
Rob Fowler told me we here in Charleston are over thinking this one. You concur Carl?

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

They removed the cow from the Coburg sign. I don’t think they are over thinking it.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

Rob Fowler told me we here in Charleston are over thinking this one. You concur Carl?

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Yep! exactly . Its about hype & ratings. Last nite I checked the web pages for the CBS affiliates from Savannah to Virginia Beach - every one along that 500 mile stretch said they were in the bulls eye. At channel 5 Bill Walsh is in a back room somewhere crying. Its going to Jacksonville NC- Topsail Island

Yep so here we are again. Storm is not coming here and we got hurricane hysteria -2018. Just like last year. Can’t believe I got neighbors boarding up windows, grocery stores being cleaned out and long lines at the gas pumps like it’s 1976 all over again. Absolutely rediculous. Not going to get a wind gust over 50 mph south of Awendaw. I wonder how much stock mr. McMaster has in Harris Teeter and BP gasoline?? Never let a good crisis go to waste…

Oh and before everyone gets their panties in a wad, let’s make sure we define our parameters and everyone has a firm understanding of what it means to get hit by a hurricane since their seemed to be a little confusion with Irma last year:

  1. In order to be “hit by a hurricane” you must be within the direct path of the eye of the storm and/or within the radius of the sustained hurricane force winds. 74mph+ . This radius usually extends 50-75 miles from the eye of the storm. This causes significant structural damage, major tree damage, deadly flooding and things are back to normal in about 2-4 months.
  2. “Feeling the effects” of the storm is not the same as being hit by the storm. A 30 mph sustained wind with a few tropical storm force gusts with a few outer rain bands is in no way shape or form a cause for such commotion and panic. God forbid the power go out for 3-4 hours. This causes minor tree damage, minor flooding in flood prone areas, and everything is back to normal in 2-4 days.

Charleston will feel the effects of this storm, but not going to be involved in getting hit by the storm. Hope this clarifies any misunderstandings from Irma and clarifies any future misunderstandings after this storm passes.

I don’t know why they can’t call off the evacuation since it hasn’t even started and send kids back to school in the upstate. I refuse to let my kids make up these rediculous 3-4 days later this year. I’ll go protest them. A bit premature IMO.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Good news is, the off interstate traffic will be very light for a couple of days. I had a little runnin around yesterday after work. It was like days of old :smiley:.

…if you moved to Mount Pleasant or West Ashley though…yeah…sorry 'bout that. You probably gots traffic, and no gas.

Whatching the news now, 5:00AM, east bound I26 already loaded…ridiculous.:clown_face:

All the models I’m seeing are showing the NC predicted landfall…except this one:


But more concerning is many of the models are in agreement that this thing is going to Crazy Ivan and then head to the Midlands and stall. Except for the above model…we may be in the safest place in the state. Maybe.

“I am constantly amazed at the stupidity of the general public.”
~my dad

2007 Grady White 222 Fisherman / 250 Yamaha
Simrad NSS evo2 and G4
1- 23 boy that won’t move out)
1 - 19 year old (fishing maniac)
1 - wife (The Warden)


Two words, Election Year.

They acted about 24-36 hours too soon. They are prepped for a full coastal evac but, probably won’t do 278/21 now (no need based on forecast). Could probably do without 26 but hey, there are already assets in place so what the heck.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Remember that crazy Coast Guard Platform (Frying Pan Tower) that was a B&B 40 miles or so offshore? Florence should be heading right for it off of Bald Head Island…


Originally posted by Area 51

Remember that crazy Coast Guard Platform (Frying Pan Tower) that was a B&B 40 miles or so offshore? Florence should be heading right for it off of Bald Head Island…


Looks like a great day to be out there fishing. Well…at the time of this post…

“I am constantly amazed at the stupidity of the general public.”
~my dad

2007 Grady White 222 Fisherman / 250 Yamaha
Simrad NSS evo2 and G4
1- 23 boy that won’t move out)
1 - 19 year old (fishing maniac)
1 - wife (The Warden)


Here’s another one, storm surge on this should be impressive until the power goes out or the last person leaving cuts out the lights…


