Edisto Channel

Does anyone know about how wide the channel is off the beach on the sound side. Wanting to get my baits out into the deeper water.

Down at 3200 access it is farther than you can cast to other side at dead low. Maybe 150 yds and water is ripping. Might could float a bait out to other side. You can get mid channel with 8&bait.
See lots of birds and bait on edges of sandbars. I was covered in bait and birds back in June down there for a week but, no takers- not even the sharpnose. It was a new moon- that’s what I’m blaming it on. lol

J Ford

Navionics app for your phone would probably be worth the $10 or so and should answer this type of question for any area.

Sea Hunt 27 “Saltwater Gospel”
Maverick 18 HPX-V