Frogs on Christmas night!

Who would have imagined Frogs out on Christmas night! Who else enjoyed flip flops and shorts yesterday? Just got back from my morning walk, no shirt and shorts. Don’t care for the Mosquitoes, but I guess you can’t have everything.

It sucks, get used to it.

If its not global warming, what is it besides El Nino? If you don’t consider it global warming, it sure pushes the normal way above where they should be.6-8 years from now it will be important.

I like it warm, suits me just fine :smiley:

But the left coast is getting record cold and snowfall. Even snow in San Fransisco. Good for them. Seems like when it’s warmer in some places, it’s colder in others. It all balances out eventually.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by poly ball

It sucks, get used to it.

If its not global warming, what is it besides El Nino? If you don’t consider it global warming, it sure pushes the normal way above where they should be.6-8 years from now it will be important.

I think it’s kind of cool! A little worried about my blue berries as I a have a couple starting to bud out. I’m sure a freeze will get them.

It is what it is. Only been accurately measuring temps for a century or so and before that there is some mention of some pretty warm spikes in our climate. I’m not worried about it. Coming out of an Ice Age our temperatures are destined to spike up and down a little. All this natural warming spikes is doing is making the sheeple panic and making the rich richer.

10,000 years is nothing in the life of our Earth. 2000 years is almost everything to recorded human lifes.

You will never have a “normal” understanding of weather until man has accurate recordings for much more than we do now. We don’t even have a clue what killed off the dinosaurs. We speculate at it, but don’t know. Edit: we don’t even know how the pyramids where constructed! and that wasn’t too long ago. :smiley:

Probably more accurate to worry about a meteorite strike or super virus than inevitable climate change. Sometimes it’s just best to enjoy a good thing. I farted on my son-in-law and really enjoyed myself.

Mean while, I’ll enjoy late season crops like this:

And you don’t usually have Mustard this late.

I like it too Fred…

This earth is millions of years old, man has only been on it for a fraction of that time, and modern man has only been keeping accurate weather records for less than 200 years. That is nothing compared to a few million. Relatively speaking, one second in a year, if that. Of all the things in this world to worry about, global warming doesn’t even make the very end of the list to me.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

That’s the problem, most folks don’t worry about knowing anymore. Our children and their children will be the ones more greatly affected.

Invasive species are the only winners.

And Ga. Cracker, where is the record cold on the left coast on that map?

Originally posted by poly ball

That’s the problem, most folks don’t worry about knowing anymore. Our children and their children will be the ones more greatly affected.

Invasive species are the only winners.

And Ga. Cracker, where is the record cold on the left coast on that map?

Polly, you really think man is causing this beautiful warm winter day? as for our children’s children, my worry is overcrowding and the growing ethic of entitlement. Someone has to work. Keep handing out free ice cream and we’ll have a world of zombies. We are all ready dumbing down our population. College students that don’t even know that the 4th of July was a celebration for our independence from… England! Those same college students agree that KARL MARX would be a good replacement for obuma because film stars endorse it… Really. Crazy scary when they make it to politician age. Look at all the ex-hippies that are in office now. scary stuff.

I remember Bolbie stating that all the trees dying around our coastal islands from salt intrusion was from man made climate change. Our coastal Islands and coast has been changing rapidly all the time and not because of man, just a natural process. Remember when the moved the Hunting Island light house? that thing used to be wayyy out there.

I reckon old Ga. Cracker couldn’t find what he’s looking for, LOL!

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by poly ball

That’s the problem, most folks don’t worry about knowing anymore. Our children and their children will be the ones more greatly affected.

Invasive species are the only winners.

And Ga. Cracker, where is the record cold on the left coast on that map?

Polly, you really think man is causing this beautiful warm winter day? as for our children’s children, my worry is overcrowding and the growing ethic of entitlement. Someone has to work. Keep handing out free ice cream and we’ll have a world of zombies. We are all ready dumbing down our population. College students that don’t even know that the 4th of July was a celebration for our independence from… England! Those same college students agree that KARL MARX would be a good replacement for obuma because film stars endorse it… Really. Crazy scary when they make it to politician age. Look at all the ex-hippies that are in office now. scary stuff.

I remember Bolbie stating that all the trees dying around our coastal islands from salt intrusion was from man made climate change. Our coastal Islands and coast has been changing rapidly all the time and not because of man, just a natural process. Remember when the moved the Hunting Island light house? that thing used to be wayyy out there.

