fifth-grader dies in school fight

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

Fred, have you ever been in a fight in your life?

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Wow. Were did that come from? Yes, several, nothing past 26. Only loss was to an instructor. Bad loss.

The lawyers and father held a news conference today. They stated that law enforcement has not contacted the dad or provided any information.

The rumor mill will continue to swirl until the facts come out.

Let’s hope they are just trying to get the facts straight before saying anything.

Pioneer 197SF

Thanks 7. Glad they didn’t riot

A lot of people thought they had this figured out…till the truth came out.

Originally posted by Hooligan

A lot of people thought they had this figured out…till the truth came out.

There was a fight that was down played, and a little girl died right after it. I think it is silly to think the fight did not aggravate the condition. Should have seen the video the other girls brother had of her song and dance that unfortunate night… "Mess with a “#igg#r” get beat by a “#Igg#r”. Still more truth being covered up, probably will be in sealed court records, the antagonist should not have been in school. Would she have died that day if not for the fight? Only God knows.

I saw a very similar incident happened in TX.

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Hooligan

A lot of people thought they had this figured out…till the truth came out.

There was a fight that was down played, and a little girl died right after it. I think it is silly to think the fight did not aggravate the condition. Should have seen the video the other girls brother had of her song and dance that unfortunate night… "Mess with a “#igg#r” get beat by a “#Igg#r”. Still more truth being covered up, probably will be in sealed court records, the antagonist should not have been in school. Would she have died that day if not for the fight? Only God knows.

Your “story “ doesn’t hold water, brah. You need to contact the Colleton County Sheriff’s Office and set them straight. Why do you find the need to insert racial slurs in the “story “? You trying to get attention or something?

Nothing ever changes around here…

How many times prior,had that child been seen by a doctor for severe headaches and dizziness?

The Colleton County Sheriff’s Office attests that its investigation showed that the classroom scuffle was minimal and that Raniya was the primary aggressor.

Originally posted by areeldrag

I saw a very similar incident happened in TX.

Did you witness the "incident"?

Did the child die from natural causes?

Robbie , We have sorta but not really missed you on some of the other forums!

I have a dear friend who’s wife that had the exact same vascular disorder in the blood supply to her brain. She is a health professional and had over 10 years of headaches and symptoms before they finally discovered the problem , and even then things were still difficult because of the danger of the surgery. This is a very rare disorder . I’m glad we now know the truth - about this and some other things on other forums!

When I said saw, I meant saw a story on Yahoo. I think this may have been the one.

Originally posted by poly ball
Originally posted by areeldrag

I saw a very similar incident happened in TX.

Did you witness the "incident"?

Did the child die from natural causes?

Originally posted by poly ball
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Hooligan

A lot of people thought they had this figured out…till the truth came out.

There was a fight that was down played, and a little girl died right after it. I think it is silly to think the fight did not aggravate the condition. Should have seen the video the other girls brother had of her song and dance that unfortunate night… "Mess with a “#igg#r” get beat by a “#Igg#r”. Still more truth being covered up, probably will be in sealed court records, the antagonist should not have been in school. Would she have died that day if not for the fight? Only God knows.

Your “story “ doesn’t hold water, brah. You need to contact the Colleton County Sheriff’s Office and set them straight. Why do you find the need to insert racial slurs in the “story “? You trying to get attention or something?

Nothing ever changes around here…

How many times prior,had that child been seen by a doctor for severe headaches and dizziness?

The Colleton County Sheriff’s Office attests that its investigation showed that the classroom scuffle was minimal and that Raniya was the primary aggressor.

Dang bo, you hate much? You still pizzed off that Hillary had the election stolen from her or is it the out come of the mueller report that has you so an

Fred , I’ll chip in a dollar if you will so Robbie can spend “An Evening With the Clintons” I saw where they were drastically reducing the ticket price to $2.00 per.

Fred, who was the aggressor in the school fight?

