Ferguson, Missouri

Surprised no one has commented on this recent current event that has been going on for over a week with huge media coverage. I think there are very few that know all the facts, but my concern is that there seems to be no answer yet to the rioting every evening. How is this acceptable no matter what the evidence will reveal over time? If I were a local business owner, I would be livid at the lack of protection provided by law enforcement. No curfew tonight. Should get interesting.

The guy who was killed by police robbed a store minutes before. The video shows him leaving the store with merchandise and pushing the clerk who was trying to stop him out of the way. Seems like another upstanding individual who had a bright future ahead of him. Sometimes the police seem no better than the criminals, but I cant get too upset about what looked to be a career criminal being shot.

Originally posted by RADDADDY

If I were a local business owner, I would be livid at the lack of protection provided by law enforcement. No curfew tonight. Should get interesting.

Thats why you arm yourself and get familiar with how to use a weapon. Its naive to rely on the police for your protection, when you need them most they are minutes away. And so many law abiding people I know have had bad experiences with their local police, I dont know what good they are half the time anyway.

That begs the question. What would have happened if the store clerk would have shot and killed him during the robbery? Remember, he was unarmed.

Originally posted by InshoreAngler
Originally posted by RADDADDY

If I were a local business owner, I would be livid at the lack of protection provided by law enforcement. No curfew tonight. Should get interesting.

Thats why you arm yourself and get familiar with how to use a weapon. Its naive to rely on the police for your protection, when you need them most they are minutes away. And so many law abiding people I know have had bad experiences with their local police, I dont know what good they are half the time anyway.

I bet not one pair of work boots has been looted so far.

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

When he attacked the clerk and charged toward him in the video, the clerk had the right to shoot him had he had a gun. Not sure what the laws are in that state but in SC I think it would pass the test. Big 6’4" guy charging at a smaller individual you would fear for your life. And you have no idea whether he pulls out a gun/knife etc. At the least though, if the clerk had a gun, the guy wouldnt be charging him and would be running out of the store instead. Point is, if this guy at 18 is already robbing stores in broad daylight, where is he headed. And you know this wasnt his first time doing it. Like I said, I have no problem with the police shooting him. But I also agree with the protesters that alot of police abuse their power. I have seen it myself and so have alot of friends. Police are sometimes criminals themselves.

Originally posted by CaptFritz

I bet not one pair of work boots has been looted so far.

I believe we all got that email.

I’m glad I have my “assault rifle”. If mass riots and looting ever happen like that in Charleston, I can assure you that my defenses are better than someone with a double barrel shotgun. There are people on this forum that think 3 rounds is more than enough to defend yourself in ANY circumstance. Good luck to them!!!

12ga Saiga, drum mag. Check & mate.

2012 Carolina Skiff J14, 25 Merc, Jackplate

I can assure you that my defenses are better than someone with a double barrel shotgun

Can Joe Biden really be wrong:question: That’s all you need, a double barrel shotgun and fire it into the air. Uh huh. I’m with you, my defenses are much better than that.

As to that situation, we don’t know enough facts. The perp was a perp, but cops can’t just go around shooting perps, that’s what courts are for. Add a lot of frustrated people, hot weather, local law replaced by state police, state police replaced by federal troops, things are way out of hand there… glad I’m here.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

12ga Saiga, drum mag. Check & mate.

Is it as bad as an AA12? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhstuvzMiB0

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Originally posted by bmarvil

12ga Saiga, drum mag. Check & mate.

2012 Carolina Skiff J14, 25 Merc, Jackplate

Fritz won't like that unless it's plugged to only allow 3 rounds... Crap... I was really trying not to use names here. Admin, can you edit that name out for me? Thanks in advance!

My question is, why did the cop have to shoot him 6 times? A shot to the knee/leg would have stopped him long enough to be captured. 6 shots seems like overkill(pardon that expression) to me. From some of the videos I’ve seen, of car chases & such, the cops act like they’re taking out Bonnie & Clyde. 10-15 police emptying their magazines into a vehicle. Is that what they’re trained to do? Just curious.

