yes its early feb, but that didnt stop me from dopping baits anyways. one of my buddies is into drones and figured out a way to deploy baits with one (pictures in the future) and while we were experimenting with it last weekend a bait i paddled out got hit and missed twice. this weekend i went back at it and we ended up putting 3 on the beach. 1 was on a big fish carcass about 300 yards out, the other 2 on much smaller carcasses about 175-200 yards out dropped by drone. we ended up getting a 90" sand tiger, 66" sand tiger, and 72" sandbar. only out there for 4-5 hours so good night! hard saying whats around back in charleston but hopefully i encourage a few others to get baits out and test their luck as well.
Water temp?
about 60 or so
You boy’s hammered it/ in the winter. Truly impressive Mr. Nuke. Can’t be but good things for you going forward. Great catches:smiley: