Look At This School Of Redfish I Filmed With Drone

Wow that’s vet in depth, thank you. The goggles actually allow you to see what you’re filming as you’re flying? Also, how high and how far away is the drone capable of reaching before signal is lost?

2007 Pioneer 17’5 Baysport

2012 Malibu Stealth 12 Kayak

“If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there would be a shortage of fishing poles”

Legally only 400 feet up But way higher than you can see and close to a mile maybe more without trees in the way. around 14-21 minutes flight time depending on equipment and flying style. And yes you can look through the goggles and see exactly whats being filmed on the gopro. Pretty cool huh.


how does it handle winds? How windy could it be before you wouldn’t want to fly?

207 CC SeaHunt
Yamaha 150

It really just depends. If it was a feeding frenzy of fish or something really cool I’d
Do it anyway. High risk hi return. But on a 20-25 mph day I’d keep it real low and
Away from water. I’ve never lost one from wind. Mostly too fast of a descend and
Poor judgment on battery charge.


As a photographer I’ve been following the development of the phantom, etc. Still trying to determine what it takes to become competent/confident enough with it to fly over water or edge of line of sight? Watched a lot of videos of major crashes either caused by failure to properly calibrate or by operator disorientation. Do I understand that the controls work opposite depending on whether you’re flying it away or towards you? If so, does the addition of POV googles make orientation easier?
Would love to see a video of the basics of set-up and the limitations to consider.

16’ High Tide Flats (Green) w/Yamaha 90,
Wilderness Ride 135
Wilderness Tarpon 120

You are correct about the crashes. It he orientation still
Stays the same. When flying with the goggles in an area
You know it’s easier to keep your bearings. Only problem with
The goggles is it’s hard to go side to side or backwards unless
You know there’s no obstructions. It takes about a good week or to
Of steady flying to feel comfortable enough to fly over water.
But there is always that fear it could go down for whatever reason .
But if you get what you want it’s worth the risk. The phantom 2 is well worth the money
You can spend 2000-5000 more and only gain maybe 10 mins and enough
Payload for a bigger camera. I’m not an expert by any means but I know what is working for me
I’d be glad to make a video and noting my setup. If I have time tomorrow I will
Post the links on here . I think dji should give me a free one because something tells me
A lot of people on here will probably buy one. Lots of heavy hitters on here I see.
Hurry up and get one and do your thing before they get outlawed for this. That won’t be long.
I heard in Alaska they used them for bear hunting and they have been restricted. It’s understandable I guess. I’m done now.


That is bad to the bone!

Thanks for the info and vid but aren’t you on a fishing vacation? Go catch some!

16’ High Tide Flats (Green) w/Yamaha 90,
Wilderness Ride 135
Wilderness Tarpon 120

Anyone else see a downside to this technique of targeting redfish?

No need to push around looking for them anymore, pull up to a flat area, launch the drone, find them, drop the trolling motor, speed over and drop dat hammer.

As if the pressure in our lovely coastal area isn’t enough already and getting worse, now this?

Maybe I’m just Jelly of folks who have all the bells and whistles to make it “easy” and yall can tell me to go pound sand.

Fish have it hard enough already… discuss :question:

In this particular case he doesn’t fish the schools he locates with the drone that day. He said he feels like it’s an unfair advantage. I personally don’t see to many weekend warriors going out to spend $2,500 to fly a drone around to locate fish. I know I won’t be buying one anytime soon.

07 Scout Winyah Bay 221 Yamaha F150

I doubt we’ll see this as a regular technique. Learning to fly these over water takes as much time, skill and practice as learning to find fish on a boat. Additionally, there’s a high likelihood of loosing your $2K plus investment due to high winds, mechanical failure, or pilot error.
I’m just glad we have talented guys like Caperman to show us these remarkable sights.

16’ High Tide Flats (Green) w/Yamaha 90
Wilderness Ride 135
Wilderness Tarpon 120

It’s not really so easy to find them. There are only a handful of days a year that the water is this slick
I respect your opinion and am conscious about it. I almost didn’t share the video in fear of more regulations
And more drone haters. But it really was cool seeing them like that. I personally don’t feel there is a lot of pressure
On reds. I always catch more than I need and send back even the keepers.


My thoughts were not meant to be a dig on you personally cm4… just an observation.

As far as “pressure” goes… having grown up here, many things have happened that I would never have thought would be “regular” and I’ll choose to respectfully disagree.


PS… some of the kids these days in $60,000 trucks, pulling $40,000 boats are not, I assure you, worried about their dad’s $2k “investment”… or manners for that matter!

You kind of need to know where the fish are first. You get about 20 minutes of fly time per battery. It’s not like you can fly all over the place spotting fish. The conditions have to be (**() near perfect for a video like that. Great video… I’ve been wanting to do something like this for a while but the water is way to stained where I usually fish. I’ve been thinking of using mine to scout creeks to see if the terrain/water is worth sliding back there to check out with a line. I think the 400 ft ceiling is more of a suggestion than a law. The restrictions only really come into play if you’re in the flight path of an airport.

2004 Action Craft 1820
Flats Master SE

Originally posted by Mugil

Anyone else see a downside to this technique of targeting redfish?

No need to push around looking for them anymore, pull up to a flat area, launch the drone, find them, drop the trolling motor, speed over and drop dat hammer.

As if the pressure in our lovely coastal area isn’t enough already and getting worse, now this?

Maybe I’m just Jelly of folks who have all the bells and whistles to make it “easy” and yall can tell me to go pound sand.

Fish have it hard enough already… discuss :question:

Slow down mugil, I know plenty of people that can find them, but still not catch them.

This is no doubt a wave of the future and cool as heck, but I don’t think you’ll be seeing many fishermen flocking to e-bay to buy a drone.

Red fish don’t have near the pressure on them as in the 70’s & 80’s. This isn’t scientific, just personal observation over the years. Over the last few years we have the strongest red fish population I can remember.

As long as that drone is not shooting at me, I’m all right with it.

‘87 Pacemaker 31’ SF
‘04 Renegade 29’ 2 225’s
‘97 Maycraft 17’ 40 hp

Drones can be a huge privacy issue, but I don’t see how this man is doing anything wrong. If I owned a drone, or even a standard remote heli with a camera, I’d be doing the same thing lol.

… The Cross of Christ is the anvil upon which the hammer of evil wore itself out.

Both videos were awesome. The video with your kids was great. It definitely think about fishing back when I was young. Thanks for the sharing.

Your welcome. It is my pleasure. The day I saw one I knew what I would be doing
With it. You do need to know where they are in general but you can also
Use it to run down a shoreline and look for spooked schools. I located a few small schools like that
There really might only be a few days in the summer to do it that clear.
But fall and early winter is a different story. I know a place in georgetown that is
Going to be amazing. I’m talking several 200-300 fish schools and clear water .
I agree about the old days fishing. I remember being a toddler in the back of the old mans
Whaler watching trout and flounder pound th the floor and never saw many reds. I remember he was
Always excited when he landed one. I’d like to thank the owners of this magazine for posting my video
On the home page. I was stopped today at edisto marina today and asked if I was the guy in the videos
He said he watched it so many times and recognized my boat and me from other videos.
I plan on making many more videos of fish since people have given me ideas on here to try
I will also do videos of major rivers and creeks 100’ flyovers with down views of the banks at
Low tide to help fellow fisherman locate possible spots. If it becomes popular I will
Do the whole lowcountry. Thanks for you who liked and shared the video.


Originally posted by MovingZen

I’ve been thinking of using mine to scout creeks to see if the terrain/water is worth sliding back there to check out with a line.

Because it’s too much work to just go look one day and maybe not catch anything?

Not “worth” the time simply being out there. :roll_eyes: