IOP pier report

Yesterday was hot, and slow.

Only a couple of Sharks. One was as I walked off of the pier to grab some more refreshments, and I missed most of the action.

I have video of “Karen” handling the five footer, as it was beached.

We probably could’ve caught a hundred under slot Spades, but grew tired of them.

First time I didn’t catch a single Whiting.

Headed back out in a few, as the tide has changed.

Did I mention, it’s “Hot”!

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Sounds like a lot of fun, I havent pier fished in years.

Sorry…couldn’t quite reat the last part. I think the letters melted together! I broke a sweat just reading this in the shade. Catch every single fish for me

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“Hot” well August on the pier. Probably why you had no takers on your invitation, just guessing.

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Good news…we hit triple digits!

Yesterday was a little better than Monday.

A couple of three foot Sharpnose, and a couple of break offs.

An under slot Flounder, and some quality Whiting, last night.

Saw a few Sheepheads working the pier pilings, that I might give a try later.

Still " HOT"!

Finally! Cooled off a little bit.

Tide still not right for me.

Tomorrow night might be better?

Caught another under size Flounder, this morning, and some good Whiting.

Just a heads up on bait.

My daughter, Morgan, and I, headed to Breach Inlet to catch a few Blue Crabs, for bait, at low tide, this morning

Turns out that the Striped Killifish/Tiger Minnows that @barbawang, and I were discussing, a few days back, are plentiful in the tidal pools remaining after the tide goes out.

We just located a few of the tidal pools, with the minnows in them, then dammed them up on the drainage end, and netted all we cared to keep for bait.

Using this type of net…

@Dfreedom, you, and your wife, really need to give Breach Inlet a try for Blue Crabs.

No bait needed, just wait for them scurrying around the edges, and net them.

The shade of the bridge is just a much welcome relief from the hot sun!

May have to come down one day just to crab. She loves to crab. And, she makes killer Crab Rice

Can’t remember the screen name, but there was a guy posting on here a year or 2 back about wearing out some doormats in breech, I figured it was along the rocky bits on the south side

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I’ve seen a few goodu 'ns caught on the shoulder of the IOP side of the creek, on the inside of the channel, over the years.

We’ve caught two this week, off of the pier.

A first for us. I’m heading back in the morning to grab a few more Tiger Minnows, and give them a real try.

Keep us posted.

Well, I’m back at the hill, and had a ball fishing the IOP pier, once again!

Fishing in the hot sun was bearable, every day, due to the sea breeze. We had evening storms every day but Friday, which sent us in early. My best shark fishing off of the pier is generally at dusk, with descent water.
Tides/weather just weren’t in my favor this trip.

I had three Bonnethead bites around 4:00-4:30 pm, Thursday. Two were foul hooked, meaning my bait, halved, shelled, Blue Crabs had spun in the current, causing the hook to become wedged into the bait, rather than sticking out of the shell. As soon as I got them to the top of the water, and they realized something was up. they opened their jaws, and spit my bait.

The third one had my circle hook embeded in the corner of his jaw, just like it should be. Alone on the pier made trying to net the fish tough, and I ended up losing it to the pier pilings, due to current, and wind.

All in all, a mighty fun trip! Our first Flounder off the pier (3) all under sized, and released. My daughter had an over slot Black Drum, we lost while trying to beach, thanks to a couple of “helpers” grabbing her line and breaking it, before we could get down to the breakers.

Figuring out how catch the Tiger Minnows was a nice addition to our trip. We also saw an Albino/Piebald Dolphin, while catching Crabs at Breach Inlet.

Plenty of good Whiting, and Spot’s were caught, along with a ton of juvy’ Spades.

Anyway, can’t wait to get back down there!!

Sounds like you got your moneys worth, any fish make it home to the freezer?

No Sir, we had a couple of fish fry’s at the picnic areas and anyone wanting to try our catch was welcome. We had fries, and cole slaw too.
Needless to say, the bounty didn’t last long… :smiley:

Another fun addition was the fellowship we enjoyed with new friends, over a plate full of freshly caught, and fried fish!!

Miller Lite, too… :wink:

Sounds like a great time. I was hoping you would get some Spanish or a pompano.Them small spades can really fight.How far was the walk to the pier and was it crowded?

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The pier at the Sea Cabins is no more than a 150 yards, at the furthest condo.

A couple of guy did catch some really nice Pompano.
They were targeting them, just behind the breakers, small gold hook, tiny piece of " fresh" shrimp.

No Spanish on this trip, although we did catch a few good Blues, feeding on a school Menhaden.

Most days I was the only one fishing the pier. In the evenings, when it cooled off, a dozen or so showed up to fish with me.

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Sounds like a grand time. Thanks for sharing.

That’s one ugly beer in one ugly coozie! :stuck_out_tongue:
Thanks for the reports!