Fishing for the Light Offshore Classic

Man, we appreciate the ■■■■■■■■ and when we came up with the idea we were hell bent on requiring every entrant to come by boat, citing the same reasons you have. We would still prefer to do it that way! I’d like to ask the cf community of guys who are actually considering (and capable of) fishing the tournament their opinion. We want to make this a successful tournament. We made this rule change based on ■■■■■■■■ from capts that led us to believe they wouldn’t fish otherwise. Although it is not solely my decision, I believe we would revert to the original rules if a majority of potential entrants agreed. Tell us what you think…

I live 100 miles away and don’t fish tournaments any more so don’t have a dog in this fight, but I completely agree with FishnBarrels. No way would I fish an offshore money tournament where weigh in was allowed by car.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Agree with Larry 100%

Southern Comfort

I also agree with Larry and FishNBarrels. We were looking at this as possibly our first tournament, but that rule is just asking to be taken advantage of by some dishonest folks.
You should reconsider that change.

Edgewater 245cc
17’ Shamrock
Catalina 350

Must weigh from boat. Also what about captain meeting Friday instead of Thurs. when you have several boats that aren’t local you have to take a day off work. We will be coming from Lexington and it would just make more since to have it Friday to me?

We truly appreciate this ■■■■■■■■ and hope that we get more. Please keep it coming. The folks who have already registered have told us they would fish either way, so we have a little time to make a final decision, but not much. Having the capt’s meeting on Friday is too much of a stretch because we will all be getting ready to fish the next day. Sorry for this inconvenience, but we can’t change that one.

That’s half the fun. Being drunk and hungover leaving out at 3:30 in the morning after the Captains meeting.

I will definitely fish the tournament if you weigh by boat. I go in/out of stono and lighthouse 95% of trips and that is a big reason why I support and like the idea of this tournament. Keep us posted on what you decide for the rule.

Hey, Folks,

Like OTAY said, we really appreicate the ■■■■■■■■ and discussion. We want his tournament to be a success and for it to turn into an annual event. And that starts with strong and enthusiastic participation. FishnBarrels – thanks for letting us know where you stand on participating. We appreiciate that especially. If enough boats that are going to fish the tournament (wx pending, of course) feel that way, we’ll probably have to change it back to weigh-in by boat only.

The more input the better!

Thanks again to everyone for following this. We’re trying hard to do this right.

I usually fish out of Edisto. I lined up a house out of Folly for that weekend. Figured it would be a fun weekend hanging around dock BSing and drinking a cold one. If it goes back to bringing fish by car you can count us out. To me that not only creates cheating but takes the sportsmanship out of it. We always fish The Edisto Offshore Challenge and the best part is hanging out at dock after a day of fishing. Just my two cents.

I’m trying to assemble a crew for this tourney. This will be my first tourney if I’m able to make it happen and I’m pretty excited about the possibilites. Me personally, I would rather weight-in by boat. It gives the event a true “tournament atmosphere.” And that is what I want for my first tournament - to feel like a real old school fishing classic. It just wouldnt feel like a real tournament if people were allowed to weigh-in by car. I’m in either way as long as i can assemble my crew, but 100% of me wants the weigh-in to be by boat. Not car.

2004 22’ Century
Reel Cocky

After some healthy discussion over the past few weeks, we are changing back to the original tournament rules. Fish must be be delivered to Sunset Cay by tournament boat for weigh in. We do not anticipate any more rule changes.

Here is a link to the official rules, which incorporate the requirement to weigh fish by boat:

Thanks for bearing with us. As we’ve said before, we are trying our best to make this tournament a successful annual event and we appreciate the spirited input!

If you?re interested in entering the tournament, you can reach out to me, attend the registration meetings on May 4th or 18th, or you can register at the Captain?s meeting on May 22.

Just a quick reminder that the Captains Meeting is one week from today at Sunset Cay Marina at 7:00 p.m.

Because the Captains’ Meeting is on a Thursday before the Saturday tournament, we are going to allow teams from out of town to send a representative to the meeting. Previously, we had said that at least one team member planning to fish had to attend in person. We hope this minor change is helpful.

Looking forward to seeing everyone then!

Sounds good. Sounds like we will be there. Never ran out of Stono. Anybody gonna be around Friday to show us the way so we can mark the channel? How many registered so far. Thanks Justin

We have 15 verbal commitments but have found that no one has any interest in registering until the Capt’s meeting. 3 boats are officially registered 2 of which are chad and I. We expect between 10-40 boats, weather pending. As many of you know there are just as many guys who never post, only view this website for a miriad of reasons. So if it’s 5-10 outta the SW and 2-4’ seas expect a busy dock. Seeya Thursday!!!

***For liability purposes we are not giving out coordinates. Ask around at the Capt’s meeting though. Someone even told me that you can look up online the path the shrimp boats take. My general rule of thumb is avoid the breakers! Also we have a high tide at 5:24am and 5:57pm that day. Through the harbor, wapoo cut and down stono is another option and especially if your fishing North

Shouldn’t this thread be in the “offshore discussion”?

Hoping to make it, but the requirement to have a rep there on Thursday makes it tough for anyone not from Charleston. With the rules posted on the website, wouldn’t the same thing be accomplished by requiring checks to be received by Thursday?

Speaking of that, can we enter with personal checks?

Just my two cents isn’t worth much…

Requiring weigh in by boat is a huge inconvenience to a lot of people and they wont fish your tournament bc of it. The people who cheat are going to cheat regardless…but the sport fishing community is small and when someone pulls a fast one it comes out eventually.

Weigh in by boat is good for the large tournaments, but for small tournaments you want to keep it low key and accommodating.

But…no one will EVER agree and some people will always tell you how you should do it better. Figure out what works best and roll with it–you can’t make everybody happy.

Pat Condon
“Carla Dee”

Thanks for the input, guys. You’re right! Nobody is ever going to agree on everything. This is the first year of this tournament, but we hope it will grow over the years and become an event that everyone looks forward to. Since the tournament is only one week out, we do not anticipate making any more rule changes at this time. We hope you can find a rep to attend the Captains meeting with cash, and we hope you catch a winning fish!

And, we hope this wind lays down and everyone gets a chance to “practice” over the weekend! Saturday afternoon and Sunday are starting to look pretty slick . . .

Palmett Guard is in.

Sounds fantastic. Would love to fish this if anyone has a spot for one. Avid female angler, fished past 20+ out of Charleston & fished yesterday on Blue Boy & Caught Nice Bull Dolphin & we released White Marlin.

Give a shout if you need angler! Sounds like great cause.

Shani Diggs