jobs and fishing

Looking at sudden influx of offshore reports, it appears 4/22 was the official start of 2015 season.

My question is this, what do you people do for a living that you just up and go fishing on a Wednesday at the drop of a hat when the weather looks decent? I’m jealous. I need in on this secret of how to make a living while being able to drop work at a moments notice to fish on random weekdays. :face_with_head_bandage:

Well you just have to tell your job I’m going fishing, easy.:smiley: Then tell your wife I’m taking off work to go fishing tomorrow, not so easy.:face_with_head_bandage:

See, that’s the easy part. No wife to deal with, yet :stuck_out_tongue:

Well you just have to tell your job I'm going fishing, easy

Yep. That’s it. Of course when you work for yourself the boss is a lot more understanding. Mrs. Cracker is easy. I told her 45 years ago, before we got married, that when I wanted to fish I was going fishing, and when I wanted to hunt, I was going hunting. and I wasn’t asking permission. My only pre-nup agreement. Worked out well so far:smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

I get plenty of vacation time every year, but explaining to the wife why I hooked up the boat the night before is the tough part. She doesn’t like when I take the boat to work:wink:

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

Plenty of vacation time, non production or service work, ability to set schedules/manage the work load to allow for spur of the moment days off…

self employed, understanding wife

2000 SeaPro 180CC w/ Yammy 115 2 stroke
1966 13’ Boston Whaler w/ Merc 25 4 stroke “Flatty”

Originally posted by andyb

Looking at sudden influx of offshore reports, it appears 4/22 was the official start of 2015 season.

My question is this, what do you people do for a living that you just up and go fishing on a Wednesday at the drop of a hat when the weather looks decent? I’m jealous. I need in on this secret of how to make a living while being able to drop work at a moments notice to fish on random weekdays. :face_with_head_bandage:

Huh,yeah I thought the same.

Economy sure is going good if that many can splash in,drop at least $500-$700 in fuel,another couple hundred or so in bait.Dont forget the pop and beer and fried chicken,Pringles and so on.Who would have thought.

Just wait till the fish are here,the economy will be even better.

I have to confess my wife is very understanding when it comes to my fishing. What I dont understand is we just moved into a new house Friday and she wants me to do all these honey do’s to get moved in and set up instead of fish, go figure.

Originally posted by poly ball

Economy sure is going good if that many can splash in,drop at least $500-$700 in fuel,another couple hundred or so in bait.Dont forget the pop and beer and fried chicken,Pringles and so on.Who would have thought.

I think you’re doing it wrong. My boat is paid for and burns about 70 gallons a day offshore trolling. Split four ways with friends, that’s a relatively cheap day offshore and you get some great groceries. At the very most, an offshore trip costs $100 per person.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Originally posted by 23Sailfish
Originally posted by poly ball

Economy sure is going good if that many can splash in,drop at least $500-$700 in fuel,another couple hundred or so in bait.Dont forget the pop and beer and fried chicken,Pringles and so on.Who would have thought.

I think you’re doing it wrong. My boat is paid for and burns about 70 gallons a day offshore trolling. Split four ways with friends, that’s a relatively cheap day offshore and you get some great groceries. At the very most, an offshore trip costs $100 per person.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Bolbie’s got plenty of money but gets mad when us peon’s are on his water with him.

I don’t get to go during the week, I work. Then I don’t get to go on the weekends since, invariably some moron asks if it the weather is going to be good on Saturday sometime around Wednesday night or Thursday and we all know what happens after that.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

My question is this, what do you people do for a living that you just up and go fishing on a Wednesday at the drop of a hat when the weather looks decent?

The real question is what do you do for a living that allows you to own a $250,000 boat, put $800 worth of fuel in it and $10,000 worth of tackle on it. Add another $200 for bait and ice. All just to catch $100 worth of fish, and still take off on Wednesday to go fishing. God bless America :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Originally posted by 23Sailfish
Originally posted by poly ball

Economy sure is going good if that many can splash in,drop at least $500-$700 in fuel,another couple hundred or so in bait.Dont forget the pop and beer and fried chicken,Pringles and so on.Who would have thought.

I think you’re doing it wrong. My boat is paid for and burns about 70 gallons a day offshore trolling. Split four ways with friends, that’s a relatively cheap day offshore and you get some great groceries. At the very most, an offshore trip costs $100 per person.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

70 gallons? You must surely have to pick your days with that little amount of fuel.These rigs I see now with twins,triple outboards no less than 250 hp each,burn 70 gallons before they even reach the ledge.

I still say a strong economy.

That’s cute.

I burn 70 on average. Reading comprehension isn’t overrated. My boat holds twice that.

With technology today the only reason to have a large boat is comfort and the ability to fish in 90% of weather conditions. I can fish in about 60% of weather conditions in my little boat. And I have a buck or two in the bank. To each his own. I prefer not having to finance a boat, I think that’s silly unless you use it for a living.

Tight linez.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Originally posted by Optiker

self employed, understanding wife

This. Self employed working from home. I don’t really go offshore much and I only burn $15-$50 in fuel a day inshore depending on which boat I run. I find the cheaper I keep it the more I fish. My wife also works Tues-Sat during the day so I am fishing during the day while she is gone, not that she minds. She understands that this is my hobby and what keeps me sane. My boats are paid for and I keep it cheap. When I want to go offshore I chip in and catch a ride. I try to avoid the weekends due to all the headaches.

Some simple math. $200 for an offshore trip once a month is $2400 a year. Most of the time that is on a $50k+ boat. In 10 years that is still only $24,000 and I don’t have to clean, maintain or store a large boat. All the fun and none of the headaches. To each his own but that’s how I do it.

Carolina Skiff J14, 25 Merc
Hydra-Sports 1800cc, 150 Johnson

Own your own company, your the boss, so you take off when you want. Pretty simple.

Get old and retire! Than you have time for everything, plus a nap:wink:

Don’t start a heating and air company. The busiest time of the year is when the fish are bitting. And for some reason the calls slow down when they stop.

I think all fishermen should be independent, aggress ive, self employed, free to roam guys.

Let me know when you accomplish that for real, anyone.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by 23Sailfish
Originally posted by poly ball

Economy sure is going good if that many can splash in,drop at least $500-$700 in fuel,another couple hundred or so in bait.Dont forget the pop and beer and fried chicken,Pringles and so on.Who would have thought.

I think you’re doing it wrong. My boat is paid for and burns about 70 gallons a day offshore trolling. Split four ways with friends, that’s a relatively cheap day offshore and you get some great groceries. At the very most, an offshore trip costs $100 per person.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

I’ll be in town the last two weeks of May. Got some fancy new rods to play with too.