I enjoy hunting, I hunt many different species of animals. Hunting when its warm, and it is supposed to be cool, sucks. Ducks don't fly in fog, deer don't walk as much,no need for extra protein. Last few deer I pulle
I reckon old Ga. Cracker couldn't find what he's looking for, LOL!

You would have reckoned very wrong, because I aint wasting a moment looking for anything just to argue with you.

For the record, I don’t think that man, in our short spell here on earth could possibly cause any major weather changes, I don’t know. This old earth has seen volcanoes and heat, floods, ice, fires, meteors, glaciers. The Savannah River basin near my house was carved by a glacier, a few million years ago, it’s about 200’ deep. Was frozen. Then it thawed and turned into a very fertile river valley, long before people even got here. We are 30 miles from the coast, elevation 128’, and when I dig a couple of feet down for anything, I find sea shells. This old earth has been changing for billions of years. If they had liberal news media way back then, would they complain about the glaciers melting and making our local rivers?

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by poly ball
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by poly ball

That’s the problem, most folks don’t worry about knowing anymore. Our children and their children will be the ones more greatly affected.

Invasive species are the only winners.

And Ga. Cracker, where is the record cold on the left coast on that map?

Polly, you really think man is causing this beautiful warm winter day? as for our children’s children, my worry is overcrowding and the growing ethic of entitlement. Someone has to work. Keep handing out free ice cream and we’ll have a world of zombies. We are all ready dumbing down our population. College students that don’t even know that the 4th of July was a celebration for our independence from… England! Those same college students agree that KARL MARX would be a good replacement for obuma because film stars endorse it… Really. Crazy scary when they make it to politician age. Look at all the ex-hippies that are in office now. scary stuff.

I remember Bolbie stating that all the trees dying around our coastal islands from salt intrusion was from man made climate change. Our coastal Islands and coast has been changing rapidly all the time and not because of man, just a natural process. Remember when the moved the Hunting Island light house? that thing used to be wayyy out there.

I enjoy hunting, I hunt many different species of

I don’t need frigid cold mister Fred, normal temps for late December, while I have a little free time, would be nice to hunt in.

Originally posted by poly ball

I don’t need frigid cold mister Fred, normal temps for late December, while I have a little free time, would be nice to hunt in.

Fair enough. No need for the Mister and my real name is Kenny (last name extremely Irish). Fred is just an ancient nick name. There it is out in the open and Joeboo is not my alias. Close to home and was in my home, but not me.

I’ll come to an accord with you and agree this is some unseasonably warm and leave our disagreement on liking and disliking it alone. I think all the panic on climate change is bunk though, no matter what man does we are coming out of an Ice Age. Hense Climate will change weather man goes extinct or keeps growing in population.

I’ve got a close neighbor who everybody calls Fred. Even his mamma, daddy and sister call him Fred, but his real name is Edwin. Wonder why a person would name a kid Edwin and call him Fred:question:

I can understand why Edwin would rather be called Fred though.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by poly ball

That’s the problem, most folks don’t worry about knowing anymore. Our children and their children will be the ones more greatly affected.

Invasive species are the only winners.

And Ga. Cracker, where is the record cold on the left coast on that map?

Close enough, I reckon’


Fred or whatever your name is:wink: If you’re eating all those peppers, I don’t want you farting anywhere near me! You could be a Weapon of Mass Destruction! One of those, Fuel Air Bombs[:0]

Originally posted by Easy

Fred or whatever your name is:wink: If you’re eating all those peppers, I don’t want you farting anywhere near me! You could be a Weapon of Mass Destruction! One of those, Fuel Air Bombs[:0]

Most in freezer now, and the rest are going in a batch of chili tomorrow. I do two separate batches. Super hot and mild. and just so you know my farts smell like a fresh spring breeze.

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by poly ball

That’s the problem, most folks don’t worry about knowing anymore. Our children and their children will be the ones more greatly affected.

Invasive species are the only winners.

And Ga. Cracker, where is the record cold on the left coast on that map?

Close enough, I reckon’


that ain't the left coast.

Man made global warming! Ha ha… I wonder what man was doing that caused the GT Hole to go under water.

HAve the Chinese always worn masks just to be outside?

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.