Gun control laws

First off, let me say that I don’t own a gun. Not to say I haven’t thought about getting something for home protection. This topic has probably been discussed to no end.
It just seems to me that stricter gun laws will have a more negative impact on legal owners of guns, than it will have on the criminals. I’m positive, that right now, I could go out and purchase just about any type of weapon & the gov.(or just about anyone else) would never know. You know, “the friend of a friend knows someone that has a full auto weapon that he wants to sell.”
Gun laws aren’t going to change that. It just keeps the honest people from protecting themselves & their home.
I guess the point is that the stupid government is f***ed up. I don’t care who’s in the White House.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

I don’t think you will have much luck with the “friend of a friend” scenario and scoring a full auto. 1, they are worth about $25k. 2, anyone who has one that the Gubment doesn’t know about isn’t going to risk going to prison forever by selling it illegally. Every watch Sons of Anarchy? Even criminals know not to mess with full autos, it’s not worth it.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Bob, Geronimo, is right on that! You aren’t just going to call up your 3rd cousin 5 times removed and find one! You will have to know some Bad people, to get one! You don’t want to know those types! And, they would turn you in, at the drop of the hat! Your best bet for home protection is a shotgun! You can’t miss when you fill the whole doorway with shot! Blow them out, faster than they came in:wink:

Originally posted by Happy Bob

First off, let me say that I don’t own a gun. Not to say I haven’t thought about getting something for home protection. No better time than the present to change that</font id=“red”>! This topic has probably been discussed to no end.
It just seems to me that stricter gun laws will have a more negative impact on legal owners of guns, than it will have on the criminals. Criminals don’t care about laws. Do drug laws prevent drug use? </font id=“red”>I’m positive, that right now, I could go out and purchase just about any type of weapon & the gov.(or just about anyone else) would never know. You know, “the friend of a friend knows someone that has a full auto weapon that he wants to sell.” I GUARANTEE YOU CANNOT DO THIS. I would make a LARGE bet on that. Don’t listen to the media.</font id=“red”>
Gun laws aren’t going to change that. It just keeps the honest people from protecting themselves & their home.
I guess the point is that the stupid government is f***ed up. I don’t care who’s in the White House. It’s all about control. They want to control every aspect of everything, that is the end game. Guns are just the last real obstacle before they can do whatever they want. I bet you our government is worried about an uprising if they continue their ways, and getting the guns out of the way is the only way to continue their agenda…</font id=“red”>

Thanks for letting me vent.

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

I agree with Geronimo…only way that’s happening is if something is stolen, and the odds of that are slim to none.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

take the “fully auto weapon” out of the equation and I agree with you Bob…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Nothing wrong at all with fully auto if you have a Class III license. I know a few who do, they aren’t “bad” people at all, they just have a lot of money and like things that go bang in rapid succession.

But, since 1938 I believe it has been illegal for the average citizen to own a fully auto firearm. Nothing other than cosmetics really separates an AR15 from a Browning BAR or Remington Woodsmaster. The thing is 95% of those for “gun control” are ignorant about the topic yet think they know something. 99% of those experts, the SOSIC included would probably try to tell you the AR in AR15 stands for “Assault Rifle”. Well, it doesn’t. They’ll tell you it can spray 1000rnds a minute, wrong, can’t do it. On and on it goes.

The problem isn’t guns, its political correctness, cowardice, and a bunch of morons with their heads in the sand. They all want a scapegoat or object to blame instead of defining the issue.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

Judge Nap speaks for me

First ever workplace violence incident, Wounded Knee,SD.

I agree on a shotgun for home defense. Went to a home security seminar conducted by a local police officer. He said the scariest sound someone breaking in to a home can hear is a pump shotgun chambering a round. It’s hard to miss with a shotgun and you have multiple rounds if you do miss. Just don’t get the gun unless you are certain you are prepared to use it.

No, the scariest thing is hearing me pull back the bands on my speargun… You would beg me to use the shotgun instead…

I agree on a shotgun for home defense. Went to a home security seminar conducted by a local police officer. He said the scariest sound someone breaking in to a home can hear is a pump shotgun chambering a round. It's hard to miss with a shotgun and you have multiple rounds if you do miss. Just don't get the gun unless you are certain you are prepared to use it.

I ain’t interested in making scary sounds with my shotgun. For an alert perp that will just let him know where the danger is and give him a chance to shoot you first. The only noise he will hear from mine is bang. He probably won’t even hear that.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by skinneej

No, the scariest thing is hearing me pull back the bands on my speargun… You would beg me to use the shotgun instead…

If from you, I’d probably just ask you to shoot me with the speargun. As long as you don’t put that Lebron James foot against me and pull it out[:0]!!!


Originally posted by DoubleN

As long as you don’t put that Lebron James foot against me and pull it out[:0]!!!


Ok, maybe I went a little overboard with the “full auto”, but you know what I mean. Anyone can get a gun, whether it be by legal or illegal means, & the politicians are trying to make it harder for honest folks to buy a weapon. Every time there’s any kind of gun related incident, “We need to tighten gun laws”. It just pisses me off.
As for me I may or may not get a weapon. I’ve often thought about a shotgun for the house. The wife wants a handgun that she can carry & is wanting to get a CWP. She tends to freak out when I get home from work & get the dogs out of bed. (She’s usually asleep by the time I get home.) I’m afraid she might pop a cap in my a$$. We’ve discussed it & she says I have a valid point. We’ll just wait & see.

And Easy, I’ve known some “very bad” people in my life, mostly “motorcycle enthusiasts”. Maybe not “full auto” bad, but bad enough. But that’s a past life.

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

You are right, Bob. But you are using logic. The anti-gun people automatically dismiss logical arguments, opting instead for emotional knee-jerk reactions. They don’t want real solutions, they just want to make mommies feel better.

Bob, I used to know some of those guys myself! Had 2 DEA agents grab me once because they thought I was the local chapter president! After I showed them my ID and told them I didn’t know the guy, they let me go! I gave the guy a call and told him to stay outa sight:wink: Warlocks!:imp:

Include the bacon test with the background check. Mandatory you eat a piece of bacon before the purchase. LOL

I’ve got quite a few friends and neighbors who have full auto weapons. They aren’t bad people at all. We regularly get together and shoot machine guns. Including a couple of sheriff deputies. They are not illegal to own, you just have to jump through the hoops and pay the fees for a federal permit. $250 if I remember right. Same with suppressors. People who jump through the hoops and pass the background checks won’t be the ones shooting up a nightclub, they will be the ones you wish were there when the bad guys show up.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

We dont need more gun laws, we need to fully and effectively enforce the ones we have now. We also need to stop coddling criminals and make them actually pay for their crimes instead of slapping them on the wrist and turning them loose!!

One Simple Thanks!!

Only trouble with shooting full auto, is cleaning them after! 2 minutes and 2 hours :frowning_face: Had a Drill Sgt, give the best answer to a city kid when asked, “How do you know when it’s clean” Drill Sgt, said that you should think of the cleaning patches as toilet paper! When you can wipe and not get any more chit on the paper, it’s clean! He didn’t quite say it that way, but you get my drift! That was before PC![:0]:wink::smiley:

Only trouble with shooting full auto, is cleaning them after! 2 minutes and 2 hours

That, and paying for the ammo. 2 minutes of full auto in my M14 would cost over $500 in ammo. And keeping it under control is the other issue. It takes a strong and practiced man to control an M14 in full auto. At about 13 rounds a second she is a handful to hold down. And only the first 2 or 3 shots will be on target anyway, the rest are wasted. The most effective way to use it in full mode is to hold it sideways and let her sweep.

That’s why most squads or platoons were only issued a couple of full auto models, and everybody else got a semi-auto. Mostly a waste of ammo, and that stuff is heavy to carry! I don’t remember exactly but it’s about 70 lbs per thousand and a thousand doesn’t last but a couple of minutes.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper