For Sale- Surf/Pier cart hitch caddy

Posting this in here because it only applies to the surf and pier folks. This is a hitch adapter for the large and small surf/pier carts. New they are $130-140 plus tax and/or shipping, I’m asking $75. Works great and is very easy and convenient to use. Open to offers.

All Day I Dream About Fishing
Malibu eXtreme
Hobie Pro Angler

Do you still have this cart carrier? Call me. 843-696-2208

Sorry OneiDave1-it is sold.

All Day I Dream About Fishing
Malibu eXtreme
Hobie Pro Angler

Hey guys,
I also have the same hitch carrier for sale. $85.00 also comes with the hitch lock to keep it secure. Only used one season.:sunglasses:

Don’t worry about that gorilla , he is just fishing !!!