My Garden Today

Thanks, the What I Just Ate thread is the top viewed one now.

When the crybaby started all that “this is a political website” nonsense, I looked for a way to have 1 thread that everyone could participate in daily that would rank above all the political ones the crybaby was so intent on pushing.

It worked. I enjoy it too, thanks for the props.

Slowly but surely this place is getting better and growing too. Im sure i am not the only one seeing all the new traffic and new folks starting to check in. A lot of that has to do with the new upgrade, but a lot has to do with crybabies getting shunned or shut down.

Crying and bellyaching like was done three posts above sustain me. Like Waylon said…,…,If you wanna get the rabbit out the LOG you gotta make a cold motion like a DOG. Its a great song

This is how I know we’re winning.

He needs to keep losing.

Let him starve

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Did someone forget that fish is food? Some of my fondest childhood memories were eating the fish I caught that my mother cooked and the smell in the house for 3 days!
This site will grow if it continues on this path and leaves the hecklers behind.

Many have contributed and have enjoyed this thread

Lemme guess the next leap in logic to justify turning this joint into something other than a fishing site…

“Well, we used fish to fertilize the garden…”

I don’t even notice the children. Ignore works well. As soon as EVERYONE puts them on ignore and quit responding to them, they will go away.

Neither one of them contributes anything to the site. I don’t waste my time on them.

@Snickers should ban both of them…

I think the smarter one left on his own. . As this site continues in this direction the problem children become more irrelevant and meaningless

When you gonna start flagging EF for his violations?

You are right to focus on me crybaby. I did this to you. Me alone. It was my intention to make you as miserable here as you try and make everyone else.

I was the first to decide you had done enough harm to this place and make a stand. I hate a bully, your days of running amuck and keyboard blackguarding are drawing nigh.

I did this to you RBF. You are right to focus on me and quit pouring your negativity into every other thread.

Focus on me, I’m your huckleberry. I did this to you.

Get used to it

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I did this to you.

I numbered your days.

I make sure your douschbaggery is called out.

I cant take credit for why everyone here loathes you, you did that, but I did everything else.

Me, foucs on me and leave everyone else alone.

Im the reason you cant feed your self aggrandized ego constantly any longer.

I did this to you, and will keep on keeping on.

Me, focus on me RBF, I am the reason you feel the need to lash out at what this website is becoming despite all your disruptive efforts.

I did this to you RBF. Feed your inflated ego on me and leave everything else here alone.

So anyway, it was me. Deal with it

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You’re fun! Easy too… Thanks for the morning guffaw!

Snickers, I agree with Ricky 113%. surely you have to see that this member is dragging CFC down and does nothing but stir crap and purposely tries to incite anger in others.

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What’s next… You gonna want to take my innards…

EF. I had a part in this too!

But no matter how or who the trash needs to go. I’m pleased that the site has been made troll unfriendly , that the community standards forbid most troll/ bully behavior, and it’s good that Bob got out on his own. The day the problem is gone , and there are more popular threads like yours and others , CF will have a chance of survival. Remember bullies and trolls that hide behind a curtain are never who they claim to be.

Now ya’ll are arguing over taking credit for getting me banded, but I’m not…

EF never posts his face or real name just like Alfredo and many others…

Late squash is starting to go off. Lots of male flowers good for stuffing

The blueberries are just starting to turn today. This is a fatty high bush


No garden stuff today, took it easy and soaked my dogs

Look close…

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Was a great and hilarious thread that Robbie (poly ball) started “ finally respect on a foreign level”

From your recollection, what is the longest thread ever even if it was broken into 2 parts like the end times one?