I was on the phone with a good friend today and as usual we were talking about trying to get together and go fishing. He has young kids and like most of us, has mixed success when it comes to putting the kids on fish. He had really been trying to get his daughter on some fish in hopes that she would get hooked and he could begin to look forward to many years of father/daughter time on the water.
The weather looked nice for Saturday and the chance to go outside of the jetties to some of the artificial reefs presented itself so he packed up the kids and headed out. He spent the rest of the day rigging baiting and basically filling the roll of chater mate for the kids. His kids were able to catch plenty of black sea bass and had a blast in the process.
This is the perfect time of year to introduce kids to fishing the reefs. There is normally plenty of action between the black sea bass and the sheepshead to keep the rods moving and the kids reeling for most of the trip. Of course the weather always plays a roll, but if you get the right conditions you may just get the kind of trip to set yourself up with fishing partners for life.
Andy Pickett,
CharlestonFishing.Com</font id=“blue”>