Frogs on Christmas night!

Originally posted by CaptFritz

HAve the Chinese always worn masks just to be outside?

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

Oh, this is classic.

I should take this opportunity to tell you about a new website called “google”, where you can type in questions like “why do asians wear masks?” Check it out sometime!

You can also find weather reports all over the world there.

Temp in Los Angeles this morning is 37. That’s pretty cold for L A. GA is 77, mighty warm for Christmas in GA. I doubt man had anything to do with either one.

That smog in China on the other hand, no doubt man did that, is doing that, and they better quit doing it. When you’ve got to close schools and businesses because the smog is so bad, it’s time for some large scale house cleaning [:0]

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

LA, used to have a lot of SMOG! They cleaned that up mostly! A lot of the Smog, has to do with topography and inversion conditions! Not saying, that dirty combustion has no hand in it! It takes a combination of conditions, to cause the SMOG like they have in China!

Are we talking about clean air or global warming? I hate pollution, but don’t think it’s related to this warm Christmas.

Yeah, the 2 aren’t related, I think.

I know that I watched the weather report last night on the 11oclock news. They told me that today would be clear and sunny, with a less than 10% chance of rain. I got up at 0530 this morning and it was raining, 1030 now and still raining. I’d call that a 100% chance of rain.

If they can’t accurately predict the weather for 8 hours, I sure ain’t listening to what their 100 year predictions say

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

skinneej, your just trolling with that one! Why is Obama, trying to shut down he Coal Industry, as a polluter?

Directly related? doubtful. But it sure doesn’t help matters in the long run.Like I mentioned earlier,6,8,10 years from now is when it really matters.

Record highs far outpacing record lows.

Ok. I just wanted to draw a delineation. I believe a clean environment is a great thing. But, I don’t buy into the global warming spiel. Just wanted to point out that they aren’t an all or nothing package. You can think global warming is a silly theory , but still recognize the effects of pollution.

And you can even recognize that asians don’t wear masks for either of those topics!!! :smiley:

Now just ya’ll hold your horse’s! Haven’t the Lib’s (AL Gore) been preaching for years that Coal and dirty burning, cause Green House Gas, that is the direct cause of Global Warming? Isn’t that why we are supposed to buy Carbon Credits? I’m confused[:0]

Easy, small pot of super hot chili and one mild for the weak of heart. Now just to let it simmer. Crazy what groceries cost, got 75 bucks in everything and I had the meat (beef, venison, and some left over steak) already.

Originally posted by CaptFritz

HAve the Chinese always worn masks just to be outside?

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

Come on Fritz! Even an asshat like myself knows a little about oriental customs. They have been doing this way before there was a concern about pollution. Some started wearing the masks out of courtesy to others to keep from spreading colds. It got wide spread use during the early years of the 20th century, when a massive pandemic of influenza killed millions.

When I was still in the service an Asian friend of mine also stated that there is a lot of superstition surrounding the mask wearing. Lots of older Asians believe there is evil in the blowing wind and the masks help ward off the evil, while younger Asians use them as a way to keep people from bothering them.

You drinking too much of the medias cool aid.

Fred you either feed a lot of people or freeze most of it? I don’t see any photos of your Ice Cream:smiley: That’s a bunch of Chili:wink:

Dayum, thats some chili


Originally posted by Fred67

Easy, small pot of super hot chili and one mild for the weak of heart. Now just to let it simmer. Crazy what groceries cost, got 75 bucks in everything and I had the meat (beef, venison, and some left over steak) already.


Nice looking chili, but chili is for when it is cold, or it would be called hottie which it currently happens to be. I guess you’ll have to wait until this Summer brings us a nice big snowstorm to eat it…

Just messin’ and take care.


Originally posted by poly ball

Directly related? doubtful.

Uhhh... Haven't you been arguing for YEARS now that they ARE directly related?

Please explain the conundrum…

Originally posted by Easy

Fred you either feed a lot of people or freeze most of it? I don’t see any photos of your Ice Cream:smiley: That’s a bunch of Chili:wink:

Freeze what’s not eaten. Makes for a quick supper if you get caught off hand or just want a quick prep.

Yep, I usually use about 2 lbs of ground beef for starters! I’ll make a big pot and end up eating it for 3 days! It’s only the wife and I at home, so she will eat it and I make her take some for lunch! Have you ever used stewed tomatoes in it! Makes it a little sweet, which is what the wife likes! Went to make a pot once and that’s all I had, so used them and she liked it! I’m soaking navy beans tonight! Will be making a big pot of navy bean and ham soup tomorrow! Have to get rid of the leftover ham! predicting the middle of January through late March to be colder and wetter in the southeast. Colder and wetter than average. More ice storms?

Key West 1720 115 HP Johnson Saltwater.

Global warming has hit canada

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

Where in Canada:question: