Folly Beach Report 8/26/17

Started around 7:30am , The moment I cast out the bites are non stop got a lots of whiting but the most interesting part is my smaller fishing pole on double drop rig. The weights is only 4oz and couldn’t hold it out due to strong waves so I leave it there. When I decided to reel it to my surprise I catch a small red drum on fish bites bait.

Left around 1pm around high tide the current is so strong. The kite surfer are near me and complained that my line is on there path. Instead of arguing with them that I am there before there group I just left to avoid more confrontation. Could have been really a nice day.

Sounds like a good day.

Kitesurfers???..I hope that some of those “Bros” are reading here.

I am pretty sure some of the rules are;
Stay 100 yards from the waters edge and 2-3 kite lengths at least from any swimmers.
Everyone has right of way over kites. Both IOP and Sullivans have specific launch areas that apply during the summer months, yes that would include August, not sure about Folly.

I almost always give way to folks in the water most are clueless at best, unless they are rude or act like they know the rules/laws. Surfers, Paddle boarders and swimmers are slow enough to keep lines clear of. There is no way though that I could clear 4 or 5 lines for a Kiteboard! So if some marroon windsurfer doesn’t notice my fishing spread, they can roll the dice and hope they miss the 5-6 thin strands of mono and braid anchored to the bottom with chunks of lead. I will help remove hooks though, unless it’s a gut hook, in such case we will just cut the line a through them back. :stuck_out_tongue:

hello david

Well to explained how things happen… One of my line with the 4oz weights couldnt stay straight in the water so the wave is pushing it to the shore due to the long cast it went sideward , The KiteSurfer are at a near distance with me so one of them before getting ready to take off came to me and show the line , I reel it then immediately so it will not be on there way the thing that I dont like is when he acts arrogantly like he owns the beach and start saying nasty things…Just to difuse the situation I decided to leave

Great job Jarvis. Nice job landing that red. I’m glad you got to sleep in your own bed last night and not go to jail. They don’t have good tuna fish sandwiches in jail.:smiley:Thank you for the report, it looks like some reds are starting to move in.

Caught one yesturday off fishbites around the same size arpund 8am sulivans island

If you fish fresh or live bait you can catch those reds like whiting at folly plus a few black drum whiting and trout. Sounds like the kite surfers were he’ll out there over the weekend.

Originally posted by runbabyrun

Great job Jarvis. Nice job landing that red. I’m glad you got to sleep in your own bed last night and not go to jail. They don’t have good tuna fish sandwiches in jail.:smiley:Thank you for the report, it looks like some reds are starting to move in.

Hello pete , Well I always try to stay away from trouble and I do have that tuna sandwich yesterday and wife is there too that’s why I have picture taken :smiley::smiley:

I got some clarification about folly beach rules I posted in on the other forum. Its a good FYI for all fellows here.