Irma is not coming stop freaking out

It will turn to the west and go into southern Georgia. No need to board up, leave, or clean out the grocery store shelves. No need to fill up gas cans and get all hysterical. Please stop all the hype. Congrats to the new governor for not going crazy and blowing it or of proportion. Mark my words: we won’t see a wind gust over 50mph and we won’t get more than two inches of rain. Strong Atlantic high pressure will keep it moving west much longer than anticipated and once it turns up this way it will start to suck in cool dry air which will significantly weaken it and by the time he gets up even close to South Carolina it will be a category one or a tropical storm. I am no weatherman but I have seen these scenarios before with hurricanes and I can tell you with great confidence that most people in Charleston I won’t see more than a few tree limbs in their yard. So please stop the panic and stay home and enjoy some football this weekend. I doubt the power will go out

Peepod will not tolerate this… He hats all this.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

The loud mouth guy on channel 5 looked like he was going to cry

Originally posted by fishboy

I am no weatherman but… I can tell you with great confidence

Funny how its always the ones with the least info that have the most confidence? :clown_face:

Kidding aside, the last NOAA model looks like it is headed a bit further west as well.

Really anything more than 2 days out it is hard to say with certainty where anything is going - nothing wrong with being prepared. Dont forget Katrina’s big shift in the late game!

I hope you’re right fb ,I can’t drink like I did when Hugo came through. I might start crying if it hits us.

Weather people have a hard time telling you what tomorrow will be like much less 5 days from now.

After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.

Originally posted by CaptFritz

Weather people have a hard time telling you what tomorrow will be like much less 5 days from now.

After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.

Bingo, Capt!!


Originally posted by CaptFritz

Weather people have a hard time telling you what tomorrow will be like much less 5 days from now.

After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.

I am an asshat according to fritz, but I have to agree with him on this one. Weather people now rely on computer maps instead of actually studying the the weather. Asshat (that’s me) says what will happen will happen and the darn news forecasters until a day out .

shame that it has to be that some fish live while others die. But that is the nature of true conservation. ~

“Why Bruce?”

Originally posted by sman

I hope you’re right fb ,I can’t drink like I did when Hugo came through. I might start crying if it hits us.

I have a feeling thats not true.

Y’all, can at least stock up on booze!

Weather people now rely on computer maps instead of actually studying the the weather.

Golly, Fred, how do the computer know what to map … :wink:

New 5am update does not even have Charleston in the cone. What a joke. it’s really all about the money. Got to make sure the grocery store and gas stations get out the red for the year. Hurricane season for them is like Christmas for retailers. Oh don’t forget the local news tv ratings. Sad they dupe the general public the way they do. But in reality the general public is duped all the time and has been getting duped by the powers at be since the beginning of time

Originally posted by Reelly Old

Weather people now rely on computer maps instead of actually studying the the weather.

Golly, Fred, how do the computer know what to map … :wink:

Background programs upon background programs… and then the best guess… which will probably be pretty close when the storm is a day out. :smiley:

“Why Bruce?”

Originally posted by fishboy

New 5am update does not even have Charleston in the cone. What a joke. it’s really all about the money. Got to make sure the grocery store and gas stations get out the red for the year. Hurricane season for them is like Christmas for retailers. Oh don’t forget the local news tv ratings. Sad they dupe the general public the way they do. But in reality the general public is duped all the time and has been getting duped by the powers at be since the beginning of time

We’re not out of the woods yet. The track will change 19 more times before it gets this far up.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

This crystal ball Irma forecast track should have come out on Monday, not 6:22 pm on Thursday after the 6pm NOAA update…

Plan for the worst, pray for the best!


1980 Skandia 21 w/ '93 JohnRude 150 gas drinker


I hate all of you

“I don’t want to be accused of not being helpful so, I’d start by keeping my mouth closed when outside. Hope this helps.” -DFreedom Aug 28 2017

Originally posted by PeaPod

I hate all of you

“I don’t want to be accused of not being helpful so, I’d start by keeping my mouth closed when outside. Hope this helps.” -DFreedom Aug 28 2017

I tried to stop them; I swear I did!!!

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Originally posted by PeaPod

I hate all of you

“I don’t want to be accused of not being helpful so, I’d start by keeping my mouth closed when outside. Hope this helps.” -DFreedom Aug 28 2017

When I was little my mom wouldn’t let me say hate. She said it was an ugly word. I couldn’t say fart either. Break wind was ok.

I hate love bugs and fire ants but love a fried pork chop.

“Why Bruce?”