Looking for aluminum welder in Beaufort/HHI

I know it’s not a fishing report and I have already searched and found welders in Charleston and Columbia, looking for someone local that can weld/repair cast aluminum.

Raymond Martin in Hardeeville.
Martin Marine Design
email him. info@martinmarinedesign.com

Tell him I sent you.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

I had problems a couple of years ago with a starter mount ear breaking off my Merc. I don’t know if he’s still in business but there were several people on here at the time that recommended Jim Smith at Unique Welding. He did a fantastic job and had us back on the water very quickly. Sorry but I can’t find his contact info right now…

Someone at Pender Brothers in Beaufort could probably help.

01 Hewes Redfisher, 90 Yam 2 Strk

Thanks for the replies, I used Bob’s Welding out of N. Charleston (I was passing through there and he was the first person to be recommended to me) Did a good job and got it done as I was heading back home.