Hunting Island Pier

Caught this nice bull red this morning at the pier on Hunting Island, there were two other nice size reds that were landed on the pier, along with plenty of sting rays and sharks.


I’ll be down there on the 10th for 3 nights. Can’t wait.

Good luck, I may try and head back out soon. They are out there!

Very nice!

Nice bull. Go Hokies…next year I guess.

2000 Aquasport Osprey 175 CC

HAHA, I still have hope for at least a few more wins this season, but yes, next year I hope!

Didn’t even notice the Hokie Bird. I live about 2.5 hours from Tech. I was at the William & Mary game, and have tickets to the UVA and Wake Forest games.

I have only caught two reds ever. Cut mullet I assume?

I was actually using cut whiting, they like the heads, I did have some mullet I shared with some other fisherman but that only caught them some stingrays. I wish I could make it to a game this year but can’t.