If anyone that meets EF's approval

That oath EXPIRED when you left the military, that is a military service oath, not a citizens oath. No citizen is required to obey the President in unlawful behavior, BUTTTT the military oath DOES NOT include that exception. In the military one is required to have TOTAL allegiance to the Comnander, lawful or not.

Vines wither from too much sunlight, I know stuff. Try growing a garden in a root cellar.

Carry on

In answer to individuals doing more than groaning, i talk on a regular basis to left leaning people, and have converted(to the point they changed their vote) at least 4 or 5 voters, and have pursuaded several others somewhat, so that when pulling the lever they will take a second thought hopefully before voting(the least we can do). And your suggestion of volunteering if you are really serious, is a good one.

My work here is done

Stump from the top rope, good stuff

Too many rules, and too much moderating/censoring going on unnecessarily IMO, please lighten up.

Barbawang, sir, you have always been VERY upright in your posts, much appreciated, however, the site IS still a fishing resource.

I went all the way back to 2008 on the King Mackerel forum recently, and members were complaining REGULARLY then about fish police on the site, and some were threatening to leave way back then, BEFOREpolitics turned so sour in America publicly anyway.

The constant bickering about proper handling of Reds, and abusing limits etc. was THE reason for the departure of members, everyone knows that originally. Sure politics may have run some off too, but quite fragile and not very committedone is one to let politics run you off???

““sweeping up”” implies you consider some if the comments to be trash, I sincerely hope not recently, hopefully you are referring to the temoval of antagonizers, which was good ““sweeping””!

Thanks for your comments, polite as usual.

““Such a popular forum it takes 5x as long to sift through””!!!

Apparently, I am not the only one who says politics is the most popular forum here, which you debated recently.

Maybe if he changed your status back to where it was before you’d stop bellyaching?

Thanks ER. I try to keep things factual instead of opinion-based when possible, i’m a scientist so it’s in my nature/nurture to stick to the empirical.

i guess in terms of who’s posting (rather than # reading) it looks like a lot of traffic down in the basement.

by “sweeping up” i meant putting things where they belong, not necessarily that i consider anything/anyone to be trash.

i joined in '08 (had to look it up), i get what you’re saying about arguing on the internet. never seen anybody “win” anything when it comes to that, no matter what the topic.

let’s get back to “debating” whether that cobia with the gaff hole was 36" or not! :laughing:

State the true reason politics is not viewed, it is ILLEGAL to view it oher than the 5 or 6, thus, your way of not letting it die on the vine, but helping it’s death along with a little Roundup maybe???

That beung the reason Fred complains incessantly, probably I should too, about it being placed in the basement to begin with???

I totally missed your intention, now you openly stated it, that you intend to kill it by inactivity???

WELLLLL, inactivity is NOT a trademark of political discussion obviously, but losing (5) or less members due to politics probably does not bother the board???

TRUTH does come out eventually, through discussion, all the more reason to keep politics alive to gain the truth, rather than just ““Waiting for the next election to vote””, because the next election may well be the last election that EVER counts again; therefore, we must put in all the effort we can to assure it stays honest, probably too late though.

You have plenty leeway to discuss all subjects(so far anyway), which is certainly one of the intrigueing parts of ghis site.

Being a simple fishing site is so boring compared to the variety of this site indeed.

SOOOOOO take that away and it will die on the vine, as it was destined to die before the 2016 election and Donald Trump ACTUALLY helped the site to survive through Covid , the LOCKDOWNS, etc. Now, you decide to ““let it die on the vine””, how sad that is.

That would only make matters worse of course. Threats just like the left cherish doing so much.

I thought when the big reboot took place politics were remove.
Then about 10 or 11 days ago got a message said that I was promoted. After I read the message and went back to the forum. :boom: politics were back.

If you like it the way it was just send me a message and i can declutter for you.

Be glad to

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That will happen, due to your participation.

The algorithm’s on Discourse control it.

I’ve seen you go in and out of being a Regular a time or two, due to your input on the site.

That’s cool…
I thought politics were gone and all sudden pop back up after I got that message. Either way…

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Keep posting Brother!

Your input is a plus!!



Politics NEVER went away, just severely handicapped, reportedly now down to 5 or 6 members able to participate???

I would suggest you catch up on your posting rapidly before it so called ““dies on the vine””.

How far back can you access the politics forum now? You may need to do a search of the politics forum by typing in politics forum in the search space.

Also, type my name easy rider and Bayrider and Fred67 to get the news caught up.

Welcome back OTC, and keep posting in th politics forum buddy.

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Easy, I’m not sure on the expiration date of the oath… To me personally the oath I took has no expiration date.

As for Total allegiance to the President… No. The allegiance is to the constitution. also officer Oath of office is a little different. Officers actually are sworn to disobey any orders that go against the constitution. One reason it’s so important to have good officers in charge that know and follow the constitution.

If a military member considers an order itself to be illegal or unconstitutional It’s called a “duty to disobey,” and is empowered by the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

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Hey mixed, Easy brought up a good point. If only 6 members are able to visit Politics by their free choice. Not many are really posting here anymore. Let’s keep up the good work and get more members back. Thank you EF for giving access to those that want it. I know you don’t like Politics, but thanks for being unbiased and recently adding some to the discussion. I love hearing others points of view when its civil. Politics and Off Topic are keeping us afloat while we get more fishermen back posting. Looks like Fatrat, stumpknocker, splittail, sman and Barbawing are keeping the salt water side alive. All I’ve got is a garden, some freshwater and Dry land for now. And some barbershop banter. Still upset by it’s censorship, but I guess it’s still around and the most active place besides off topic and what we eat.

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