Originally posted by fishboy

Yep so here we are again. Storm is not coming here and we got hurricane hysteria -2018. Just like last year. Can’t believe I got neighbors boarding up windows, grocery stores being cleaned out and long lines at the gas pumps like it’s 1976 all over again. Absolutely rediculous. Not going to get a wind gust over 50 mph south of Awendaw. I wonder how much stock mr. McMaster has in Harris Teeter and BP gasoline?? Never let a good crisis go to waste…

Oh and before everyone gets their panties in a wad, let’s make sure we define our parameters and everyone has a firm understanding of what it means to get hit by a hurricane since their seemed to be a little confusion with Irma last year:

  1. In order to be “hit by a hurricane” you must be within the direct path of the eye of the storm and/or within the radius of the sustained hurricane force winds. 74mph+ . This radius usually extends 50-75 miles from the eye of the storm. This causes significant structural damage, major tree damage, deadly flooding and things are back to normal in about 2-4 months.
  2. “Feeling the effects” of the storm is not the same as being hit by the storm. A 30 mph sustained wind with a few tropical storm force gusts with a few outer rain bands is in no way shape or form a cause for such commotion and panic. God forbid the power go out for 3-4 hours. This causes minor tree damage, minor flooding in flood prone areas, and everything is back to normal in 2-4 days.

Charleston will feel the effects of this storm, but not going to be involved in getting hit by the storm. Hope this clarifies any misunderstandings from Irma and clarifies any future misunderstandings after this storm passes.

You forgot one small thing...

Hurricane weather…


Tornado weather…

Note, it’s very easy to say, “See, I was right, we stayed and were fine” when there is a 90% chance that the hurricane won’t hit us. Playing 90% odds doesn’t really give you bragging rights.

Some people can’t take the 10% chance.

skinnee, you are a math guy…how much does a storm 1,000 miles away have to deviate to move the center 200 miles South at landfall? therein lies the problem and hence the evac orders…and now the rain issue after landfall, EVEN in the Charleston area…prepare, hunker down, spend time with your family and friends, be vigilant, and be ready to leave if necessary…

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Historically, these storm take an increasingly NW path as they near the coast. Seldom do they hold a linear path. To entirely change what we experience, the storm path would only have to move 20-25 degrees if it was linear. Less with a little push at the end. Not impossible at all.

Originally posted by Bonzo72

skinnee, you are a math guy…how much does a storm 1,000 miles away have to deviate to move the center 200 miles South at landfall? therein lies the problem and hence the evac orders…and now the rain issue after landfall, EVEN in the Charleston area…prepare, hunker down, spend time with your family and friends, be vigilant, and be ready to leave if necessary…

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Right. Not much.

I’m leaving tomorrow morning. I wasn’t going to but my wife is at a business meeting in NY and has to go from there to FL where my father in law is having surgery on Thursday. I’m going to meet her in FL…I’m taking a few rods with me hoping to fish!

Man,the DOT cameras look sad. Not even enough traffic for two lanes let alone 4.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

The dangerous side of the storm is the north side. The south side of the storm is less windy , less rain , no surge, and not as likely to spawn tornados. In the worst case, we are still on the south side. A 200 mile landfall error is ridiculous. The science has advanced to the error margin being more like the 20 mile range… The storm is under 800 miles away from landfall and for every mile it advances on track , the likelihood of a large error evaporates.

McMaster has made a serious error by closing I 26 this early, stopping the flow of essentials like food & fuel to our area. I hear that since the stations cant get fuel in , there will be no fuel to purchase by morning. All the Wal Marts are closed because they cant replenish. There is very little traffic on the 8 west bound lanes of I 26. The Governor repeatedly used the word “Unpredictable” about the storm. Very wrong. He is still living in the 60’s.

I agree the call to make I26 one way was made too early. A lot of people will have no choice but to stay if they can’t get gas and with limited supplies they could be in trouble. I am confident the Charleston area will be safe and will not get much if any damage, but I wouldn’t bet my life on it. I’m 50 miles inland with NO chance of flood damage so I am comfortable staying put, several others living here left today. My biggest concern is my daughter is a nurse and has an 18 yr old severely handicapped son so my wife and I might have to go to West Ashley to care for the grandson if our daughter has to be at the hospital.