
Check out Mike’s Weather Page. The GFS, EURO, and CMC models show a major hurricane impact somewhere on the GA/SC/NC coast late next week. Time to get ready!

I freaking hate hurricane season.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Already talk of lane reversals…

Hope this turns out to be nothing.

Bring on the evacuation shaming. Time to have the annual pecker measuring contest.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Folks, I go on shift tomorrow and we’re putting assets in place by 6:00 pm tomorrow. An evacuation will more than likely be announced for Monday. There is talk of this thing being “Hugo-like”. Everybody take precautions and pay attention to the weather and state EMD announcements.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Many empty shelves at the Ladys Island WalMart. No water left. Wow.


Fake news til Bonzo weighs in

Fishboy where are you, I don’t know what to do

Originally posted by PeaPod

Fake news til Bonzo weighs in

Well then, you havin some pull with that, chop chop…people be waiting[:0]


remember, even a storm that moves to the North of us can still cause significant damage, wind being the biggest threat…
I just don’t see that blocking high moving East enough to pull this thing away from the East Coast…was really hoping it would …
don’t be stupid…get some supplies and be ready…just in case…

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Now we’re getting somewhere.

Can someone direct me to our evacuation shaming policy. After last year, I need to know where the boundaries are. Believe me, l plan to shame many.

Originally posted by PeaPod

Now we’re getting somewhere.

Can someone direct me to our evacuation shaming policy. After last year, I need to know where the boundaries are. Believe me, l plan to shame many.

It’s about that time…



McMaster has a different signer. she’s awful. bring back Jason hurdich

I’l relay your displeasure when I see her.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Originally posted by PeaPod

Now we’re getting somewhere.

Can someone direct me to our evacuation shaming policy. After last year, I need to know where the boundaries are. Believe me, l plan to shame many.

You can come to my house and stay. The Ritz in ATL doesn’t take dogs and I’ll need someone to watch Remi for a few days…thanks brah

I left a $20 on the counter for dog food…get her the good stuff. Don’t be cheap. There’s frozen pizza and fresh venison in the garage freezer. Go crazy if you wanna, but stay away from the top shelf.

I’ll touch base about next Monday.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Ya’ll know that this is because of Climate Change. If we had only listened and got bicycles or drove electric cars, and put all the cows on a fart free diet……………

Governor Henry McMaster has ordered an evacuation of the entire South Carolina coast and has announced interstate reversals in preparation of the powerful Category 4 Hurricane Florence.


Remy and I had a misunderstanding last time. I don’t think I’m wanted back.

I just spoke to a buddy in Hampton Roads VA and the Navy is saying between Wilmington & Cape Hatteras. The ships will get out to sea and ride it out instead of taking a beating dockside. The thing I hate most about hurricane season is channel 5 CBS with the boy that cries wolf . When the winds get to 12 kts they will send the skinniest girl they can find with a big floppy hat to the beach and make a big deal about rip currents and 2-3’ seas when nobody is in the water .

good got-toe-mighty…it’s like end of the world out there this evening…normal 30 min commute home took an hour today…be vigilant people…

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org