Lost times

With some inspiration from Fred, what you do recollect, from your youth?

Too many things. I’ve got a good memory for my early years. I remember my Nana’s big cat in England when I was 3 and my Grandfather sitting in his chair and smoking a pipe. I remember all us cousins sleeping on the floor and my Ma ma’s house with the windows up and a fan running in the middle of the summer. I remember that same house in the bed with enough quilts on you that you could barely move and then waking to the smell of bacon and coffee. I remember walking in the water at Night in Florida with Mom and Dad scooping up crabs. I remember stringing Barb Wire from tree to tree along the creek line when dad retired and got cows. I remember the one and only skunk I saw run over in front of the house in this area. I remember my granddad killing a deer running with his .22. Three hits for three hits head shot brought it down. We were squirrel hunting. I remember throwing wild plums at cars and Dad catching me. Bare arse and a belt made me never do it again. I remember being the only White Boy working at Melon’s incorporated in Yemassee. So many memories… I remember having my head shaved bald and all of us sneaking a rub because it felt so funny. I remember going to the pier all by myself and bringing mom home a couple of fish that she would always cook for me when Dad was at work and my brothers were in school. I remember my first deer (it still had spots) and my Grandmother showing me how to skin it and then cooked me some. I think I was 10 and used my .410 with a slug.

Life has been good!

Exactly what I killed my first deer with also. small 6 point ran up on me at my stand when my grandad was scaring them up on horseback in the woods. My grandad got that mounted for me and i still have it. I remember when Daniel Island was where we hunted every Saturday. My grandad worked that land and the hunting was insane. He put me as a kid on all the good stands. i remember shooting all my shells off and running after deer in the cotton field trying to re-load my 20GA to get more shots in. I remember the old guys sitting around at lunch talking and the young guys cleaning all the deer. I remember letting my friend drive my 3 wheeler when dad told me not too and he ran into a barbed wire fence and I got the biggest belt whippin of my life! I remember Chrismas mornings at grandmas with the record player on all day playing old Chrismas songs. I remember most of all, skipping school and sneaking out dad’s 15’ boat and hydrosliding or fishing and getting it cleaned and back in its parking spot right before he got home. I still love the smell of two stroke engines running and everytime I smell it I think about those days.
Good Times…


Dang hammer, I didn’t know you was a local,that’s some good stuff!My pap was one of the horsemen at Medway plantation,it’s kinda unnerving when they’re yelling look out look out to a nine year old kid.They all thought they were confederate cavalry men.haha And yeah,when you smelled that two stroke oil,there was gonna be some guns popping or some fish netted.

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We did a lot of stuff like the movie Stand by me. I remember sneaking one of pap’s pistols out and it really saved our ass.

Oh wow.
I remember when I was about 10 or 11 . Parents went to town. Snuck out the old 12 gauge double barrel. Loaded both barrels cocked both hammers back and pulled the trigger. Both barrels went off. Tore up my thumb up pretty bad on that old scroll trigger guard. Parents got home mom wasn’t halfway down the hallway and could smell the burnt gunpowder. Got my a$$ tore up.
Probably 9 or 10 Grand Daddy come by the house. He had a old pea green station wagon. He always kept his fishing pole and tackle box in the car. I got into his tackle box and sliced the palm of my hand pretty bad. Still have the scar. I tried to sneak in the bathroom and clean it up. Mom seen the trail of blood… Told her I cut it on the Barn door. Got a whooping from Mom for lying. Follow the blood trail back to car. And from Dad for playing in The tackle box. Then took to the hospital for stitches.
Slaughtering hogs and cows in the fall with all my uncles and cousins.
Loading hogs in the trailer to take the auction. My uncle was pushing a hog up in the trailer zapped him with the cattle prod. Oh he was mad if he had got his hands on me.
Catching crawdads out of the creek.
Sitting out back with my dad shooting rabbits and crows from around the garden.
Fixing the brakes on my dad’s truck after he took them apart and couldn’t put them back together.
Seeing my dad sitting in the bleachers with a big grin on his face when I graduated from boot camp with meritorious PFC…
To this day I think back on that and it makes me smile.
Boy I miss them days. Just all a sudden wake up old one day


One of the ‘common’ things is belt whippings, used it on my first son too, before my wife raised so much hell I only whipped my second one tine I remember.

Absolutely no whippings today, even against the law, BUTTTT we had a BETTER nation because of the discipline, and the fear of the belt.

I remember once I ran from my dad, he caught me and sat on me. It was summer, the door was open, screen closed, my shepherd was barking ferociously at dad, and OF COURSE I said “get him shep”???

My best childhood memory is playing little league baseball, my dad was a huge baseball fan, we watched the game of the week on tv every saturday, until I started working at about 14, never stopped working until I was 66, another sign of the times that made our country great!!!

JFK’s Civil Rights Act, and the Viet war were 2 terrible mistakes by this nation in those days IMO. Now the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are VERY TRAGIC marks against our nation too, especially against sorry Joe for his withdrawal fiasco, and OF COURSE, Ben Ghazi against Hillary!!

Now with the Senate in enemy hands, guess the Impeachment of sorry Joe won’t result in removal, same as President Trump.

