Intelligent Design

For those who are struggling with the “Creationism” vs “Darwin’s Evolution” debate, gotchacovered turned me on to this documentary.

I must say, one of the most interesting documentaries that I have seen in a long time, and I am happy to add it to my collection.

If you want to know how truly amazing and impossible it is for there even to be life on Earth, this video will make you feel special…

There is no doubt that schools have been militant about pushing Darwin’s theory on students for a while now, so I think it’s only fair that they see another point of view. After all, isn’t that what “science” is? To look at all of the evidence, be objective and to try to look at things with an open mind?

“Unlocking the Mystery of Life,” deals with the incredible nanotechnology inside bacteria and human cells.

Does it combine the two, or totally different angle? The above statement brings science fiction/fact into play.

In my belief there is no question about the origin of life or anything else for that matter…

GOD CREATED ALL THINGS , (MAN “LIFE”) THE UNIVERSE. NUF SAID!!!</font id=“red”></font id=“size4”>

  :smiley::smiley:The bible says it ,,,I BELIEVE IT!!:smiley::smiley:


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

I’m going to wait on mac daddy to tell me what I believe

The debate over Creationism vs Evolution is another example of how man tends to need to explain the unknown rationally, in ways that are easily understood. Having faith that an Almighty Creator designed and built the universe and everything in it over a 6 earth day period is easily understood and rationalized.
The concept that an Almighty Creator would use evolution as a tool of creation, is much harder to rationalize.
My personal belief is that God is constantly creating, and that evolution is one of God’s creation tools.
Man has a hard time understanding how God as immortal has no time restrictions or schedules to maintain. The concept of a million years or a single day being of little concern in the face of eternity, is hard for humans to understand. We want to place God within our time zone, but that’s impossible. A single moment for God can flow in time in whatever way that He chooses.
We see evolution as being a long unguided process, but that’s only because we cannot perceive that God’s hand moves in eternity where time has no relevance.

God, how long is a million years to you?
A minute.
God, how much is a million dollars to you?
A penny.
God, can I have a penny?
In a minute.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Originally posted by Fred67

“Unlocking the Mystery of Life,” deals with the incredible nanotechnology inside bacteria and human cells.

Does it combine the two, or totally different angle? The above statement brings science fiction/fact into play.

Not science fiction. They are probably talking about the design of the "bacterial flagellum". If you look at it under a microscope it's composed of 40 plus parts including a rotor, drive shaft, etc. Looks like a miniature outboard motor, that can turn 100,000 RPM in one direction and come to a complete stop within 1/4th of a revolution before turning the other way. It's not "nanotechnology" in the man-made sense. It's nano-technology in the biological sense. Essentially it's the most efficient motor ever created and they dissect it to show that it's not something that can be explained by "natural selection".

Everyone knows the Earth is only 6000 years old…cmon.

Everyone knows the Earth is only 6000 years old…cmon.

Originally posted by skinneej

There is no doubt that schools have been militant about pushing Darwin’s theory on students for a while now, so I think it’s only fair that they see another point of view. After all, isn’t that what “science” is? To look at all of the evidence, be objective and to try to look at things with an open mind?

Skinnej it’s been a jaded side of Darwin’s theory. They usually leave out the fact that Darwin believed in the good of adaptation but removed the need for design. Darwin never doubted the existence of God as the creator, just pushed a clear fact that evolution is all around us.

A lot of Christians choose to ignore the clear evidence that evolution of all life on Earth with the exception of Man has occurred. I’d dare say as Man evolves, if we don’t kill ourselves off or the end of times comes, we will evolve too. Already we have less body hair than 1000 years ago.

Man is GOD’s latest and greatest creation and we did not evolve from Monkeys.

“Already we have less body hair than 1000 years ago.”

Shhhh…You’ll get all o’ the Global Warming freaks all riled up…:wink:

…Politicians aren’t the “Oldest Profession”, but the results are still the same.

When they come for my guns and ammo. I plan on giving them the ammo. first!

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by skinneej

There is no doubt that schools have been militant about pushing Darwin’s theory on students for a while now, so I think it’s only fair that they see another point of view. After all, isn’t that what “science” is? To look at all of the evidence, be objective and to try to look at things with an open mind?

Skinnej it’s been a jaded side of Darwin’s theory. They usually leave out the fact that Darwin believed in the good of adaptation but removed the need for design. Darwin never doubted the existence of God as the creator, just pushed a clear fact that evolution is all around us.

A lot of Christians choose to ignore the clear evidence that evolution of all life on Earth with the exception of Man has occurred. I’d dare say as Man evolves, if we don’t kill ourselves off or the end of times comes, we will evolve too. Already we have less body hair than 1000 years ago. </font id=“red”>

Man is GOD’s latest and greatest creation and we did not evolve from Monkeys.

Could be due to laser hair removal. I have seen some hairy female folks that do not groom, and can’t afford the procedure.

Usually, you can find the ole girls at the beach sunning. DO NOT look twice, mental health hazard…


Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by skinneej

There is no doubt that schools have been militant about pushing Darwin’s theory on students for a while now, so I think it’s only fair that they see another point of view. After all, isn’t that what “science” is? To look at all of the evidence, be objective and to try to look at things with an open mind?

Skinnej it’s been a jaded side of Darwin’s theory. They usually leave out the fact that Darwin believed in the good of adaptation but removed the need for design. Darwin never doubted the existence of God as the creator, just pushed a clear fact that evolution is all around us.