How many times did the young girl see a doctor for dizziness and headaches,prior to her death?

Originally posted by poly ball

Fred, who was the aggressor in the school fight?

How many times did the young girl see a doctor for dizziness and headaches,prior to her death?

I know who the aggressor was for the last two years. Haven’t a clue how many times she saw a doctor. Tell us, how many was it? DId she snap this occasion and “scuffle” back as the “aggrosor”? Some reports say so. Would she have “scuffled” if the other girl was not in school and died that day? Most likely not. I know children’s word won’t be taken seriously by the Law, but you should hear what many of the kids in class said some differ, but several were the same. She got beat up and did not start the “scuffle”. I semi trust our law system, they got this. Me and you can arm chair.

We could both argue this, but realisticly do you think she could have had many more years to live with out this “scuffle”? Neither of us know, do we? Was she the victim of bulling from the other girl along with others from previous occasions? It’ll come out in court…maybe.

I already know you’ll never agree with much I say. :smiley: But let’s have the times she saw the doctor that you know of and go from there.

From an article in the Post and Courier on May 2nd :

“But the girl’s medical history shows, dating back to October 2015, she was taken to 13 doctor appointments, most of which stemmed from symptoms including “moderate” headaches and dizziness. The most recent appointment was March 12, just two weeks before Raniya’s death.
Headaches are a symptom of AVMs, according to the Mayo Clinic.”

As usual, Fred is stumbling and bumbling, and clueless as to what the actual truth might be.

Fred, after reading back over this , I believe you owe an apology to the parents and their “offspring”…here is your quote, falsely accusing a young child of murder, and suggesting that she may commit murder at some other point in her life. You are a twisted thinking individual, brah.

Yep we don’t want rumors and speculation… as to a 10 year old that committed Murder… all records sealed and will never be opened as she is convicted of her next several crimes and probably another murder. Mean while her parents get a free ride as not being responsible for the offspring they released to do major damage and murder.

Originally posted by poly ball

As usual, Fred is stumbling and bumbling, and clueless as to what the actual truth might be.

Fred, after reading back over this , I believe you owe an apology to the parents and their “offspring”…here is your quote, falsely accusing a young child of murder, and suggesting that she may commit murder at some other point in her life. You are a twisted thinking individual, brah.

Yep we don’t want rumors and speculation… as to a 10 year old that committed Murder… all records sealed and will never be opened as she is convicted of her next several crimes and probably another murder. Mean while her parents get a free ride as not being responsible for the offspring they released to do major damage and murder.

As always you twist and twist. I try from time to time to be cordial with you, but what’s the use. You are a demented evil self admitted Godless little man. I personally think your Vendetta with me has been the many many time you have been proven wrong over so many issues by myself and other intelligent posters.

The other child in this scuffle will grow up to be a burden on society and I’ll not apologize for saying so unless another 10 years or so from now prove me wrong.

Why Bruce?.. the ramblings of a disillusioned Hillary supporter.

Originally posted by poly ball

I believe Fred could witness trump pissing on an old homeless lady, and he’d tell him he’s doing a hell of a job, really soaking her.

Fred, please quote what I twisted.

misslily answered the question for you, you owe him a thank you.

Please, I need to know how you’re so confident the other child will,“grow up to be a burden on society”?

Originally posted by poly ball

Please, I need to know how you’re so confident the other child will,“grow up to be a burden on society”?

Don’t act all innocent, and you don’t need to know anything. No matter what I say you already have a predetermined opinion or so much hate towards myself that no matter what I may or may not say you’ll dispute it. Believe me or not, I can say with pretty much certainty She’ll be a burden on society. Already has been.

Want proof of what I may or may not know, meet me face to face and I’ll explain verbally what I know for facts.

If you followed any young child through school and have half a brain I believe it is possible to correctly pick many that will grow up to be a burden on society and end up in a correctional institution. Probably more accurate than your fetal studies.