Irma is not coming stop freaking out

I hat all of you.


“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?


you’re getting overtime. No need for the hostility

“I don’t want to be accused of not being helpful so, I’d start by keeping my mouth closed when outside. Hope this helps.” -DFreedom Aug 28 2017

Looks like you were right Fishboy.Thats just great,the party is over.Hey 7,can you come over and help me dig up my anchors we buried in my yard.I went and got some more Rock and Rye by the way.

you're getting overtime. No need for the hostility

I do not get paid overtime.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Originally posted by sman

Looks like you were right Fishboy.Thats just great,the party is over.Hey 7,can you come over and help me dig up my anchors we buried in my yard.I went and got some more Rock and Rye by the way.

On the way. You still want my old Playboys?

Originally posted by PeaPod


you’re getting overtime. No need for the hostility

“I don’t want to be accused of not being helpful so, I’d start by keeping my mouth closed when outside. Hope this helps.” -DFreedom Aug 28 2017

We might need to add Doug to our daily group texts at this point…

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Originally posted by 7cs
Originally posted by sman

Looks like you were right Fishboy.Thats just great,the party is over.Hey 7,can you come over and help me dig up my anchors we buried in my yard.I went and got some more Rock and Rye by the way.

On the way. You still want my old Playboys?

When you say old do you mean Pre 90’s all natural? There was a time it went from full on hippy to straight up Kojak. “Who loves ya, baby?” … some will get this.

“Why Bruce?”

The Break Up

Telly Savalas

About the only Jennifer Anniston movie I can tolerate, and also the Adam Sandler one.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Sure 7,bring em but keep it on the down low around you know who. I feel like I should apologize to claim on the other topic since I provided all the scotch.He seems to be on a bad luck streak.

Originally posted by fishboy

It will turn to the west and go into southern Georgia. No need to board up, leave, or clean out the grocery store shelves. No need to fill up gas cans and get all hysterical. Please stop all the hype. Congrats to the new governor for not going crazy and blowing it or of proportion. Mark my words: we won’t see a wind gust over 50mph and we won’t get more than two inches of rain. Strong Atlantic high pressure will keep it moving west much longer than anticipated and once it turns up this way it will start to suck in cool dry air which will significantly weaken it and by the time he gets up even close to South Carolina it will be a category one or a tropical storm. I am no weatherman but I have seen these scenarios before with hurricanes and I can tell you with great confidence that most people in Charleston I won’t see more than a few tree limbs in their yard. So please stop the panic and stay home and enjoy some football this weekend. I doubt the power will go out

How’d you do in this over hyped storm?

Wind gusts were over 70mph and we got way more than 2 inches of rain. I think I read where like 40,000 people lost power… What say you?

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

I can not believe we did not lose power yesterday, we were fortunate…and I can not imagine 185mph winds in the Caribbean, especially with the piss poor construction…

It was in Georgia when this happened, imagine if it came through SC!


I can’t imagine why we haven’t heard from Fishboy. I wonder where he got is meteorologist’s certification? Either way, I’ll bet it’s a very reputable establishment.

Given some of the crap that gets spread around on this site, I believe this has to at least put Fishboy in the running for “Dumbass Post/Comment of the Year” award.

God bless the “ignore” function.

Here in the upstate, we got pounded by the relentless wind and some blowing rain. There was over 240,000 power outages mostly by downed trees. It blew the top off my well house, some metal roofing off my barn and lots of limbs and leaves but no real damage at my house, had my gennie ready but didn’t loose power. Thank you LORD for the sun today!!!

Originally posted by fishboy

New 5am update does not even have Charleston in the cone. What a joke. it’s really all about the money. Got to make sure the grocery store and gas stations get out the red for the year. Hurricane season for them is like Christmas for retailers. Oh don’t forget the local news tv ratings. Sad they dupe the general public the way they do. But in reality the general public is duped all the time and has been getting duped by the powers at be since the beginning of time

Yep, I agree. I didn’t see any issues with this storm. No flooding, no downed trees, no loss of home or automobiles. Nothing. Spot on forecast, fishboy. Keep us posted on the next one…

Hmmmmmm… Wonder where fishboy is

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

Hmmmmmm… Wonder where fishboy is

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Its probably going to be tough to face the people who were removed from their home.

Cmon ,be a fish man and tell us what you think.We have all had to do it.

I wouldn’t crow very loud, there are thousands of others that weren’t as lucky to dodge the bullet this time as some of you were , next one may make you the bulls eye …Pray for the ones that lost everything including their loved ones and thank god it wasn’t your home, wife , kids, parents , or neighbors behind the :8ball:

George McDonald ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Originally posted by gail wins

I wouldn’t crow very loud, there are thousands of others that weren’t as lucky to dodge the bullet this time as some of you were , next one may make you the bulls eye …Pray for the ones that lost everything including their loved ones and thank god it wasn’t your home, wife , kids, parents , or neighbors behind the :8ball:

George McDonald ; MAD Charleston

Who is crowing?

Fishboy made a bold prediction that he ended up being very wrong on.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017