A lot of Christians choose to ignore the clear evidence that evolution of all life on Earth with the exception of Man has occurred. I’d dare say as Man evolves, if we don’t kill ourselves off or the end of times comes, we will evolve too. Already we have less body hair than 1000 years ago. </font id=“red”>

Man is GOD’s latest and greatest creation and we did not evolve from Monkeys.

Could be due to laser hair removal. I have seen some hairy female folks that do not groom, and can’t afford the procedure.

Usually, you can find the ole girls at the beach sunning. DO NOT look twice, mental health hazard…


Well RBF, if you want to go there what

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by skinneej

There is no doubt that schools have been militant about pushing Darwin’s theory on students for a while now, so I think it’s only fair that they see another point of view. After all, isn’t that what “science” is? To look at all of the evidence, be objective and to try to look at things with an open mind?

Skinnej it’s been a jaded side of Darwin’s theory. They usually leave out the fact that Darwin believed in the good of adaptation but removed the need for design. Darwin never doubted the existence of God as the creator, just pushed a clear fact that evolution is all around us.

A lot of Christians choose to ignore the clear evidence that evolution of all life on Earth with the exception of Man has occurred. I’d dare say as Man evolves, if we don’t kill ourselves off or the end of times comes, we will evolve too. Already we have less body hair than 1000 years ago.

Man is GOD’s latest and greatest creation and we did not evolve from Monkeys.

Human evolution way surpasses the loss of a few follicles, even in biblical terms.

If you believe the story of Noah - then you must believe in rapid human evolution. A few Arabic based humans turned into the worlds population in a short period, from African to Native American, Asian, Anglo, Mayan/Incan, Islanders…

If anything, the bible is 100% proof of rapid evolution of all species, humans included - if you believe the story.

if you believe the story.

He must have built one heck of a big boat to get all those animals on there [:0] Elephants, tigers, lions, giraffes, monkeys, rhinos, hippos…2 of everything :question: Plus food. You couldn’t fit all that on a Carnival Cruise ship, or an aircraft carrier.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

You’ll have to watch the video if you want to see a pretty scientific discussion. It’s actually a series of 3 videos, so anything I say here won’t do it justice. That being said, Darwin describes evolution as a series of random mutations over periods of millions of years. So, let’s say that “Patient X” developed a random mutation and was born with less body hair. Darwin says that his mutation makes him more fit to survive. How does he pass on that DNA into the gene pool which will eventually pass this trait on to the other 6 BILLION people on the planet? Do all of the females on Earth breed with patient X to pick up this new DNA? And they does the entire population of Earth undergo several rounds of inbreeding to keep this DNA from getting phased out? And that’s just the ONE “mutation”. So, if Darwin’s theory were to be correct, there couldn’t be a “patient x” as there is no way he could pass his gene on to every other future offspring when he is competing against so many other sperm donors. This would have to mean this same exact “mutation” were to happen simultaneously and affect enough of the breeding population so that the DNA could get passed onto a significant part of the population. Anyway, multiply the the statistical improbability of that times the BILLIONS of mutations that have to happen to get from a cell to a fully functional human being. The number would be so small, we don’t have enough zeros on the planet to put after the decimal place.

Also, in the first video, they talk about another major flaw in Darwin’s theory. If all animals evolved from a common ancestor, then the branching would look like that of a tree, going from the trunk, up to the branches. But in the earliest fossil record ever found (the Cambrian layer), virtually all but a few of the major body types (which make up our phylum) were present in an incredibly short period of time, and no links were found before that period of time. Scientists refer to this as the “Cambrian Explosion”, and they believe this period to

Originally posted by Cracker Larry
if you believe the story.

He must have built one heck of a big boat to get all those animals on there [:0] Elephants, tigers, lions, giraffes, monkeys, rhinos, hippos…2 of everything :question: Plus food. You couldn’t fit all that on a Carnival Cruise ship, or an aircraft carrier.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Or had divine intervention. Remember the time that Jesus fed 5000 people with five loaves of bread and two fishes? You must think that those were huge loaves of bread and blue whales? When the Bible says that someone rides down from heaven on a white horse, do you think, "That's silly! I've never seen a flying horse"?

Here is the thing about “supreme beings”. Just because you can’t understand them, doesn’t mean that they do not exist. Imagine your goldfish trying to understand your capabilities. Hopefully even the most common person can understand that no matter how hard a goldfish tries, he will never be able to comprehend the magnitude of a human’s capabilities.

Originally posted by skinneej

Here is the thing about “supreme beings”. Just because you can’t understand them, doesn’t mean that they do not exist. Imagine your goldfish trying to understand your capabilities. Hopefully even the most common person can understand that no matter how hard a goldfish tries, he will never be able to comprehend the magnitude of a human’s capabilities.

Agree with this sentiment except for one important point: there’s ONLY ONE supreme being…

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

Originally posted by Black Bart
Originally posted by skinneej

Here is the thing about “supreme beings”. Just because you can’t understand them, doesn’t mean that they do not exist. Imagine your goldfish trying to understand your capabilities. Hopefully even the most common person can understand that no matter how hard a goldfish tries, he will never be able to comprehend the magnitude of a human’s capabilities.

Agree with this sentiment except for one important point: there’s ONLY ONE supreme being…

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

Depends on how you define the word. Yes, there is only 1 God, but I am a "supreme being" from the perspective of my goldfish, and is the reason why I put it in quotes!