Heart Attacks

Are not fun.I had one on Thursday, I don’t want to experience that again. Thank God he made a person smart enough to help people out.
My story was like Fred67’s ,got up Thursday morning no problems and all of a sudden wham,got out to Colleton Medical and 10 min later I was at Trident via the helicopter in Cardiology Lab and had 3 stints placed through the wrist. Overnight stay and home yesterday.

Scary stuff there pard,glad to hear you made out alright.What if you were out fishing alone when this happened ?

Weather you know it or not the LORD was with you that day! Life style change comming up, Glad you got to the right place at the right time!

Originally posted by boatpoor

Weather you know it or not the LORD was with you that day! Life style change comming up, Glad you got to the right place at the right time!

I know that the Lord had his hands on me,and I am very thankful, I know about the changes coming, the wife has already started.

Double D.

Originally posted by sman

Scary stuff there pard,glad to hear you made out alright.What if you were out fishing alone when this happened ?

probably wouldn't be here now. You are correct about it being scary.

Double D.

Double D ; glad to hear you made it through that ordeal… I had almost the same thing about 10 yrs ago and got 2 stints , about 6 yrs ago got # 3 , and laast week got #4 . seems like i can’t win , even after doing what Drs say and all the meds…Good luck and take care !!!

George McDonald
US Navy Seabees,Retired,
MAD, Charleston Chapter

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Glad you’re ok DD, got my 2 stints back in January. Had a small warning that kept popping up and told the dr about it. She sent me for the cath through the wrist and came home with the stints.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

Glad you are going to be okay. It’s kind of scary, you look at the many symptoms one can have when experiencing a heart attack and then the next time you start having a pain in your left arm you wonder if it is the beginning of a heart attack but, you don’t want to overreact.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Dang dude. Glad to see you posting instead of someone posting about you!

“I am constantly amazed at the stupidity of the general public.”
~my dad

2007 Grady White 222 Fisherman / 250 Yamaha
Simrad NSS evo2 and G4
1- 23 boy that won’t move out)
1 - 19 year old (fishing maniac)
1 - wife (The Warden)


None of the tests for heart issues showed anything wrong , my symptom was i felt like my throat was closing up and couldn’t swallow … It took a cath and the dye to find problem…

George McDonald
US Navy Seabees,Retired,
MAD, Charleston Chapter

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Dang it dude!! Glad you got it taken care of!! Nothing out there to reverse artery Plaque, but many life style changes to keep it from building up again! Loose some weight and start expersizing!

Just had a Nuclear stress test Friday. Won’t know the results of the imaging until this week but doc gave me an A+ on the treadmill! Went the full 12 min, started off at 58 bpm and never got it past 102. :smiley: Now if I can just shead off another 10-15 pounds!

Losing weight has probably been the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. I’ve heard people say quitting smoking was hard, That was easy for me, I just love food too much!

Wish you the best Double D!!

Glad your OK DD. I’m walking around with 11 stents & 5 artery bypass. I was 34 when i had my first “event” that was repaired with a balloon procedure. That should have been the wake up call. You could have called me DD - man boobs. Still smoked - loved foods soaked in bacon grease - lots of icecream - little exercise. Had several more “events” in my 40’s and a full blown heart attack at 54. Quit smoking - lost weight- exercised daily - no bacon grease and at 68, I have less chest pain than I did when I was 40. Too bad I didn’t respond to the wake up call at 34. We all know when we make bad choices & today is a great day to do the right things! I asked God to deliver me from being a lard ass. The answer was - “do your part” I hope the best for you.

Did you have a choice in the helo ride? I know a guy that was extracted by helo from the FM forest. The ride cost him 30K for a 30 minute ride that he’s still paying for. I didn’t know the Walterboro hospital did not have a cath lab

Wake up calls are important. Some people only have 1 heart attack

Originally posted by natureboy

I didn’t know the Walterboro hospital did not have a cath lab

No Cath lab in Walt and I wouldn’t recommend that place for much of anything. I stayed there all day and the following morning when the Heart Doctor from Trident came around and saw me, told me I had a Heart attack and needed to get to the cath lab immediately it took 4 more hours before they put me in an ambulance and took me to Trident. 98%, 96% , & 88% blockage. Thankfully no heart damage.

glad you are feeling better…

why Trident vs Roper/St Francis or MedU ?

Didn’t have a choice on the helo ride, Walterboro Med don’t have a Cath lab. The only warning sign I had was a feeling of an elephant on my chest. I think/thought that I eat healthy but don’t exercise enough. At 197 lbs ,my weight is good. Dr said that 3 arteries were stopped up. Glad we are on here able to post and not 6’ under.

Double D.

Originally posted by P-K

glad you are feeling better…

why Trident vs Roper/St Francis or MedU ?

Trident has an outstanding chest pain center - state of the art cath lab & some of the best cardio Dr’s & surgeons in the area admit there. Trident is a leader in heart disease treatment, and has been for many years.

Trident and Walterboro Med are kinda under the same unbrella of health care. If I had a choice it wouldn’t be Walterboro Med, like Fred67 said.

Double D.

Originally posted by P-K

glad you are feeling better…

why Trident vs Roper/St Francis or MedU ?

PK, my choice on Trident has been the track record they have with several family members and friends and the Heart Docs they have. The Cathlab is top notch. It may have changed now, but they used to be the only one on the East Coast that could do ct cat scan of the heart eliminating the need for heart catheterization… Unless you have too heavy a Calcium level for it to view proper.

Surely all u guys who have had heart problems that you most likely in some small part…ignored. .Please share.

Originally posted by Redstripe

Surely all u guys who have had heart problems that you most likely in some small part…ignored. .Please share.

Mine has been a known genetic disposition for Heart disease. I’ve been on Cholesterol medicine since I was 38 (now 51), some people’s bodies just produce more and also particle size is relevant. the smaller the worse.

Roughly 6 month before my heart attack I noticed being much more tired than normal, than after heavy exertion an odd burning/pain in the front of my chest closer to my left arm pit, I’ve always sweat heavy, but this also increased drastically. I tried to ignore it even though I knew what was going on. Woke up early Sunday morning with a TERRIBLE pain in my chest, was nauseated, felt like my upper back was cramping, and my jaw hurt. Had a tremendous feeling of impending doom (weird). Wife took me to ER.

The thing that scares me about statins for reducing cholesterol is the simple fact that our Brain needs Cholesterol. Long term effects are not in, many are starting to claim a link to Alzheimer’s and statins. ? Dang if you do, dang if you don’t.

I’ve been in several trial studies on different medicines and diet restrictions… my cholesterol is still on the high side. My best reduction has been taking a couple of spoons of Metamucil each day along with Lipitor. I can’t take a high dosage of statins as it causes my legs to cramp terribly.

Best I can say RedStripe, if you or anyone you know has any doubts get an appointment with a good heart Doc. I see Dr. Funke at Trident Cardiology Associates.