fifth-grader dies in school fight

This is crazy.

Past crazy. I feel for the parents of Raniya. If we had school officials with some backbone this would have never happened. The Girl that did this should have never been in school.

I think the parents need to be brought up on charges and School officials need to be reviewed for not taking action when it was disserved on several earlier issues.

Talk to any teacher in a public school. Their hands are tied when it comes to misbehaving students. They have all the “rights” and teachers have to jump through so many hoops and document everything over a period of time. I miss the days when you got sent to the office when you misbehaved. Now you get time outs, and assorted other remedies like “restorative justice” developed by liberals do-gooders designed to help the child “think” about their actions. Meanwhile, the teacher spends an inordinate amount of time on one bad apple rather than teaching the other kids that know how to behave.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Our principal had the blue. board. You did not want to have to go see Mr Morris

I am fragile.
Not like a flower.
But like a bomb.

Seems not many believe fear is a good thing at appropriate times anymore and all kids are entitled to a trophy. . My fear of my father, relatives, neighbors, several principles and teachers made me a much better person. I know for a fact I would have been a terrible student if not for fear and it’s consequences. Maybe even a thieve or strung out on drugs :question:. God bless the good parents of this world.

We had the fear of being paddled in middle school in the public system.

After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.

Originally posted by CaptFritz

We had the fear of being paddled in middle school in the public system.

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

what was the principal’s name at James B. Edwards? Mr Russel? Yea, felt that paddle…

back on topic…this is a horrible event that absolutely could have and should have been prevented…hopefully some changes come of this so it never comes close to happening again…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Have they blamed Betsy DeVos yet?

In fairness, I’m not sure there are enough details released yet to judge.

Originally posted by Bonzo72
Originally posted by CaptFritz

We had the fear of being paddled in middle school in the public system.

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

what was the principal’s name at James B. Edwards? Mr Russel? Yea, felt that paddle…

back on topic…this is a horrible event that absolutely could have and should have been prevented…hopefully some changes come of this so it never comes close to happening again…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

. Mr Lee??

I agree, there are holding some vital info at this point. I also agree with Dfreedom, the teachers can’t or are scared to do anything because of getting fired or sued if they step in. A guy my wife use to work with started out as a teacher & then resigned once he found out how it was. The parents are always right & lord forbid a child gets left out or held back due to their lack of effort.

Originally posted by 7cs

In fairness, I’m not sure there are enough details released yet to judge.

Not released, but yes sir there are enough details from a couple of years back to know this should have NEVER happened.

My daughters best friend just turned down assistant principle because if a child is expelled for 10 days and comes back to school and does a repeat offense they can not expel them again. :question: WTF!! I’m not this child’s parent, but I want to go ballistic for her unwarranted DEATH.

The child that did this should have never been in school! I sincerely hope the parents of Raniya</font id=“pink”> get a good lawyer and fight this thing to the utmost for Justice and to stop things like this from happening again . Just a tiny bit of digging will show 100% that this incident should have never happened. Pizz poor School Top authorities are too blame along with pizz poor parents.

I just found out some more info. My wife company works in the communities & schools and a lady she works with use to work at the high school there (not the elementary school where it happened). She found out (keep in mind this is here say) from a person she use to work with at the school that Raniya was the bully. She has been picking on this other girl for a long time & that girls parents got involved but no help at all from the school nor Raniya mother (which they say is where Raniya gets her behavior from). That day Raniya did it again & the girl finally fought back. Raniya fell & hit her head & they took her to the school nurse but they sat on the issue & did not do anything until she started getting sick. By that time it had gotten really bad. Supposedly a boy had been filming it & even a part where the girl told the teacher about Raniya hitting her & the teacher did nothing. They are investigating the school since they took no actions to stop the issue & took no immediate actions to get Raniya medical help.
Once again this is all hear say so I am sure the real story varies from this.
I feel bad for the girl & both sets of parents. The girl has to deal with this for the rest of her life.

Fred67, you are correct & this is BS. The grading scale has been adjusted to make it easier for a kid to get better grades. Also no matter how low they make on a test the lowest grade that can be recorded in the books is a 59. That makes it easier for them to pull the grade up to passing. Teachers are giving out the actual test the kids will take as study guides & it keeps going on. Keep in mind I am not blaming the teachers but this is what they are being told to do to keep the state grade average up to make the ones in charge appear to be good leaders. Our country is raising a bunch of dumb azzez & these are the ones that will be running our country one day. That is if they can put the cell phone down & get off their moms couch long enough.

No hear say. Little Raniya was not a bully. The other girl had been picking on her and others for quite some time. I’ve already heard several versions of what happened. I can say it was a fight in class with a substitute teacher and Raniya ended up with enough head injury to Kill her. From kicking, falling, punching? Don’t know. :roll_eyes: Hearsay on my part would be maybe she just had enough and fought back?

Wife and I kind of figured they might have shut down Forest Hills for just one day, but no. Business like usual.

Areeldrag, you are correct, it’s not the teachers. Most all are pretty good, they just have their hands and feet tied in what they can do to educate and raise our Children. Figure most teachers spend more time with our Youth than parents do.

Dr. Franklin Foster, the district superintendent, cited the open police investigation and student privacy laws as the reasons why they couldn’t say more. He also asked for the community to help them by not spreading rumors and speculation.

The school officials and the school board dropped the ball on this. I have 1 boy at Northside Elementary and 1 boy at the high school and I told them to walk away from any situation that they can but, if it came down to it to defend themselves.

Double D.

Originally posted by 7cs

Dr. Franklin Foster, the district superintendent, cited the open police investigation and student privacy laws as the reasons why they couldn’t say more. He also asked for the community to help them by not spreading rumors and speculation.

Yep we don’t want rumors and speculation… as to a 10 year old that committed Murder… all records sealed and will never be opened as she is convicted of her next several crimes and probably another murder. Mean while her parents get a free ride as not being responsible for the offspring they released to do major damage and murder.

Videos of this event are recorded. I guess we the Public are not good enough to see them and judge for ourselves. And I guess the videos posted somewhere by the brother of the little she witch and her happiness in what she did are not deemed releaseable to we the public. This scat is stinking worse by the second.

Why Bruce?.. the ramblings of a disillusioned Hillary supporter.

Originally posted by poly ball

I believe Fred could witness trump pissing on an old homeless lady, and he’d tell him he’s doing a hell of a job, really soaking her.

Originally posted by Double D

The school officials and the school board dropped the ball on this. I have 1 boy at Northside Elementary and 1 boy at the high school and I told them to walk away from any situation that they can but, if it came down to it to defend themselves.

Double D.

At this point, it sounds like a lot of people dropped the ball. It’s a sad situation no matter how you look at it.
I help with the kids class at Relson Gracie JiuJitsu. They are taught to talk, tell, tackle. My oldest started training about 3 years ago because of a bully problem. Bully problem went away in a month of training and hasn’t been a problem since. She never had to be physical and I pray she never has to!! She gained so much self confidence the problem resolved itself. Bullys don’t prey on the confident kids…

“There is nothing better we can do for our future than to teach our children well”
Cracker Larry

Fred, why is your hearsay correct and areeldrag’s hearsay wrong? My source also said Raniya was the bully.
Because of the girls ages; the whole story will probably never come out and hearsay will be all we have.

Fred, have you ever been in a fight in your life?

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017