I found Milton...some will get it, lol

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looks like a Koala bear.

Looks like that thing on the back of Fetterman’s neck!

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Low lifes back to heckle today. Where’s my little buddy, I know he’ll be here just as soon as he sees this. Come on boy. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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The trolls sac if they had a set.

Did I mention low life? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Is that a burl? What kind of tree?

As an aside, not to be thread sliding, but…

The CPUSA trolls are mighty quiet this morning. They must be busy filling out ballots, hmmmm.

Oh my! My ignore feature is depriving me of their disdainful diatribes. Poor lowly lonely shells of creatures. Here, let me throw them some sustenance…


Yep if you don’t like something just stroll on by !!!

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If that’s a hardwood burl or could be quite valuable.

LOL, NB, Hence the title “I Found Milton”. Spelled different, but pronounced the same, haha.

It’s a Holley tree. DF can work wonders with his lathe and has offered to make me or my DIL something from it. Very cool of him!!


In a previous life this was a burl in a three way crotch of a cherry tree.

I have worked with Holly before The wood is Snow White hard and almost featureless To the point that it’s difficult to see the Growth rings. But you never know what’s in a burl.

Once I saw it, it spiked my interest to keeping my eye open for others. Perhaps something more desirable…I’m sure Doug could do some amazing work with it tho. Perhaps some stain??

He has posted some of his work, and its Awesome, IMO!

Dayum EF, that’s what I’m talking about. Nice!! That took some time and talent for sure.


I’ve never seen a Holly burl that big. On Hollys the burls are mostly caused by insects and that can produce some interesting patterns and features inside. I cringe when I see a big burl on a lathe with all the interesting features being cut away. I like to cut sections like wedges of an apple polished up

Keep us up to date for sure. Dang EF, that is beautiful. Did you buy it like that or have someone do it for you. Very fine work. When I was little we had a ton of wild cherries everywhere and I would pick them for my grandma. Mostly seed and skin but I loved the flavor. Don’t see a lot anymore. Nor do you see Sassafras. Was looking for some to make some tea. Now’s the time to gather the root.

I still believe cherry is the prettiest wood to burn. You get a beautiful blue flame from it.

I got some wild cherries here if you want them

Haven’t found any sassafras here though

Worst thing about cherries are the bird staining

Burgundy :poop:

yep!!! that and polk berries!!

Here’s one behind a project I’m working on.

Poplar tree.