Selling $10 raffle tickets for a chance to win all day fishing trip with Edisto Palmetto Charters for four adults or a family of five. I will be returning to Kenya on a medical mission trip in 2017. All funds will be used to support the mission to Africa. In 2015, our mission team gave medicine and food to over 1400 people in Kitale, Kissi, and West Pokot. If you would like to buy a ticket or help support, let me know! All checks are to be made payable to my church: Bethany Baptist where I have an Africa Mission fund account. The drawing is June 5th at my church. Thank you for your support!
Mailing address:
6809 Savannah Hwy
Neeses, SC 29107
Attn: Africa Mission
Capt Buddy Bizzell
Edisto Palmetto Charters
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Being on the water is a blessing, catching fish is a bonus!