Fishin' Fripp

I’m headed down to Fripp Island the first week of September… My family is made up of a number of guys who love fishing, but we’re all pretty terrible and need all the help we can get. While most of the family is usually okay with sitting out on the beach and occasionally reeling in one or two of those baby sharks, I’m hoping we can do a little better this year (or maybe i want to show the rest of these guys up…) so I’m trying to do a little research ahead of time. Looking to catch something edible… Other than that, we’re not too picky.

We’ll be fishing mostly from shore, with the exception of one or two days where we rent a boat from the marina (limited area where they’ll let you take it).

Anybody have any advice in terms of rigging/bait? Also, we’ve only been to Fripp once, so if anyone has any thoughts as to where on the island to fish, I’d appreciate the tips.

Pm sent

198B Sea King W\F115 Yammi (kitchen pass)

Get a bait bucket, buy some muddies from the marina and fish a Carolina rig on the bottom. Go to the rocks on the north side.
If that isn’t hitting fish on incoming tide at wardels landing (pier on south end of fripp).

Should be some drum/flounder.

There will be Tarpon in skull inlet just off the rocks at low tide on the incoming. If you plan to try you better have a reel with plenty of line capacity. Mullet will get them to bite but good luck getting them to hand. I have tried and not been successful.

Thanks for the help guys. I appreciate it. Feeling like I’m in a pretty good position… At least I know a bit more than the other guys who I’ll be fishing with. If we’re taking a cast net down, is our best bet just throwing it in the surf? Or do you guys know of any creeks on the island where I might find decent live bait?

Scratch that question - someone else just started a fripp discussion and it answered that question.

The creek coming out of the canal on the south end. You can walk down there at low tide and you will see the bait. There is always bait coming out of there. That inlet has changed so much over the years. It used to hold HUGE flounder. There are still some around but the really big ones seemed to have moved elsewhere.