Irma is not coming stop freaking out

Originally posted by 23Sailfish
Originally posted by gail wins

I wouldn’t crow very loud, there are thousands of others that weren’t as lucky to dodge the bullet this time as some of you were , next one may make you the bulls eye …Pray for the ones that lost everything including their loved ones and thank god it wasn’t your home, wife , kids, parents , or neighbors behind the :8ball:

George McDonald ; MAD Charleston

Who is crowing?

Fishboy made a bold prediction that he ended up being very wrong on.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

I think that was an example of:

No…no it wasn’t.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

No…no it wasn’t.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Was commenting on gw’s post not sensing the sarcasm.

Tornado touched down right by tanger outlets… no freaking thank you. Hid in the closet with the wife and little boy during all that mess. Luckily we are on the high ground and avoided flooding and only lost power for like an hour. The next door neighbors were without power for over 2 days and they were pissed lol!

I can do without any more storms this fall. I finally have some time off and want to enjoy it dang it!

“mr keys”

I live 3 hours from the coast and haven’t had power since 12:30pm on Monday. It’s not fun anymore! I finally opened the freezer this morning, and I am thawing out a brisket, 3 chickens, a leg of lamb, a turkey breast, and several links of sausage. We are going to feed about 30 utility workers at the church tomorrow for lunch. (I’m wondering if they will even touch the lamb.)

Originally posted by SurfFishLife

I am thawing out a brisket, 3 chickens, a leg of lamb, a turkey breast, and several links of sausage. We are going to feed about 30 utility workers at the church tomorrow for lunch. (I’m wondering if they will even touch the lamb.)

mighty fine of you friend…please be safe and patient…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Originally posted by SurfFishLife

I live 3 hours from the coast and haven’t had power since 12:30pm on Monday. It’s not fun anymore! I finally opened the freezer this morning, and I am thawing out a brisket, 3 chickens, a leg of lamb, a turkey breast, and several links of sausage. We are going to feed about 30 utility workers at the church tomorrow for lunch. (I’m wondering if they will even touch the lamb.)

Sometimes it’s better to not say it is lamb. :wink::smiley: But I’d guess those guys would eat most anything or at least try it.

“Why Bruce?”

Originally posted by SurfFishLife

I live 3 hours from the coast and haven’t had power since 12:30pm on Monday. It’s not fun anymore! I finally opened the freezer this morning, and I am thawing out a brisket, 3 chickens, a leg of lamb, a turkey breast, and several links of sausage. We are going to feed about 30 utility workers at the church tomorrow for lunch. (I’m wondering if they will even touch the lamb.)

Don’t sell a profession short… You maybe surprised!

-Regulator 28fs
-Dolphin 18BC Pro
-Miscellaneous boats
“Everybody dances when shotgun sings” Stewart and Winfield

Trust me,they will eat it. I know quite a few linemen ,tough a$$ country boys that are not picky.

Good on you SFL.

Been working with many transmission/distribution linemen here in Ga.

IMO, if you are sweating what someone’s random forecast predicted, and planned accordingly, you are not to bright!

Be glad that eye didn’t come up the east coast!

BTW, talk about ratings. The Weather Channel would rather risk putting some in harms way for ratings apparently in a big blow, yet talk safety. Bettis out there after nearly getting killed by a tornado.

Kinda like watching talkedage hoping for the big wreck, except this will be a piece of sheet metal or a stop sign that will cut his head off.


Originally posted by sman

Trust me,they will eat it. I know quite a few linemen ,tough a$$ country boys that are not picky.

My son-in-law runs a crew, and yes those boys will eat anything. Snake, Turtle, Gator, Frogs, Anything those boys catch working a line through a swamp will get cooked at the motel.

“Why Bruce?”

I’m not leaving DF’s garage until Hurricane Season is over! Got it pretty nice here! I’ve been recycling DF’s food and beer and have the garage pretty comfortable now! Don’t want to leave and have to turn around and come right back!

I have asked you repeatedly to wiz OUTSIDE. You will be evicted if this behavior continues.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

And I have told you that if you would get a porta potty that the problem would be solved! But, you’re so darned cheap! You better be glad The Pod didn’t come!

What, no cat litter buckets to use?

Bob Van Gundy
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Bob. if DF would buy better beer, I wouldn’t have to pee as much! I was using a gallon plastic jug and pouring it out in the backyard and he complained about that to! There’s just no pleasing him!

Originally posted by Easy

And I have told you that if you would get a porta potty that the problem would be solved! But, you’re so darned cheap! You better be glad The Pod didn’t come!

Would’ve worked out better if you had your PeePoddy…


Don’t frett boys, have heard he had a heated and AC one on the way!

Originally posted by Easy

And I have told you that if you would get a porta potty that the problem would be solved! But, you’re so darned cheap! You better be glad The Pod didn’t come!

It’s called a Port-A-Let…porta paddy is what wimmens use.


The Horror The Horror

My garage is closed for any future natural disasters.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?