Ferguson, Missouri

I just can’t believe that the authorities are allowing the rioting to continue. What is going to happen when one of the rioters pushes it too far and gets shot themselves? This is already out of control beyond belief. The have cancelled school for the remainder of the week there because of the events.

2012 Carolina Skiff J14, 25 Merc, Jackplate

My sentiments exactly. The National Guard is already there. Enact a strict curfew, arrest ALL the trouble-makers, and restore order back to the town. My previous comment on a fair trial for the cop is assuming the Grand Jury has enough evidence for an indictment which supposedly proceedings will begin tomorrow. Just wait and see what happens if there is not sufficient evidence to show excessive force was used and no indictment!

Originally posted by bmarvil

I just can’t believe that the authorities are allowing the rioting to continue. What is going to happen when one of the rioters pushes it too far and gets shot themselves? This is already out of control beyond belief. The have cancelled school for the remainder of the week there because of the events.

2012 Carolina Skiff J14, 25 Merc, Jackplate

Little doubt a large number of the rioters are coming from St Louis and probably East St Louis which is a hell hole. St Louis has high unemployment and a tough intercity area.

A shot to the knee/leg would have stopped him long enough to be captured

No LEO is EVER taught to shoot at extremities. They are taught to shoot “center mass”, ie, the chest/torso area. It is the largest area and has the least amount of movement. LEOs are taught to shoot to neutralize a threat, not really “shoot to kill”. Unfortunately for the subject, shots to the torso often result in death. I can’t say why 6 shots unless the subject continued to advance. I have seen/heard some bizzare shooting stories in my time.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

They are only rioting because the have so much free time on their hands. After a few more days, their welfare money will be running low and they’ll have to go home.

1970 MAKO CC 22’

Originally posted by CaptFritz

I just hate that you live your life in fear.

I fear nothing....

Except spiders…

I think the main reason for 6 shots is the cop wasn’t a good shot or the individual was moving pretty quickly.

Boat drinks, Waitress I need 2 more boat drinks!

one of the protester was already shot… the use of malotov cocktails took this from a protest to a riot imo.

Originally posted by DFreedom
A shot to the knee/leg would have stopped him long enough to be captured

No LEO is EVER taught to shoot at extremities. They are taught to shoot “center mass”, ie, the chest/torso area. It is the largest area and has the least amount of movement. LEOs are taught to shoot to neutralize a threat, not really “shoot to kill”. Unfortunately for the subject, shots to the torso often result in death. I can’t say why 6 shots unless the subject continued to advance. I have seen/heard some bizzare shooting stories in my time.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Lol… I guess all the sudden there are expert marksmen under the surge of adrenaline. It’s not Hollywood for LEOs out there. Knee pops are for Jack Bauer.

As Dr. Baden implied, there were 6 GSWs… only one was life-threatening and that was the last one. Under duress 6 shots seems plausible. When someone is lunging at you on cocaine it may take a full clip.

Grace gives us what we do not deserve… Mercy does not give us what we do deserve. -Charles Stanley

Ok, serious question here.

What I have noticed with these non-Black cop-on-black kid shootings, or any matter where it is non-Black acts on Black persons is that rioting becomes the norm. Is this acceptable primordial behavior?.. or is it reparation-tolerating by the masses (i.e., let’s turn a deaf ear and a blind eye cause it’s a Black kid involved?). Why is America so eager to jump to the side of the person who initiated the act?

I think Fritz had a good point when he said not one pair of work boots were looted.

So… time for intelligent discussion here. What say ye?

Grace gives us what we do not deserve… Mercy does not give us what we do deserve. -Charles Stanley

The rioters should be charged with terrorism.

1970 MAKO CC 22’

Here is a question for you. Why doesn’t the NAACP, Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton EVER address any of the following: Black on black crime, the fact that 74% of all black babies are born out of wedlock, black unemployment, the black drop-out/illiteracy rate, black drug dealers selling drugs to other blacks thus ensuring the users a life of desitution/crime/poverty, etc…?


“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Originally posted by DFreedom

Here is a question for you. Why doesn’t the NAACP, Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton EVER address any of the following: Black on black crime, the fact that 74% of all black babies are born out of wedlock, black unemployment, the black drop-out/illiteracy rate, black drug dealers selling drugs to other blacks thus ensuring the users a life of desitution/crime/poverty, etc…?


