Gun ammo\mag rush...

Better get it while you can… Anything “high capacity” is going to get another run… I called “” and they said that they needed some extra time to process orders because they were backlogged by 3500 orders. They said it was due to the recent news in San Bernardino and talk of gun control.

It’s only a matter of time before there are federal restrictions to limit capacity on magazines. Mark my words… Might be 10 years from now, but it will happen.


-wishes Macdaddy would come home

Originally posted by PeaPod


-wishes Macdaddy would come home


does this mean i should be buying S&W and ruger shares right now or am i a little late to the party?

Buy all you can, agree restrictions are inevitable, the media and Democrats wont rest until.

No point in making them illegal unless you make them like full autos and make them illegal to possess, sell, trade, etc. Which would make it not an investment.

I think they learned the last time that just making high capacity illegal, but not doing anything about the millions already sold was pointless. Expect bigger and badder restrictions. Like registration, background checks for every sale, permits for each weapon, and illegal to have high capacity if they do anything. IMO.

One thing can be said about the laws for full auto. You haven’t seen any mass shootings with those since the 80’s. Now criminals will just use whatever they have, so not saying it is a solution, but outright restrictions would curb the actual weapon used. Not the end result though.

And none of this will stop drug cartels and ISIS from coming in and taking us out. It just makes us less prepared.

With that said, you will never get every magazine off the street with over 9 round capacity any better than you could get heroin off. I don’t think they will do anything but maybe add restrictions to mentally ill, and add background checks to curb straw purchases and flea market/gun show sales.

I don’t have a problem with background checks personally. I say they should have them for every magazine or box of ammo you buy. No limits of purchase, just either you can buy/ not buy. Show a CWP permit, make your purchase and move on.

Not a citizen, beat your wife, pulled your “Jimmy” out before, past due on child support, no gun accessories or ammo for you.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Originally posted by Geronimo

No point in making them illegal unless you make them like full autos and make them illegal to possess, sell, trade, etc. Which would make it not an investment.

Have you priced a full auto lately? You can legally own them with a firearm trust.

Also, did you see the run up on mags after the Sandy Hook shooting? People were buying\selling 30 rnd PMags for $50-$100 each. I actually saw them in a retail store for $90. That’s the same mag selling for $12 today.

Essentially things typically get grandfathered in if there is any sort of legislation.

Originally posted by baracuda

does this mean i should be buying S&W and ruger shares right now or am i a little late to the party?

SWHC is up 7.64% just TODAY… Stock prices has doubled since Dec 14. That being said, I SOLD what I had just before this recent run up…

Obama-Best gun saleman of all time!!!

My ammo stash is good. I’ll wait until the hysteria calms before I buy more in bulk now.

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Geronimo

No point in making them illegal unless you make them like full autos and make them illegal to possess, sell, trade, etc. Which would make it not an investment.

Have you priced a full auto lately? You can legally own them with a firearm trust.

You are correct anyone can own a full auto weapon or any other class3 weapon (sbr, suppressor, aow) made prior to 1986. As long as you have a clear record and can pass an ATF and FBI background check. However private individuals can purchase these in South Carolina as well with no trust needed. All you have to do is find and purchase the weapon of choice. From there it’s simply a $200 tax stamp per weapon and a form 4 from your dealer signed by your local law enforcement and a passport photo. Send your form and $200 into the the ATF and wait 6 to 18 months later you will have a stamp and approved form 4 or not.

Since I got into the machine gun market about 12 years ago the price of full auto guns has gone thru the roof. I know some folks who purchased guns at prices that would make people cry today. Back then you could buy Mac10’s for $500, M16 for $6500 and HK sears for $9000. Today’s prices are easily 4 to 10 times what they were then and climbing daily.

“Work is for people who don’t know how to fish”

Capt. Donnie Stoots
Low Country Inshore Expeditions

Just out of curiosity, if the SHTF how long (in ya’lls opinion) do you think it would last? I’m under the impression it would be for several days and that’s it before marshal law was fully enforced in order to regain control. Of course I’m still stocking up on food and ammo considering nobody can predict the future.

Bowtech Allegiance
Ruger M77 .270

Marshall law is only effective if those charged with enforcing it are behind the one(s) declaring it. Don’t think that’s completely the case. I’m afraid several days is a gross understatement. I hope we don’t find out.

Many would describe Hurricane Katrina as “TSHTF”… How long was it where the looters ran loose?

Or if there is a super-virus one day (which it’s probably only a matter of time), and people were scared to go outside or interact with others, how long will they stay indoors and what will happen to the availability of food goods? I would say you want to be prepared for a few months.

Picture if Ebola HAD gone rampant in the USA, what would grocery stores look like? And for how long would they look like that?

Well that’s not good.

Bowtech Allegiance
Ruger M77 .270

Yall need to lay off the fox new. No SHTF situation is coming. Isis isn’t going to start a real war in the us. Russia and China couldnt start a war and occupy the US. I doubt Isis is capable of even getting a few hundred “troops” in the US

Seriously how paranoid are y’all? Besides the super hardcore bomb shelter folks everyone with a stockpile of ammo is only one 2am Molotov cocktail away from a fireworks show. You likely do not live in a fort. you want to be safe? Have a plan to get to a secluded location where youll be alone.

First, Most, Biggest

Originally posted by Great White

Yall need to lay off the fox new. No SHTF situation is coming. Isis isn’t going to start a real war in the us. Russia and China couldnt start a war and occupy the US. I doubt Isis is capable of even getting a few hundred “troops” in the US

Seriously how paranoid are y’all? Besides the super hardcore bomb shelter folks everyone with a stockpile of ammo is only one 2am Molotov cocktail away from a fireworks show. You likely do not live in a fort. you want to be safe? Have a plan to get to a secluded location where youll be alone.

First, Most, Biggest

You do realize how close we were to a run on the banks in the 2007 financial crisis, right? We didn't fix anything, just kicked the caN down the road. What happens in a true financial crisis where your debit card/credit card is shut down?

What happens when we get a new, mutated super virus that is resistant to medicine? Why does the nation freak out every time there is a SARS, H1N1, Ebola. Etc? That’s probably the most likely SHTF situation in our area.

In other areas, like Baltimore or Ferguson, preparation might have been good.

And from a financial perspective, why pay 20 cents/ rnd for 22LR when I can get it today for 6, after some lunatic shoots up a school?

where u getting your 22lr at??

Bought some at Field and Stream today for 5.71 cents per round.

3000 rounds of ammo in a wooden house anywhere near a city isn’t a good plan. Some trapping, camping, and fishing skills are far more useful. If the financial market crashes I’m grabbing my rods and reels and headed to the woods. Gunshots would just draw unwanted attention. I’m not saying 3000 rounds couldn’t be useful but it won’t be in the city for long term. A good scoped rifle could pick off iron sight Rambo’s at will. In all honesty I would probably feel safer with a good (quiet) pellet gun that I didn’t have to worry about rusting away and I could carry 500 rounds in my pocket.

Again if a virus hits how it spreads will be crucial but being in a populated city with 3000 rounds won’t help you much with a virus. Why does the nation freak out? For the same reason everyone freaks out about Muslims, or gun laws, or police killing people. Modern News, particularly mainstream, is beyond irresponsible. They sell drama and hype not responsible levels of information. Are these three examples a concern? Sure but not worth riots, trillion dollar wars, or record gun sales. As you’ve said yourself there are much more dangerous things to be concerned about than what the news tells you to worry about.

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