Economic News

So… Then you lied about never attending… :rofl:

He has to stay hidden.

Way to go Bob. You put Richard Beer Broth in his place!“A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who speaks lies shall perish.” (Proverbs 19:9)
Yeah way to go, You done put Richard Beer Broth in his place!

Yeah sure pal……

And who on earth learned to rig baits in a seminar? Us old school folks learned from going offshore and watching and listening to old salts that forgot more about fishing, than what I knew at that time.

My grandfather taught me every knot , in his 13’ Whaler, when I was 9 years old

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haha, I invited you to my home twice to meet me and my family… You declined both times… Lying AGAIN!

A little pic of a reply trashing NB never being there. Funny, as it’s from the troublemakers own link, lol.

Carry on with the stupid ■■■■…


That’s how I learned too but I liked being around those guys! U always learned how to do things easier

Post a report of your last fishing trip, or, STFU!

As a matter of fact, the last report I saw from you was a bit of an embarrassment.

Am I right?


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PROVE my lies…

“You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness."

Absolutely not true!!! Each time you backed out at the last moment. Remember telling that Fort Mill was too nice for me. Keep moving up 77. You have backed out of every in person meeting every time with every member that tried.

Nope, lying again!

I’m not going to do your dam research for you! Many here knew you backed out on meeting me. I made sure of that. And we all saw you back out of meeting Fred

I’m only agreeing with what Bob said about you. Are saying that Bob Is wicked?

Oh my…

Nope, just you…

Haha, I have already proven you a LIAR about this several times…

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John 3.16 John 3.16 John 3.16

Wow, you seem triggered bruh……

I don’t fish anymore, my hobby revolves around my daughter and show horses nowadays.

My first offshore trip was 1979, how about you?

The rare chance I do jump on a ride, I’m right there rigging ballyhoo, or dropping a lively pinfish to a waiting bottom dweller. When we first got into bottom fishing, there were no limits on Gag grouper, I then witnessed the 5 fish/ person limit, then the 3 fish limit . I don’t need the hassle of dealing with the idiots fishing around here anymore……therefore I don’t have the need to post a picture

Hey Fripp. Try to set up a face to face with rooster head and see what happens. He will be quite inviting at first like he was with Fred but if it’s like every other time he backs out. The man is such a coward he wanted to meet Fred across from the Charleston police station

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NB, no need to get tangled up with some of these internet clowns.

Did you notice what I posted above??

Notice no reply from accuser of YOU lying??


Figured he’d end up in the hospital around the corner, or I’d end up in jail…