“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Well, honestly, DFreedom, and don’t take this personally, as I totally respect your post but that is just not good conversation. To expect a culture to change while the White House condones and promotes such behavior is pipe-dreaming. It will never occur without a drastic change of heart for America. This is not single-race cultural issue… we are fighting the same problem in our Native American culture.It is happening here in Aiken county with White and Black cultures. A change would have to come from Washington government first, state and local second.

Grace gives us what we do not deserve… Mercy does not give us what we do deserve. -Charles Stanley

B/c, DF, according to the media poor folks have no choice. no one who has ever grown up amidst poverty and violence, has made the conscience decision to better themselves and rise above, and actually succeeded. It’s impossible so you shouldn’t even try.

Originally posted by Mac509

B/c, DF, according to the media poor folks have no choice. no one who has ever grown up amidst poverty and violence, has made the conscience decision to better themselves and rise above, and actually succeeded. It’s impossible so you shouldn’t even try.

I’m assuming that statement was made in jest???

Grace gives us what we do not deserve… Mercy does not give us what we do deserve. -Charles Stanley

Not sure most of the people rioting even care about this guy. They seem to kill eachother all the time and you dont see any kind of protests. But they love when they can cry racism, instead of going to school and finding a career they’d rather yell rascism all the time.

Originally posted by BREEZE1

The rioters should be charged with terrorism.

1970 MAKO CC 22’

Best post in thread.

Gotcha Covered,
Lee Strickland
Strickland Marine Insurance Agency, Inc.
843-795-1000 / 800-446-1862

Originally posted by Happy Bob

My question is, why did the cop have to shoot him 6 times? A shot to the knee/leg would have stopped him long enough to be captured. 6 shots seems like overkill(pardon that expression) to me. From some of the videos I’ve seen, of car chases & such, the cops act like they’re taking out Bonnie & Clyde. 10-15 police emptying their magazines into a vehicle. Is that what they’re trained to do? Just curious.

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Bob, the most dangerous “animal” in the World is a wounded Human. Period.

Only highly trained individuals (and not even all of those) can actually hit a target with accuracy in a fight or flight situation. That’s why center mass and double tap methods were devised.

I have no clue why the cop thought it necessary to put 6 shots in an unarmed civilian:question::question: The only reason I have no sympathy for the dude shot was because of the resent release of him stealing. I pity no thief.

The only thing that the cop accomplished was to give a group of Ferguson’s “citizens” a reason to party.

I wonder when obuma will state “Michael Brown could have been my son.”

People are so quick to jump to conclusions, me included. I say there is much more to this story and too much gasoline being poured on it by our all mighty media.

Originally posted by Fred67

The only thing that the cop accomplished was to give a group of Ferguson’s “citizens” a reason to party.

Hmmm… I respectfully have to disagree, Fred. I think the policeman accomplished his job accordingly to the law and his rights to defend himself and others from a perceived threat.

What you keep hearing from ALL of those who wish to incite rage here (Sharpton, media and inflammed locals) are 3 simple words… “Unarmed Black boy/man”. It appears that big fellas, such as the Michael Browns of the world, are no harm without an “arm”. Moreover, it appears that the “unarmed Black” men of America are no threat and should be innocent until proven guilty after they have beat down the opposite colored persons confronting them for irrational behavior. I say that because of the circumstances that were mirrored in the Treyvon Martin shooting… He was an “unarmed Black boy/man” who used the terminology of “cracker” just prior to attempting to stomp a mudhole in Zimmerman.

Speed ahead, a couple years, and you have another “unarmed Black boy/man” who was in the act of a witnessed crime and exhibiting behavior similar to that of someone who was either bent on rage and possessing a genuine lack of concern for the welfare of the community, or on drugs. He had no right to do what he did. Last time I checked, LEOs had the right respond to distress call, arm themselves, and in Missouri law, afforded the right to use deadly force if someone is running to/from an officer who perceives them to be a threat.

The LEO in question here appeared to have responded in a manner consistent with his duty. He had every right to assess the scene and if Michael Brown was acting defiantly towards him as he did to the store clerk then that officer has every right to pin him to the ground and arre

I wonder if there were riots to occur in the cities of the citizens affected by the lawlessness of the IRS would the White House send Holder out to those cities seeking “justice”…

That was a good pipe dream… I was tripping hard*.

Grace gives us what we do not deserve… Mercy does not give us what we do deserve. -Charles Stanley