Got a 2000 Johnson 40hp (2-stroke) about a year ago. Haven’t had any problems until this February. Went out one morning and motor sounds fine, fires up fine but when I try to take off and get to plane it starts revving or jumping and won’t gain any speed. It didn’t cut off, just starts revving. sounds fine as soon I as pull back on the throttle. Kind of hard to explain. I’ll try and add a video I took of it. Anyways after that first time I replaced the gas and added some fuel treatment. Motor ran fine from Shem creek all the way to goat island. Slowed down in a no wake zone and then went to get back up to speed and it started again. Limped back to the ramp and cleaned carbs out the next day. Next time I went out it’s the same deal. Ran fine until I got to the intracoastal and then started revving when I try to gain speed. Not sure what to do next. I had someone tell me to replace power pack and someone tell me to replace ignition coil. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
sounds like you spun the hub in the prop, if the rpm goes up but no movement of the boat… Like a car with a slipping clutch… done it 2 times before myself
^^ What he said ^^
“Lil Mudslinger” - Lowe 160 W/50hp Yammie
What they both said. Classic symptoms for hub slipping.
Skipp’s Prop shop off Cross County Road can press the old hub out and a new one, fast and reasonable. Or if your prop is a beat up aluminum one, might be time to upgrade to a stainless…
“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”
Huh… the prop I have is only 6 months old. SS from the prop shop. I’ll run it by there and see what he says. Thanks for the help guys!
All fishermen are liers except me and you and I’m not sure about you.
That isn’t a bushing slipping. Watch the video.
2005 Sea Hunt 212 Triton
“Head East”
I’ll go fuel pump for 100 Pat
It ain’t no mystery…this beer’s history!
Just watched the video, and it does sound like a fuel issue rather than a hub slipping.
Try pumping the primer bulb when it acts up and see if that helps. If not try choking it and see if it gets worse or better. If neither of those help it could be ignition?
“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”
The fuel line and primer bulb are working. Carbs have been cleaned. Screen on the fuel filter is clean. It’ doesn’t happen all the time. I can run for 30 minutes, stop and fish for a few and when I try to get going again it doesn’t want to get back to speed. It’s only an issue when I try to get up on plane.
All fishermen are liers except me and you and I’m not sure about you.
Try pumping the primer bulb when it acts up and see if that helps.
Fuel pump or pickup in tank clogged !!!
Anti-siphon valve in the tank sticking gave me an intermittent fuel deliver issue.
Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat
any chance of water in the fuel?
First thing I did was get rid of old fuel and clean the tankk. Delivery system from Fuel tank to engine is all good. Problem is occurring somewhere else.
All fishermen are liers except me and you and I’m not sure about you.
Originally posted by ovsoldierFirst thing I did was get rid of old fuel and clean the tankk. Delivery system from Fuel tank to engine is all good. Problem is occurring somewhere else.
All fishermen are liers except me and you and I’m not sure about you.
Do you have an anti-siphon valve?
I know you say it’s all good…I said the same thing.
Good luck.
Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat
Never even heard of that. What does it do? If it is a bad fuel pump would that explain the randomness of the problem? Ex: it works fine for an hour and then starts acting up?
All fishermen are liers except me and you and I’m not sure about you.
Is this the anti siphon valve? And if so has anyone ever seen ants in it??? Or around a gas tank period?? Hard to see on the video I posted but I can’t figure out how to post pictures on here. They are definitely ants tho I saw them crawling around.
All fishermen are liers except me and you and I’m not sure about you.
I would venture that it is electrical considering the randomness. Bad plug/coil shorting. When the engine is running and acting up pull the plug wire off and find which cylinder is acting up and go from there.
RE anti-siphon valve: if you have a built in permanent tank, it may have an anti-siphon valve at the fuel outlet fitting on the tank. It is part of the tank plumbing. Easy way to check is to borrow a known-good portable tank with new gas. Hook up to that and see if problem persists.
I bet you have a fuel problem, somewhere. Do the portable tank trick, above. If the problem persists…
Do you have a water separating filter? If not, then get one. If you already have one, when was it last changed? It may be full of water. When the spin on cartridge fills most of the way with water it will have enough area to allow a small amount of gas through and you can run slowly. Then, when you ask for more fuel, you ‘out run’ the amount of fuel that can get through the filter and she stumbles.
How did you clean the carb(s)? If you shot carb cleaner in the intake, that does nearly nothing. If you disassembled, cleaned, reassembled per the manual, I’d do it again. I hate to admit it. But, I’ve cleaned mine, thought I did a careful deliberate job and had to do it again. I now do mine yearly as preventative maintenance.
Have you checked your spark plugs?
17’ Henry O Hornet w/ Johnson 88 spl
26’ Palmer Scott project hull
14’ Bentz-Craft w/ Yamaha 25
I replaced plugs around 6 months ago. Just replaced them today and going to throw it in the water and see if that does anything. The plugs were dirty and smelled and looked like gas/oil was on them. West marine didn’t have the anti siphon valve I needed but I inspected mine and it seems to be fine. It’s less than a year old. The guy at west marine said the motor wouldn’t get any gas if the siphon valves was bad. That being said I really don’t trust a word they say over there…
All fishermen are liers except me and you and I’m not sure about you.