Les Miles

Are you buying this crap about getting rid of him? He wins 72% of his games and his worst season at LSU has been an 8 win season. 72%! Are LSU fans just ridiculous? He’s had 7 10+ win seasons including a national championship. Not to mention what he has meant to the university and local community with all the natural disasters and social unrest. There aren’t any other Nick Sabans out there; get over yourself.

If they fire Miles prepare for years of mediocrity at LSU. Just ask Tennessee how that worked out for them after firing a national championship caliber coach.

Similar situation to Richt getting the heave ho at UGA minus the championship. LSU never seems to have a lot at QB and Miles seems to out think himself at times but I see your point. LSU is always picked to be one of the elite but seems to falter. I’m sure there have been many times Vols fans would have loved to get Fat Phil back.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

He’s not that great of a coach. He pisses off his assistants pretty quickly. But he’s in a talent rich area.

If LSU could pull Tom Herman they should drop Les immediately.

First, Most, Biggest

Originally posted by Great White

He’s not that great of a coach.

“Miles has won 77 percent of his games at LSU. That is a better win percentage as an SEC coach than Spurrier, Richt, Meyer and Saban during his stint with LSU.”

“Miles has seven 10-win seasons during his 11-year tenure with the Tigers. No other coach in LSU history has more than two 10-win campaigns. Miles has won at least 10 games four times since 2010 after rattling off three-consecutive 10-win seasons from 2005-07. For comparison’s sake, UGA’s Mark Richt has nine 10-win seasons in 15 years in Athens, Ga. Former Florida and South Carolina coach Steve Spurrier had 12 10-win seasons in 23 years, which means Miles would be on pace to exceed Spurrier.”

Miles took over a Saban LSU team that went 22-4 the previous two years and had Jimbo fisher as OC his first 2 years at LSU. He’s a tenured coach that still cant run a decent offense or recruit a QB. If he wasn’t in a talent rich area and didn’t get a jump start from Saban/Jimbo he likely wouldn’t be coaching there still. He’s decent, no better. Not on Richt’s level IMO and Richt wouldn’t have let the Honeybadger fail 20 drug test before kicking him off the team. Who know what else goes on that never gets out there.

He will yet again get crushed by Bama.

First, Most, Biggest

Dang that was quick…

Bunch of fools I tell you…