Jack Cravelle

I have been seeing lots of photos of people catching Jacks, and it looks like a blast. I understand I can use pogies or lures, and you catch them near the surface. Problem is, I don’t know where to fish for them or how you find them. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

I would like to know as well. I went out last Wednesday on a charter and we ran into a school in Calibogue between Harbor Town and Daufuskie closer to the Daufuskie side. Headed back out this weekend and would love to hook into some. Does anyone know if they frequent that same area?

Yes, they are usually in the inlet mouths and along the beachfronts, often mixed in with the spanish mackerel schools. They are both chasing the same bait, glass minnows mostly. Most of the ones I’ve caught have been while trolling for spanish. Just cruise off the inlet mouths and look for birds. Where there are birds there are fish. Fast troll silver Clark spoons or white Gotcha baits. Put a couple down on small planers.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

I have see them several times this year cruising right on top in small groups. They do frequent that area all the way down to spanish wells Haymar.

Sea Hunt BX 21
150 Yamaha