Is the internet to blame?

Even though crimes like the church shootings have be going on since the beginning of time is the internet fueling the fire? People are trolling internet chat rooms looking for week minded souls to manipulate their views on race, terrorism, religion (cults) and the list goes on and on. Then add the 24 hour news media who jump on stories that add more fuel to the fire. Now add the cult leaders, race baiters and paid for hire organizers who come into places that had horrific things happen and now it starts spinning out of control. Oh and don?t forget the people that reply to news stories with their racist comments, religion bashing and kill them all attitude.

So is it really the internet or just people feeling important to their cause because they know their story will make them famous worldwide?

The issues have always been there. The internet just makes them more accessible to the public. It also doesn’t help that the media doesn’t actually report the news anymore. Turn on CNN right now, “BREAKING NEWS!” and it will just be an update about the same (**() thing. Was it a hate crime? I think so. Do we need to glorify this 21 year old jackass for walking into a church and gunning down 9 unarmed people? No. I wish they wouldn’t make him a celebrity.

Just like guns, the internet is only a tool, not the murderer.

Personally, I believe the largest factor is violent video games, coupled with the violent nature of unbalanced people, a time bomb waiting to explode.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

It is evil lurking in the hearts of men. Period.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Agree, changing souls is the only way. Video games, Internet, pornography, drugs, alcohol, selfies, Kardashians, rebel flags, slave history, movies, addictions to guns, war, ninjas, etc., none if it will never go away so why waste any breathe on the conversation. Focus on the hearts and minds, not the vices.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Bastardized freedoms. Our founding fathers put in place a necessary Bill of Rights that lawyers and freaks have loopholed into freedom to dam near do or be anything. He can wear those hate flags as freedom of expression. They can preach hatred as freedom of speech. They can meet and discuss hatred by freedom of assembly.

And in America, he will be protected more than an honest man, because they need to protect those loathsome people from the honest man.

In America, that filth has the same protections and freedoms as those poor victims did to gather in prayer.

“Every saint has a past, every sinner a future”
2011 Carolina Skiff 178DLV
90 HP Honda

I don’t blame it on anything other than the individual. We are becoming a society of no personal responsibility. Everything is always someone or something else’s fault. I teach my kids that you are responsible for your actions good and bad. There is a result to each and every one of your actions , so make sure you understand that before you take any action.

Originally posted by Apickett

I don’t blame it on anything other than the individual. We are becoming a society of no personal responsibility. Everything is always someone or something else’s fault. I teach my kids that you are responsible for your actions good and bad. There is a result to each and every one of your actions , so make sure you understand that before you take any action.

Well said, Andy.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

Fox Faux News

22 Sea Hunt

FINALLY, agreement on shootings and violence. HALLELUJAH!!!###

NOW, what to do about souls who either won’t listen to reason, or have no interest in reasoning.

That would be the next logical discussion, but that discussion has been overworked, and underwhelmed by Gotcha and me for years.

Final question for your final answer:

WHAT is missing in the effort to change the souls of men to do good and live honestly, and spiritually???

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Fox Faux News

I hope you are kidding. Fox is no more or less to blame than CNN, MSNBC or one of the networks.

no personal responsibility

THIS^^^^^^^^. Instead of letting our kids legitimately fail at something, we blame the school, the teacher the coach or someone/something else rather than actually look at what the kid did or did not do.

I see the failure to accept personal/individual responsibility every day.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

NO QUESTION, Dfreedom, correct, sir.

Realizing and admitting failure is a lost part of society, that is a major part in the healing of souls as well, that is the biggest detriment to soul saving. People do not want to admit needing help, or admit God really does want to help them.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Young people have video games, violent movies, absentee parents, zero social skills and medications for everything wrong with them. Maybe we should emphasize teaching a kid to work his ass off, sweat and get dirty learning life skills, eating meals with his family and getting to know Jesus instead.

“People done gone and put their Bibles away, they’re living by the law of the jungle not the law of the land.” Charlie Daniels.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

This kid is another Charles Manson.

Originally posted by skinneej

This kid is another Charles Manson.

Yeah but unlike Charles Manson and California, SC will try him and fry him.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

Good call Salty…Sooner…rather than later. When they confess like he did, due process should be waived and we should hang em high in a hurry…!!

Originally posted by Redstripe

Good call Salty…Sooner…rather than later. When they confess like he did, due process should be waived and we should hang em high in a hurry…!!

X10 the quicker the less money it cost tax payers. I kind of hope it goes federal to save S.C. some money.

Fred, I think you have been misinformed.

Here is a post by Tom Clements in response to folks who defend that the confederate flag should still fly at the statehouse :
Read the “Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union,” of December 24, 1860 and search for words associated with “slavery.” Count 'em - 18 times in a 3 page transcript of the document: It’s focused on the perceived hostility to slavery and how that harmed those who created the document. So, the historical fact that secession was pursed to protect slavery is affirmed by the guilty parties.

22 Sea Hunt

After thinking about this some more, there is an interesting thesis here… Will we see MORE of these massacres BECAUSE of the internet? I think that the answer is a resounding YES… There are probably more psychopathic individuals out there than we know about. Dozens more? Hundreds? Thousands? Who knows… Many of them will function in society and will never be revealed, but it’s the ones like Roof that latch onto the right ideology that self-justify them into doing horrible things. You see, before the internet, these ticking time-bombs were out there and the only way that their fuse could be armed was that they had to network or bump into someone\something else that could imprint an ideology. In other words, psychopaths seem to need an ideology to put them into motion. But, how hard was it to find the perfect ideology 50 years ago before the internet was invented? How likely was it for some deranged kid to run into someone else that had a contagious level of hatred that would justify (in their mind) a mass killing? I’m guessing it was pretty rare because anyone who talked like that was probably quickly found, dealt with. That being said, the internet is an open forum of harmful\hateful ideologies (racism, ISIS, etc.) just sitting out there waiting to be adopted. Not only have psychopaths have access to more impressionable material than they ever have before, they can do it in the privacy of their own home without tripping any alarms.

So, I think that the answer to oops_lost question is “Yes, kind of”… Was it the internet? Was it the media? Is it “race baiting”?, etc… I think that ALL of you are correct. It does take a deranged individual (mental illness, absolute evil, etc) to do something so horrible, but I think that 50 years ago, they were a bit insulated from having their fuse armed because of lack of input. Nowadays, they can get input from the internet\tv, so I think we will see that these psychopaths are more easily “activated”, if that makes sense…

Note that they all se

Yeah but unlike Charles Manson and California, SC will try him and fry him.

That’s what ‘they’ said about Susan Smith. Her two children would be graduating from college about now. They’re dead and she’s eligible for parole in 9 years, maybe SC will do better with this one … :wink: