Fuel prices are dropping and weren’t you conspiracy brothers yakking about a recession by Thanksgiving? What the French Toast happened to that?

I met her at a CF oyster roast.

The only thing natureboy has ever given a poor person is a hard time…

All sin begins in the thought life. When a temptation comes up as a thought, if I agree with it, it gives birth to sin: and when sin is full grown (practiced) it brings forth death. (James 1:14-15) This death is reaping the wages of sin; a spiritual death, where one’s conscience becomes hardened and one cannot discern between good and evil. One lives in sin.

I didn’t ask you Karley, wanted to see if OTC knows Penny

Robbie. Why do none of the resident liberals show up at the CF events?

And Bob have you ever suggested your mentor RBF. Bridle his tounge?

When was the last time that an event was held by this site?

I was at the last few at the west Ashley outboard club. Great times!

Haha, the oyster roast stopped happening because natureboy kept showing up… :joy:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You do that all by yourself.

Let’s not forget….

One year ago, the .gov was going to cancel you and your job if you didn’t take an experimental injection


You have no idea because your cowardice keeps you away.

There’s that unbridled tongue. Just can’t control it. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

John 3.16 John 3.16 John 3.16 John 3.16

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Catching the shuttle bus to the 2024 CF Oyster Roast.

Louisiana Oysters?!? Por que?!? No, No!

That’s not even in the US border… :rofl:

You done Fripped out again…

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Karley, when was the last time this site put on and sponsored an event?

The oyster roast stopped occurring because nacho started attending and ruined it… :joy: