Health and Safety

They are great for pollen and dust! I sometimes will put one on in really dusty conditions. How people have been fooled into believing a mask will stop an air born virus like corona or other Biological weapons is beyond me.

Masks make us touch our faces more often

Truth is getting out

Stay informed make good decisions

Stay informed

Stay informed and be safe out there

Why It’s Safe to Receive Blood from Donors Who’ve Been Vaccinated for COVID-19

Blood donation and transfusion save lives. Unfortunately, there’s also a long history of misinformation and fear around donations. For example, there was a time when blood donation was segregated by race. Additionally, in response to the AIDs epidemic, regulations were created that prohibited donations from parts of the LGBTQIA community.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the misinformation about blood donation has been about the vaccine and the virus itself. This misinformation isn’t causing the discriminatory practices of the past, but it is causing large numbers of people to refuse blood transfusions.

Many people have heard that it’s not safe to receive a blood transfusion from‌ a vaccinated donor. Fortunately, this isn’t the case. A transfusion from a vaccinated donor carries no risk of infection and is completely safe. Read on to learn more about the safety of blood from vaccinated donors.

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Why blood collected from vaccinated donors poses no risks

COVID-19 is an airborne virus. It can’t be transmitted by contact with the blood of someone who is infected. According to The American Food and Drug AdministrationTrusted Source (FDA), there hasn’t been a single reported case worldwide of COVID-19 being transferred by blood contact.

Similarly, the COVID-19 vaccine doesn’t transfer from a blood donor to a person who is receiving a transfusion. Transfusion safety goes beyond the knowledge that COVID-19 does not transfer through blood.

Two of the COVID-19 vaccines available in America, the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines, are a type of vaccine called a messenger RNA vaccine (mRNA). Inactivated vaccines don’t contain living viral material. This means that the vaccines can teach your body to fight the infection, but they can’t infect your bloodstream

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is a type of vaccine called a viral vector vaccine.

A viral vector vaccine uses a modified and harmless version of a virus. You can’t get COVID-19 from the modified version of the COVID-19 virus in the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. The vaccine has enough viral material that it can teach your body how to fight COVID-19, but it has been changed enough that it will not cause an infection.

Bottom line

The COVID-19 vaccine doesn’t contain an infectious and harmful form of the COVID-19 virus. It can’t cause an infection in a vaccinated person or in a person who receives a transfusion of their blood.,on%20Capitol%20Hill%20in%20Washington%2C%20D.C.%20on%20Thursday.

“Apple CEO Tim Cook refused to comment on the protests in China, avoiding questions about why the company’s AirDrop feature was limited in the country or his thoughts on the beatings of iPhone factory workers. Cook was bombarded with questions as he arrived for meetings with lawmakers on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. on Thursday.”

Sounds like China and Tim Cook are very health adverse. Stay healthy folks!


Like my wife says…
They were the masks to keep them from licking their car windows


As more information comes out please stay informed

Everything about Fauci is dangerous. The post from an FDA writer mixes few facts with lots of opinion and guesswork. There are no long term studies yet and the vax is still “experimental “. We have no idea how this vax will change our RNA Fauci lies and tries to control . The virus was completely manipulated to be dangerous and the fear campaign was carried out just like it was when Fauci presided over the AIDS scare antiviral sprays were all over He wanted lockdowns wanted masks and closures. But the country was not so divided back then and was soon discovered that it was spread by queers

Since this is about Health and safety, guess I will chime in on my day.

Down on the land with DIL and two grandsons taking stuff there and checking some traps…

Well, we ride down a trail mulcher had cut she had not seen and come up on a pine that had fallen across laying at an angle. Little to big, and hey, had my handy little electric chainsaw and jumped out to cut it. Hat on with glasses on top of bill of my cap.

Welp, go to cutting couple of the limbs to start and whack!! Right in the eyeball from some small piece of brush sapling, whatever that was being held back by one of those limbs…■■■■!

Immediately on my hands and knees and DIL is freaking.

Story is long enough, but ended making trip short and headed to Doc in Box.

Scratched my cornea pretty good, or bad…

This SOB hurts like a ■■■■■! Thankfully the eye heals quickly, but not quick enough…couple days for pain to depart, and will have followup with eye Doc.

As much as I preach to some regarding eye protection…sheesh…what a dumbazz I was!

Carry on

Glad it didn’t do worse!!! Had a saw hand that had been in the woods for 40 years. End of the day we were all washing our hands and ready to head home. Heard the chainsaw crank up and then shut off. Saw had kicked back and cut old boy across his cheek, neck and chest. Cheek took 60 stitches to cover his teeth back up, just missed his corteroid artery, and several more stitches on his chest. Chain saw cuts are nasty.

Sorry to hear that Glenn. I scratched my cornea pretty badly years ago in an industrial accident. That sucker hurt but, the thought of almost losing an eye was scary.

This is not the first time.

Was in hurry one time on the circle mower spinning around some Bradford Pear trees and due to getting dark, no glasses.

Actually much better now. Pain wise.

Also got back out there today running that weedeater with the saw blade on it, and my son running the electric saw.

I am amazed at how long the Dewalt electric saw has run off one battery. And the saw blade running on that weedeater.

Like a freaking knife through butter on 1" plus, like one second. Have cut stuff 4 or 5" thick as well. Just takes a minute. Can reach up and side trim limbs and all. Awesome!!


this is possible? C’mon @Bolbie