Humble Pie Followed by Dessert

I often tell people that fishing can be both fun and challenging at the same time. Just when you think you have it all figured out you can be humbled. I had one of those days last weekend. We are heading into the start of school and my son will be starting sports soon and I know our weekends are going to get very busy so I told him Friday night that we would go catch some fish the next morning. To assure he caught fish I stopped on the way out and caught him a nice mess of live finger mullet. I planned to throw grubs and thought that I may not catch fish, but I knew he would and that was the main goal for me.

Well, what I knew was going to happen, never materialized. We fished quite a few spots and did not even lose one finger mullet to fish the entire morning. The weather was miserably hot and we came in around 1:00pm hot, tired and defeated. We always have a good time out there joking and laughing, but I had really expected to put him on some good fish in the process. I had to remind myself that this was certainly not the first time we have gone out and gotten skunked and I began to devise a redemption trip for the following Saturday.

That trip was this past Saturday morning. My brother Tim, my son Jacob and I looked at the tides and determined it was time to go and hit one of our low tide wading spots. Oh what a difference a week will make. We walked into our spot just before dead low and it was not long before my son had a huge flounder on. We went on to hook about another 5-6 flounder and then as the tide turned and began to come in, we turned our focus to the trout that we anticipated being right where we thought they would be. For the next hour or so we caught several nice trout and the last fish of the day hit the line like a freight train. The speculation began on what we had on the other end of the line. It was a redfish, no it may be a bonnet head, then back to redfish. At first glance we thought redfish for sure, due to the size. Second glance I thought trout, but again was not sure sure bec