
Saturday morning when I looked at Irma’s track, it was heading right for our front door…I spent Saturday going thru my camping gear and organizing exactly I would need if we did get hit. Found out that a couple of my lanterns were broken, tossed them and went out and bought some new ones. Picked up the last 2 little propane canisters for the burner, bottled water was scarce at the store, bought an extra case. Seems people were out getting prepared like I was. Topped off the SUV’s, I think gas was $2.37/gal, no line. I’m glad the track changed and I’m also glad I did what I did Saturday…

It’s not looking good down here in the USVI. The weather is beautiful right now so I might try to get in a quick shore dive for some lobsters before the big dog comes barking.

Cat 5. So it’s supposed to turn North near FL, but nobody knows when exactly. I can’t imagine a mandatory evacuation with the amount of people we have in Charleston and the same crappy infrastructure. The panic has set in though, I hear Wal-Mart is out of water. #Irmagherd

Easy’s pic is so true.

What we CAN be sure of…

Just moved to Key West to run operations at the hospital down here. Fuel (Gasoline) is pretty much out across the island and we have a full-scale inpatient evacuation with the North Carolina National Guard starting at 5pm tomorrow. Flying in 2 C-130s to load patients up and ship them to Gadsden, AL. This storm is a bad *****. Should be a good time.

Do not tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don’t tell them where they know the fish.

  • More Maxims of Mark, Johnson, 1927

31’ Contender
250 HPDIs

Know it is early but getting things
off James Island an heading in land.

Got some open land for campers an
could get water to them if needed,
an want a place if things go bad there.

Here in Barnwell.

Everyone better be prepared for this one. I sat in on a state meeting today and I had never seen the State Climatologist so serious about the magnitude or power of this storm. We were given the 3 most likely paths and while one is worse than the others, the state will not escape damage unless something completely unexpected happens.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

I here Reno Beach or Ruggles are very safe weather cities, maybe Fremont if you don’t want to be right on the water. You could always move back there. Great Walleye, Sauger fishing. Runnin’ from a storm that may or may not be a week+ away is a bit silly. I grew up in Huntsville Al, I’ll take a hurricane you know about for weeks over a twister that will drop down on top of you in your sleep anytime.

Let the storm shaming begin.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Well I haven’t heard a (**() thing from Bonzo, so as far as I’m concerned all you people are making a big hoopla over nothing…

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

Well I haven’t heard a (**() thing from Bonzo, so as far as I’m concerned all you people are making a big hoopla over nothing…

be prepared for any situation…this storm is huge and damaging effects could be felt far away from the center of the cone…I’m also really hoping this front exerts more pressure on it to turn more to the east…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Quite a few of us on here were much younger then and rode out Hugo and dared him to scare us. Well he did just that and was only about 140 mph plus when it made landfall here. This Irma beast is 185 mph currently so at least one more gear above Hugo. If it gets close, better head the other way.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish
Yamaha 250

So at what point is everyone waiting to see before deciding? After It decides what part, if any of Florida it hits, or do you still wait until the weekend and see if it turns even more east? Any high rise construction crews started preparing or breaking down cranes yet?

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Anyone know where we can pick up sandbags in the Charleston area, I’m figuring we at least get a lot of rain out of this. Need to sandbag the GF’s garage doors to help prevent water entry.

One Simple Thanks!!

I’m waiting until it’s classified as a Cat 6. Then, I will buy some bread and milk.

^^^Too late, all the bread and milk is gone. Gas lines at Costo are hilarious…I just rolled up in Dodges and got fuel with no wait instead. There’s definitely a strong correlation between a Costco Membership and general panic.

Those lines at Costco are like that every day lol. When I worked over that way I would buy gas before the actual store opened in and out once the store opens forget it.

Originally posted by Bonzo72
Originally posted by 23Sailfish

Well I haven’t heard a (**() thing from Bonzo, so as far as I’m concerned all you people are making a big hoopla over nothing…

be prepared for any situation…this storm is huge and damaging effects could be felt far away from the center of the cone…I’m also really hoping this front exerts more pressure on it to turn more to the east…

The Morris Island Lighthouse


Is the ***** gonna hit here or not? We expect answers from the resident expert

“I don’t want to be accused of not being helpful so, I’d start by keeping my mouth closed when outside. Hope this helps.” -DFreedom Aug 28 2017

Originally posted by Apickett

Those lines at Costco are like that every day lol. When I worked over that way I would buy gas before the actual store opened in and out once the store opens forget it.

Can't do that now!!! I dropped by there early the other day and they have pad locks on the pumps! Costco is actually the closest gas station to my house.