Our nation has been the target of the evil world forever, because of our humanitarian efforts, including those horrific wars.

Sorry Joe, chuckie, and Nancy have denigrated this nation to the point we are ALMOST a laughing stock, but hopefully RIGHT ones will repair the damage soon???(no RINOS)




JFK’s Civil Rights Act, and the Viet war were 2 terrible mistakes by this nation in those days IMO. Now the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are VERY TRAGIC marks against our nation too, especially against sorry Joe for his withdrawal fiasco, and OF COURSE, Ben Ghazi against Hillary!!

Now with the Senate in enemy hands, guess the Impeachment of sorry Joe won’t result in removal, same as President Trump.

Our nation has been the target of the evil world forever, because of our humanitarian efforts, including those horrific wars.

Sorry Joe, chuckie, and Nancy have denigrated this nation to the point we are ALMOST a laughing stock, but hopefully RIGHT ones will repair the damage soon???(no RINOS)


Really Bib? That’s all you got?

I, genuinely, thought of you when I made this post.

All of the tales you could tell.

Your experience in our Military.

Hunting, and fishing, tales.

Growing up in the tougher times.

If all you want to do is trash my threads, then please,move elsewhere, you’re not welcome here!

No chitt!!

Thanks in advance,


Well done, MN.

Wonder if Bib shows these/his posts at his local VFW Hall??


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ONLY harassment, NOTHING is off the table in Off Topic, BUTTTT like a good Dem, understanding truth is EXTREMELY difficult???

I remember living near an old man that lived by himself that was mean spirited always yelling and gave me the finger whenever I drove by in my 68 ford pickup. He was always on his porch rocking and when the sun hit him he’d fall asleep so I snuck up and tied a 100’ nylon rope around the 2 front legs of his rocker. I took off and he looked like Marty Feldman on barbiturates trying to ride a snowmobile. I took a 45 around a sycamore tree and hurled his ole wrinkled azz into a thicket of bull briars. I got a 6 months suspended sentence for knocking the ole fart off his rocker but they put a statue of me on top of Whitmar’s Tavern. Those were the days.

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Easy. There are “good” Dems. That can discuss logically that understand that their party is not perfect and that there are some extreme things like baby murder, pervert protections, fake climate change , and coverups are wrong. A few. That are not part of the far left fringe , and those are the ones that can contribute to the conversations. The others just hate and hammer away at the same old crap every day.

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Question is, how can they realize the sleaziness of their party and not turn away???

I guess like RINOS, huh???

But my point was some DO realize the truth, but still look the other way, which is TOTALLY UNBELIEVABLE???

I didn’t say they were right. I said that some that don’t swallow all the Dem bull crap can have a logical discussion. I guess I should change that to a civil , respectable discussion. The few around here can’t They ridicule , insult and deflect

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We have taken President Trump’s anger and disgust with the left seriously, while still ATTEMPTING to understand WHY the callousness as we see it(at least me).0[quote=“natureboy, post:16, topic:96342, full:true”]
I didn’t say they were right. I said that some that don’t swallow all the Dem bull crap can have a logical discussion. I guess I should change that to a civil , respectable discussion. The few around here can’t They ridicule , insult and deflect

We do not accept ALL of Donald Trump’s behavior of course, but we overlook it for the sake of our nation, in favor of his GREAT policies, that in our opinions overpower his shortcomings, which by the way, is what you are attempting to do with the logical members of the Democrat party too.

With the Republican party leaders and many supporters turning against the President for personal, more than political reasons, we find that reaction totally unacceptable because of the President’s huge successes for this nation, that NOONE can honestly deny???

The GREATEST successes of any President in America’s history, without debate; therefore he deserves FARRRRR more respect as a President, not a politician, than he is receiving, and that infuriates us all.

McConnell, Pence, Graham, Mccarthey , and too many other RINOS have TURNED against the President, for PERSONAL(and personality) reasons, plus character reasons.

Question is, WHAT is more important, the bad of the President or the good of the nation???

The President’s office is NOT a Pastoral office, if it was that, EXTREMELY few politicians would be qualified to serve, as we know.

You should see by now the “AMERICAN” people don’t want that crap. Hence, the “RED WAVE” failure.



Everyone, this is why there should be no vote, just an administration deleting two “members” that do nothing but stir crap. Not many threads have not got sidelined, but when they are sidelined from a Troll that is B.S. We all knew when they were removed from politics their mean spirited jabs would follow elsewhere and it has not been proven wrong.

This like so many threads was going so grand, until the trash shows up. Mixed, you like myself and others have given Bob time and time again opportunities to enjoy and join in our community discussions… but it’s not happening. snickers?

Back on focus, Easy and OTC, quite a few belt whoppins from my Dad, and a couple from Mom, I was fortunate with my kids, never had to do much discipline. I could take the car keys away from my son for a bad mid term and his grades would be back honor roll. But I would have if they needed it. Fortunately my Grands are all good mannerable kids too. Meme Had them all until kindergarten and they all knew there letters, colors numbers and yes mam no sir manner stuff. She got this for the grands when she was keeping them… only used the one for my grandson… he’s a pistol.

Dad’s tackle box, in the final years the only thing he fished with was a hook and worm on a cane pole in a couple of his ponds.