Ferguson, Missouri


Preach on preacher man…

Sometimes I think our justice system is just too easy on people. We punish them by taking their time and money. Well for the “good to-do” people that works fine. But what about the others? The ones who don’t go out and earn a living and are adults still living with their momma. Think about the things you would loose if you went to jail for 16 months. Maybe your house, car, wife/friendly lady, ext. But for these hood rats, they’re just gonna miss out on sipping 40’s with there homies on the corner at lunch and a few food stamps.

Ok, before someone jumps my crap for saying that. I flip houses in my spare time in North Charleston, so I know how a lot of these people are. There are a few exceptions, but 90% of them are lazy and worthless.

This one is gonna be out there, so hold on. But what if we started punishing criminals like that do in saudi Arabia? Thieves get one of their hands cut off! Or my personal favorite (im not sure if anyone does this), I think we should spay and neuter repetitive criminals.

these are just a few of breeze1’s early morning fuzzy thoughts, after doing a little yard work last night and drinking a lot of beer.

1970 MAKO CC 22’

Does anyone think these protesters, looters, etc. even care about this Michael Brown guy. When young black men are killed every week do you see these kind of protests. 11 black youth were killed in Chicago last week, did we have any protests. This is all about people with their personal agendas. Looters wanting free stuff, rascism yellers to get more sympathy/benefits, laywers to get more business, media to sell tv, etc.

Makes me wonder if the rioting could happen here. Sometimes in grocery stores, Walmart or certain parts of Charleston the racial tension is palpable.

18ft Polar CC 115 Yam.

“Pamplona is no place to bring your wife” Earnest Hemmingway

Even if was a good shoot, Holder will make an example out of that cop. Never mind the fact the kid was a thug and beat the ever-loving crap out of the cop. That will be the miscarriage of justice in this case.

“Never argue with an idiot…he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.”

Originally posted by BREEZE1

This one is gonna be out there, so hold on. But what if we started punishing criminals like that do in saudi Arabia? Thieves get one of their hands cut off! Or my personal favorite (im not sure if anyone does this), I think we should spay and neuter repetitive criminals.

Not that it would be a problem for Obama, but there is that Bill of Rights thing that we need to somehow get around...
Originally posted by CatchyUserName

Makes me wonder if the rioting could happen here. Sometimes in grocery stores, Walmart or certain parts of Charleston the racial tension is palpable.

18ft Polar CC 115 Yam.

“Pamplona is no place to bring your wife” Earnest Hemmingway

Looting was rampant after Hugo to the point where they brought in the National Guard. Who knows what would have happened if they did not. As far as rioting, it can start anywhere as long as there is a cause.

The truth comes out- http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/08/20/missouri-cop-was-badly-beaten-before-shooting-michael-brown-says-source/

That article can’t be true, he was a gentle giant.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Originally posted by DrumReaper
Originally posted by Fred67

The only thing that the cop accomplished was to give a group of Ferguson’s “citizens” a reason to party.

Hmmm… I respectfully have to disagree, Fred. I think the policeman accomplished his job accordingly to the law and his rights to defend himself and others from a perceived threat.

What you keep hearing from ALL of those who wish to incite rage here (Sharpton, media and inflammed locals) are 3 simple words… “Unarmed Black boy/man”. It appears that big fellas, such as the Michael Browns of the world, are no harm without an “arm”. Moreover, it appears that the “unarmed Black” men of America are no threat and should be innocent until proven guilty after they have beat down the opposite colored persons confronting them for irrational behavior. I say that because of the circumstances that were mirrored in the Treyvon Martin shooting… He was an “unarmed Black boy/man” who used the terminology of “cracker” just prior to attempting to stomp a mudhole in Zimmerman.

Speed ahead, a couple years, and you have another “unarmed Black boy/man” who was in the act of a witnessed crime and exhibiting behavior similar to that of someone who was either bent on rage and possessing a genuine lack of concern for the welfare of the community, or on drugs. He had no right to do what he did. Last time I checked, LEOs had the right respond to distress call, arm themselves, and in Missouri law, afforded the right to use deadly force if someone is running to/from an officer who perceives them to be a threat.

The LEO in question here appeared to have responded in a manner consistent with his duty. He had every right to

Yall dont worry, I am sure Eric Holder will sort it all out.

  • I’d rather be a free man in my grave than living as a puppet or a slave.


It’s a heck of a state when the president orders the highest cop in the nation to go down and settle a little disturbance by some street thugs.
Nothing but politics. There is only one reason this is happening and that is because they wanted it to happen.

Sure takes the focus off the illegals coming over the border by the 10,000s, and the IRS scandal, and the VA scandal, and the Benghazi scandal, and Obamacare, and … They would like to keep this thing going all the way to November.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

^^^ Yep, this is all about politics, it they really cared about a black kid being killed, they’s be protesting every day in every big city.

^^^^^^^^ yep - southern border has dropped out of the news and not because illegals suddenly stopped flowing.

17’ Henry O Hornet
26’ Palmer Scott

I see that the NAACP has organized a big protest rally tomorrow in Savannah, demanding justice. Great, they just can’t let it rest. Sure glad I’m not that poor police officer. I doubt he will get justice.

Can it happen here? Heck yeah it can happen here.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Even better, there is a big protest rally in NYC being led by noted huckster Big Al Sharpton and the NY Teacher’s union is sponsoring the rally. I bet they will be real popular with the NYPD after that.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Wonder who would get more coverage… A White group claiming to defend the rights of the policeman or Sharpton’s group?

Grace gives us what we do not deserve… Mercy does not give us what we do deserve. -Charles Stanley