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Originally posted by Happy Bob

My question is, why did the cop have to shoot him 6 times? A shot to the knee/leg would have stopped him long enough to be captured. 6 shots seems like overkill(pardon that expression) to me. From some of the videos I’ve seen, of car chases & such, the cops act like they’re taking out Bonnie & Clyde. 10-15 police emptying their magazines into a vehicle. Is that what they’re trained to do? Just curious.

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Cant say because we dont know the whole situation. Seeing the perp on video and how he charged the store clerk, there is little doubt in my mind that he charged the cop like they say and went for his gun. He deserved to be shot IMO. New report says he was high on something and kept charging at the cop after being shot, so that might explain the 6 times. This cop might have acted properly in this situation, but they need to come down on these cops that populate all police departments and start locking them up when they overstep their badge and abuse citizens rights. Many think they are above the law and the badge goes to their head.

When you shoot someone, the goal is not to “stop him long enough to be captured”. You shoot someone to immobilize a threat to your own life, and you keep shooting until you have reason to believe that the threat has been removed. As long as that threat is still imminent, then you keep using lethal force until the threat is stopped.

Also, “aiming for the knee” seems like a failing strategy for self defense on a moving target, who is a threat to your life…

What he said above.

“Shooting to Wound” is not a real thing. It’s a Hollywood thing, like “shooting the gun out of his hand” or “shooting a chain that is holding up a big circular lamp above his head, so that the lamp falls around the guy and traps him without hurting him.”

If you shoot, it means you reasonably fear death or serious bodily harm. IF you shoot, you shoot to stop the threat most effectively, which means shots to “center of mass”, ie the torso.

That’s how police are trained and that’s how self-defense shooting is also.

“You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. You do not have a guarantee that you shall have it.”

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by bmarvil

12ga Saiga, drum mag. Check & mate.

2012 Carolina Skiff J14, 25 Merc, Jackplate

Fritz won't like that unless it's plugged to only allow 3 rounds... Crap... I was really trying not to use names here. Admin, can you edit that name out for me? Thanks in advance!
I just hate that you live your life in fear.

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

It has nothing to do with fear. It is the reality of what this world is becoming and that each person should have the means and has the right to protect themselves and more importantly their family if a situation ever arises. I am armed to protect my household and everyone and everything in it. That is it. I love to shoot and collect and by proxy have come by some pretty fun and purposeful objects. I would much rather have it and not ever need it then need it and not have it. I am just insuring that mine and my wife’s place on this planet is permanent as long as we are in the safety of our home.

2012 Carolina Skiff J14, 25 Merc, Jackplate

The store robbery happened well before this shooting, and the policeman didn’t even know of the robbery when this incident occurred. Two teens were walking in the middle of the street and were told by the police to get out of the road. They refused. What happened after that is what we don’t know. If the cop’s life was threatened, then he had every reason to shoot, but again, we don’t know the exact sequence of events. There were plenty of eye witnesses, though, and I believe the truth will come to light, but I also think it will be tough for the cop to get a fair trial with all the emotion. It will be Rodney King times 10. One question I have is why the cop didn’t first opt for a stun gun assuming he had one.

Originally posted by InshoreAngler

The guy who was killed by police robbed a store minutes before. The video shows him leaving the store with merchandise and pushing the clerk who was trying to stop him out of the way. Seems like another upstanding individual who had a bright future ahead of him. Sometimes the police seem no better than the criminals, but I cant get too upset about what looked to be a career criminal being shot.

Originally posted by Cracker Larry
12ga Saiga, drum mag. Check & mate.

Is it as bad as an AA12? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhstuvzMiB0

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Very similar except for the full auto part. It is basically an AK47 but in 12ga. I can take out clays at a trap shoot like no ones business. :smiley:

2012 Carolina Skiff J14, 25 Merc, Jackplate