My Garden Today

Forgot about this one… It’s actually about fishing… Imagine that!

Put Up Or ShutUp Fish-Off - General / Fishing Discussion - Charleston Fishing

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I dont have enough time to do the garden justice, its a hoby really, one that is getting in the way of stuff i really like

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When all those are blooming its going to be very nice. Zinnias love some miracle grow bloom

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That’s a nice haul right there pard.More work to put it up but you’ll be ready for a hard winter.On your last set of pictures you said to look close,is that a trout out there with your dog? I have been known to have a snort when I’m canning.haha

Egret feeding alongside canadian geese was the one i was talking about.

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Watermelons soon, pumpkins hopefully in 2 months

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Katie loves your flowers. Those are really early pumpkins!!

I cant keep up. This will be the last year of the big garden. Once again I’ve bit off more than I care to chew. I like it, but this year got out of hand.

The flowers are easy really, once they are up good you just stand back and watch.

You guys are the only ones that dig my garden, but everyone loves the flowers

This is why we can’t have a nice garden. Deer got up on the deck, pulled down this Hibiscus and ate almost the whole plant. wife wanted to know know why I couldn’t use a suppressor and just shoot the deer. I’d say she is fed up.

If you can’t beat em, then maybe put out a feeder for them to keep em off your plants?

My brothers Neighbor (they live in a tight neighborhood) shot one with a crossbow and it ended up on his next door neighbors porch and made a bloody mess. Good thing he was close friends and the neighbors weren’t Karren’s.

I know what you mean…

Something’s been eating on my Carolina reaper.

Tough deer if he/she/they is eating reapers.

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