Heart attack - two stories

Two heart attacks, two outcomes - my neighbors

Story 1 - neighbor is overweight, walked all the time and fought to bring weight down, then would put it back on. One morning he knew something was wrong. Called wife at work. Decided to wait (several hours) for wife to get home to drive him to hospital. She arrives. He gets in car, says “I love you” and passes within 200 yds of the house.

Story 2 - neighbor is long time smoker, various issues with vascular stuff. I come home from a meeting one night to find ambulance and fire truck in my circle. They wheel him out on stretcher, alert but weary. Wife says he had sharp pain in center of chest and soreness in left shoulder. Classic heart attack symptoms and he knew it. Called 911 right away. They took him to hospital. Wife gets to room after admittance and the big one hits. Paddles, etc to revive him. Several stents inserted. I get home from Ashley Cleanup and there he is standing in his driveway. Thanks to his quick action, he is still with us today.

Folks, recognize the symptoms and get treatment right away - don’t delay! Do it for your family and friends. Don’t be proud

2000 SeaPro 180CC w/ Yammy 115 2 stroke
1966 13’ Boston Whaler w/ Merc 25 4 stroke “Flatty”

good info Optiker…sorry about the neighbor who did not survive…

along those lines, here’s signs of a stroke:
F FACE: Ask the person to smile. Does one side of the face droop?
A ARMS: Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?
S SPEECH: Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase. Is their speech slurred or strange?
T TIME: If you observe any of these signs, call 9-1-1 immediately.

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Yep, stuff done in your youth, starts to catch as we age! We come to realize, that we aren’t as bullet proof as we thought! Optiker, is right! Pride will kill you!

Just got back from the hospital. The wife feeling extremely confused, dizzy and such. Had an arm issue 2 wks ago, tennis. She wanted to go. Taking no chances after reading your post this morning. Diagnosis was dehydration. Better safe than sorry. Our health is nothing to play around with, thank you for your post Optiker,

Glad to hear wife is ok and not as serious as a heart issue !!!:smiley:


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Had my first last sat night. Only 39 yrs, it is a wake up call for sure. Classic symptoms, chest pressure pain in left arm. Spent 2 nights at trident, they could not get the stent in but treating with meds.

If it fly’s, floats, or, friggs, rent it!

Dang chickenhawk! A wake up call for sure! Glad you’re OK. Do heart problems run in the family? If I was that age, I would have probably put it down as a pulled muscle and pushed through it! But that’s why I’m falling apart now! Like I said about Optiker’s post, (Pride will kill you)! How many times has a man heard, Walk it off? I’ve Walked Off 2 broken wrist’s, broke back, numerous broken ribs, a couple of concussions. broken fingers, and assorted big hits and bumps! The only thing I couldn’t ignore was a broken collar bone and bruised kidneys! Bone sticking out and peeing Hawaiian Punch! Heck, I thought the kidneys were just some more broken ribs and was going to go to work till I peed!

I’m a First Responder at work and you would be amazed how often people refuse help from EMS when they arrive. I never have a good feeling for those people as they drive off in their cars as the paramedics plead with them to get help. Don’t be proud!

I’d encourage everyone to at least get CPR certified… You can save a life!

I’d also encourage everyone to exercise at least a few times a week. Cardio will go a loooooong way in keeping you healthy in general but is especially good for your heart

“mr keys”

I got recertified this week.

Keep in mind that a heart attack can feel like bad indigestion. A superintendent on my job had a heart attack a few months ago driving back to Charleston from another job. Said it felt like terrible indigestion. He’s doing well with rehab 2/3 times a week now.

First, Most, Biggest

Being overweight causes a lot of issues that should be monitored and treated by regular visits to a doctor but I’ve seen many that weren’t overweight and thought they were healthy. Lifestyles and hereditary also play a part. Annual physicals save lives. Hypertension can affect anyone.

Originally posted by northchucky

I’m a First Responder at work and you would be amazed how often people refuse help from EMS when they arrive. I never have a good feeling for those people as they drive off in their cars as the paramedics plead with them to get help. Don’t be proud!

I’d encourage everyone to at least get CPR certified… You can save a life!

I’d also encourage everyone to exercise at least a few times a week. Cardio will go a loooooong way in keeping you healthy in general but is especially good for your heart

“mr keys”

Not always pride. A lot are truly scared of medical bills. I recently had an overnight stay in the ER at Trident. 18 hour stay and a $15,880 dollar bill. My portion $2,600. Requested and received itemized bill. I can post it. one baby asprin $8.00, 2each toprol $177.00, didn’t have a room available but got charged $1600 for a room + $4,600 for E.R. room… etc… Unbelievable stuff. If not for obumacare I’d have had ruffly a $500 dollar bill.

Not knocking your story Optiker, good information! I just know first hand why a lot of hard working folk stay away from hospitals until it’s almost or too late.

Had one of my drivers recently have a heart attack. He had been having chest pain, just couldn’t afford to stop working to get it checked out. Fortunately three stints and four days down he’s back going. Out of pocket for him was ruffly $3500. Biggest part was the helicopter trip to Trident.

VA won’t touch me thanks to Clinton. So much for promises.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

I hear ya Fred, I can’t agree more with you about the cost of medical care. Even with insurance it’s ridiculous

buttttt… Broke is better than dead. Don’t fool around with your life, you only get one

“mr keys”

helpful tool by Roper/StFrancis, 22.3 for me


Originally posted by poly ball

helpful tool by Roper/StFrancis, 22.3 for me


I hear ya polly, you must be a skinny dude. Mines 24.5, Dr. ■■■■■■■■■ Funke Jr. ( my new heart doctor) said my weight was fine, actually said I was pretty muscular and wasn’t concerned with weight. I’m on a sodium reduced diet, but heredity, my bodies high production of cholesterol, and for some reason a recent irregular and super rapid heart beat is my problem.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Inflamation is the key to all health problems. Take fish oil and have two glasses of wine a day.

It woke me up from a dead sleep. I knew what was going on, never hurt so bad in my life.

Originally posted by Easy

Dang chickenhawk! A wake up call for sure! Glad you’re OK. Do heart problems run in the family? If I was that age, I would have probably put it down as a pulled muscle and pushed through it! But that’s why I’m falling apart now! Like I said about Optiker’s post, (Pride will kill you)! How many times has a man heard, Walk it off? I’ve Walked Off 2 broken wrist’s, broke back, numerous broken ribs, a couple of concussions. broken fingers, and assorted big hits and bumps! The only thing I couldn’t ignore was a broken collar bone and bruised kidneys! Bone sticking out and peeing Hawaiian Punch! Heck, I thought the kidneys were just some more broken ribs and was going to go to work till I peed!

If it fly’s, floats, or, friggs, rent it!

Had a friend get out of bed take 2 steps and was gone! His wife said all he said was Ugh, and he dropped! You got another chance!:wink:

Lol bmi made an appearance. I’m a fatty on that scale. That’s a completely different discussion though

“mr keys”

I just saw this post and thought I would add this. I was going to my doctor and he put me on an aspirin a day program, after a couple of months he sent me down to Trident to get a stress test, after the test I went back to the doctor and he said he got the results back and he told me that everything looks good. After Thanksgiving I was having chest pain and heartburn and I called the doctor and he said it is probability, acid reflux from the thanksgiving dinner. Well three days later the doctors at Roper Hospital are having to do emergency open heart surgery on me because they found seven blockages in my heart and they have to do a 5 CABG on me. I will not throw the doctor under the bus but I can say that he will never treat any of my enemies. Before my heartache I used to walk 6 miles a day and I was eating healthy.

If you are old enough you’ll remember who Jim Fix was?