My office is in Shelter Cove right next to the #1 inshore spot on HHI- the outfall pipe to the Palmetto Dunes lagoon system. Every day there is a fair number of anglers targeting reds , trout Black drum etc. Yesterday I saw 2 anglers ( one pretty old) fishing with live shrimp doing very well on redfish. There was a young man on a kayak fishing with artificials and catching no fish. The two anglers called over the youngster and gave him a few live shrimp and made room for him at the hot spot. A few minutes later a very nice red was towing a kayak with one very happy angler:sunglasses:.
I went outside to thanks theanglers . Their names were an old Beaufort boy , Mark Brittman and his son( the better angler) Allan Brittman. They are great ambassadors for sportffishing .Keep up the great work!
Miss Libby 2
26’ World Cat