Justified, or Petty?

Acceptance? No. But I believe that people make mistakes and when they “do their time” and “make good” on it, then it’s a done deal. I’ve been caught with an expired fishing license before (i.e. “paperwork violation”). I rectified it, and I’m fishing again. Did I “steal your grouper” that day? No, you wouldn’t have caught it anyway :smiley:

If I knew he was illegal and he was taking my customers, he is taking unfair advantage! I’d call the POPO on him!

Originally posted by Easy

If I knew he was illegal and he was taking my customers, he is taking unfair advantage! I’d call the POPO on him!

What is the "unfair advantage"? Not having this piece of paper makes his boat faster to the fishing grounds or something?

Not paying for the license, like I have to do! Not fair!

Originally posted by Easy

Not paying for the license, like I have to do! Not fair!

Okay, I'll give you that. But to say that he is "taking from other's livelihoods" (claim made by others) is stretching it into fiction.
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Easy

Not paying for the license, like I have to do! Not fair!

Okay, I'll give you that. But to say that he is "taking from other's livelihoods" (claim made by others) is stretching it into fiction.

If he doesn’t have to pay for a license, he can operate at a cheaper cost and have a cheaper fee. Customers ■■■■■ to cheaper fees for a equivalent product. If you can’t understand how that is taking from other captain’s livelihoods (or virtually any other industry), then there is nothing further i can explain to you.

Yep! Every customer he takes without a license, his whole fee is out of the pocket of a legal charter operation! Not just the one time, price of a license!

While that is an excellent thesis, I guess you don’t understand that he has his license now, hasn’t changed his prices now that he has a license, and is still taking charters. Thus, what you are saying has proven to be false in this instance.

Just to clarify… Yes, when you break the law, I DO think you have to “do the time”, “pay the fine” whatever you need to do to reconcile\come clean. Also, I DO think he needs to get the license like everyone else. That is fair for sure… But this whole argument of “stealing other’s livelihoods” is silly… That’s my point. That’s blowing it out of proportion.

Originally posted by skinneej

Just to clarify… Yes, when you break the law, I DO think you have to “do the time”, “pay the fine” whatever you need to do to reconcile\come clean. Also, I DO think he needs to get the license like everyone else. That is fair for sure… But this whole argument of “stealing other’s livelihoods” is silly… That’s my point. That’s blowing it out of proportion.

as an illegal, he was taking business that he had no right to. so he was stealing. rumor is James Carville just said the jury is out on a wall btw …

question… i seem understand he goes there often to charter. did he have proper licenses in the past? forget this time? or just cop a “screw 'em, they cant catch me because I run a VMAX”?

You people that debate Skinnee are wasting your time.

How about this scenario,
One guide has to charge $400 for a trip due to all the licenses he purchases
Another guide is able to charge $325 for a trip because he doesn’t buy the license.

IF you run a business there is no excuse for having an expired business license, but he didn’t have an expired one, he didn’t have one at all, so I’m not sure how that is Germaine to the situation. And what the hell do the Germans have to do with it anyway.

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

What’s all this?



Luke 8:22-25

Originally posted by skinneej

While that is an excellent thesis, I guess you don’t understand that he has his license now, hasn’t changed his prices now that he has a license, and is still taking charters. Thus, what you are saying has proven to be false in this instance.

IF you've advertised cheap trips, while you didn't have a license on social media for all the world to see, kinda hard to raise your prices after you get busted and are forced to go legal.

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

Originally posted by CaptFritz

How about this scenario,
One guide has to charge $400 for a trip due to all the licenses he purchases
Another guide is able to charge $325 for a trip because he doesn’t buy the license.

That's an interesting scenario. Is that what ACTUALLY happened, or is that a straw man argument?

I think he charges $400. What do you charge?

Also, why don’t you guys put your rates up on your website? Is there some hidden yankee tax that you add on for those with an accent?

This isn’t about me versus him. This thread is about a guide knowingly breaking the law.

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

Fritz, I agree with you! Not only is he breaking the law, but he’s taking money from other guides, that are in compliance with the laws!

Originally posted by CaptFritz

This isn’t about me versus him. This thread is about a guide knowingly breaking the law.

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

But let's see if your thesis holds water. Afterall you did propose it.

We’ve all broken laws.

Originally posted by Easy

Fritz, I agree with you! Not only is he breaking the law, but he’s taking money from other guides, that are in compliance with the laws!

Breaking the law, sure. Taking money from other guides because he didn't have his paperwork in order. That's simply not true no matter how you spin it.

Fritz is legal, and by the nature of him being in the business, he too is taking money from other guides.

Sweet Jesus my head hurts… must be all the evacu-shaming I just went through last week

“mr keys”

skinneej, Fritz, is in competition with other legal guides! The base of the legal guides, is even! No one starts off with an advantage! After that it’s a price war! But they start out equal! The better guides can demand a higher price! Same as if you want to buy a car! Kia vs BMW! Quality can demand more!